Course Title
Accident Investigation- Module CH5011
Advanced Assessment in Respiratory Nursing - Module NS6201
Advanced Clinical Practice - Postgraduate Certificate
Advanced Healthcare Practice - MSc
Advanced Practice (Midwifery) - MSc
Advanced Practice (Midwifery) - Postgraduate Certificate
Advanced Practice (Midwifery) - Postgraduate Diploma
Advanced Practice (Nursing) - MSc
Advanced Practice (Nursing) - Postgraduate Certificate
Advanced Practice (Nursing) - Postgraduate Diploma
Advanced Practices of Classification - Module MG2052
Adventure and Water Based Activities with Pedagogy - Module PY4183
Aesthetic and Expressive - Module PY4173
Air Transportation Characteristics - Module AM6001
Aircraft Leasing - Module FI6043
Airworthiness- Professional Diploma
An Chóitseáil Teanga san Ionad Oibre – Language Coaching in the Workplace - Module GA6172
Application of Psychology to Social Issues - Module PS3051
Applications of Psychology for Real Life - Module PS3011
Applications of Security Controls - Module MG2062
Applied Economics and Public Policy Issues - Module EC5002
Applied International Tax Law - Module TX6052
Applied Policing and Criminal Justice - BA
Applied Sports Coaching - MSc
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Module CE6002
Artificial Intelligence - Certificate
Artificial Intelligence - MSc (Online)
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision - Professional Diploma - UL@Work
Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Graduate Diploma
Aviation Human Factors and Safety - Module ME5092
Aviation Leasing and Finance - Professional Diploma
Behaviour Based Safety - Module CH5012
Biocompatibility and Device Design - Module AU4031
Biomolecular Science - MSc (Online)
Building Leadership Capacity in Education through effective goal setting and feedback - Module EN6621
Business Administration Executive - MBA
Business Negotiations - Module BS6122
Climate Adaptation and Sustainability - Professional Diploma
Climate Hazards - Module GY5022
Cognitive Robotics - Professional Diploma - UL@Work
Communication and Interpreting in the Irish Healthcare System - Module BM4071
Communications and Digital Public Relations for Enterprise - Professional Diploma
Community Engagement - Professional Diploma
Community Wellness, Empowerment, Leadership and Life skills (CWELL) - Diploma
Competitive, Team and Individual Based Activities - Module Code PY4213
Computing for Secure Mobile Applications - Certificate
Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy - Module EC5006
Contemporary Issues in Sports Law - Module LA6272
Contemporary Taxation - Professional Diploma
Corporate Airline Finances - Module FI6052
Creative Writing - MA
Curriculum Development and Design - Module BM6003
Cyberphysical Systems Engineering - Undergraduate Certificate
Cybersecurity Law and Regulations - Module CE5041
Cybersecurity Practitioner - BSc (Apprenticeship)
Data Analytics - Module CS5062
Data Analytics - Professional Diploma
Data Analytics and Software Development - Higher Diploma
Data Analytics for Cancer Real World Data Research - Module BM6063
Data Analytics for Tax - Module TX6051
Data Analytics with R - Module MA5021
Data Exploration and Analysis - Module EC5007
Data Literacy for the 21st Century - SO4021
Decision Making with Scarce Resources - Module EC5003
Design for Health and Wellbeing - MSc
Design for Medical Technologies - Professional Diploma
Design Research - Module PD6001
Designing Healthcare Products and Services - Professional Diploma
DevOps and Continuous Software Engineering - Graduate Diploma
DevOps and Data Analytics - Higher Diploma
Digital Content Development - Professional Diploma
Digital PR for Enterprise - Module JM5003
Digital Test and Measurement - CE6022
Digitalisation of Business & Industry Processes - Professional Diploma
Digitalisation Of Process - Module AU5101
Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach
Drug & Alcohol Studies - Diploma (Online)
Economics and Public Policy - Postgraduate Diploma
Edge Computing - Postgraduate Diploma
Education - Master of Education
Education - School Leadership - Master of Education
Educational Leadership (International) - Master of Education
Energy Economics and Policy - Module EC6141
Energy Science and Engineering - Postgraduate Diploma
Engineering - Professional Doctorate (PDEng)
Engineering Practice - MSc
English - MA
Enhancing Critical and Innovative Thinking and Problem Solving - Module PA5032
Environmental Geospatial Data Analysis - Module GY5021
Environmental Impact Assessment - Module ER6421
Environmental Science - Higher Diploma
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma
Equipment Systems Engineer - MEng (Apprenticeship)
Equipment Systems Engineering - Professional Diploma
Evening LLB
Export in the Context of Global Supply Chain - Module MG2082
Family Law - Module LA4081
Frameworks for Supply Chain Management - Module PT5001
Functional Foods and Product Development - MSc
Functional Foods and Product Development - Postgraduate Diploma
Fundamentals of the Law - Module LA4151
Gaeilge - MA
Gathering Data: Meta Issues and Contemporary Practices - Module SO4122
Global Trade Compliance Level 6 - Certificate
Global Trade Compliance Level 7 - Certificate
Guidance Counselling & Lifespan Development - MA
Health & Safety Management System Integration - Module CH5021
Health & Safety: Legislative Context - Module CH5022
Health and Safety - Professional Diploma
Health Professional Leadership - Module NM8012
Health Professions Education - MSc
Health Promotion in Healthcare Practice - Module NS6502
Health Research Methods and Methodology - Module NS6036
Health Services Management - Diploma
Healthcare Practice - Professional Doctorate
Healthcare Product and Service Development - Professional Diploma
History of Art & Design - Certificate
History of Art and Architecture Survey - Module HI6231
History of Family (Online) - MA
History of Family - MA
History of Family and Genealogical Methods - Certificate
Housing Law and Policy - Module LA4056
Human Performance and Innovation - Professional Doctorate
Human Resource Management and the Digital Workplace - Higher Certificate
Human Resource Management and The Future of Work - BA
Ideation and Representation - Module PD6012
Identifying Communication Strategies for Enterprise - Module JM5102
Importing in the Context of Global Supply Chain -Module MG2092
Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare - Module NS6302
Infection Prevention and Control Leadership - MSc
Innovation Management Strategy & Implementation for Community & Voluntary Organisations - Module
Innovation Management – Professional Diploma
Integrated Risk Management - Module IN6002
Intelligent Systems - Professional Diploma - UL@Work
Intercultural Awareness in Diverse Health and Social Care Settings - Module BM6061
Intercultural Care - Module NS6040
Intermediary Studies - Professional Diploma
International Commercial Law - LLM
International Trade Law - Professional Diploma
Introduction To Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things - Module AU5111
Introduction To Data Analytics/Visualisation & Machine Learning - Module AU5112
Introduction to Emerging Technologies - Module EE6211
Introduction to Participatory Health Research for Public & Patient Involvement - Module BM5053
Introduction to Real World Data in Cancer Clinical Research - Module BM6053
Introduction to Scientific Computing for AI - Module CE4021
Introduction to Supply Chain Management - Module PT3001
Journalism and Communication - MA
Jurisprudence - Module LA4131
Law (General) - LLM
Law and Technology - Professional Diploma
Law of Evidence - Module LA4101
Law, Human Rights in Criminal Justice (Online) - LLM / MA
Law, Human Rights in Criminal Justice - LLM / MA
Leadership in Health Professional Education - Module BM6013
Leadership in Health Professions Education
Leading and Managing Infection Prevention and Control - Module NS6192
Leading and Managing Practice - Module NS6035
Leading Organisational Culture in Education - Module EN6611
Lean Sigma Manager - MSc (Apprenticeship)
Lean Thinking / Lean Tools 1- Module AU5041
Learning Design - Module EL5003
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education - Postgraduate Certificate
Local History - Certificate
Local History - MA
Machine Learning for Finance - MSc (Online)
Machine Vision and Image Processing - Module CE5011
Management - Certificate
Management - Diploma
Management and Coordination of Gerontology Care - Module NS6412
Management for Service Businesses - Certificate
Management Practice - BA
Marketing Technology Products- Module AU5032
Mathematical/Analytical Modelling in Supply Chains - Module MF5001
Mathematics for Teaching (Level 8) - Professional Diploma
Medical Device Design - Module AU4024
Medical Software Quality Assurance - Module CS4261
Methods in Participatory Health Research I - Module BM5055
Moderating for Online Environments - Module
Natural Language Processing - Professional Diploma - UL@Work
Natural Language Processing: An Introduction - Module MN5001
Nursing (Dementia Care) - MSc
Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing) - Certificate
Nursing (Older Person) - MSc
Nursing (Palliative Care) - MSc
Nursing (Perioperative Care) - MSc
Nursing (Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Care) - MSc
Nursing (Respiratory Care) - MSc
Nursing - MSc
Operational Technology Security - Professional Diploma - UL@Work
Operations Management - Module MF6001
Optimisation of Health for Performance in Irish Dancers - Postgraduate Certificate
Optimisation of Health for Performance in Irish Dancing 1 - Module CT5041
Optimisation of Health for Performance in Irish Dancing 2 - Module CT5042
OT/ICS Networks and Protocols - Module CE5031
Participatory Health Research - Professional Diploma
Peace and Development Studies - MA
Perinatal Bereavement and Loss - Module NS6122
Perinatal Mental Health - MSc
Philosophical Underpinnings of Gerontology Care - Module NS6411
Posture, Seating and Wheelchair Mobility Across the Life Course - Postgraduate Certificate
Practical and Research in Psychology 2
Practical and Research Psychology 1 - Module PS3021
Principal Engineer - Doctorate (Apprenticeship)
Principles 2: Custom Control - Module MG2072
Principles of Palliative Care in Practice - Module NS6081
Principles of Primary and Community Care - Module NS6034
Principles Underpinning Dementia Care - Module NS6071
Principles Underpinning Peri-Operative Nursing - Module NS6091
Problem Solving Tools & Techniques- Module AU5051
Productive And Healthy Remote Working - Module CE4102
Professional Doctorate (Engineering) - Qualifier Module
Professional Practice - Masters
Professional Writing - Module EL5002
Project & Programme Management Science & Principles - Module MN6901
Project and Programme Management - MSc (Online)
Project Management - Professional Diploma (Online)
Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare - Module NS6038
Psychology - Diploma
Psychosocial Intervention in Mental Health Care - Module NS6092
Public Administration - Graduate Diploma / MA
Public Administration and Law (Online) - Graduate Certificate
Public and Patient Involvement Summer School - Module BM6033
Public Health - MSc
Public History and Cultural Heritage - MA
Public Procurement and Supply Chain Excellence - Certificate
Public Procurement and Supply Chain Excellence - Diploma
Public Procurement Compliance and Support Systems - MN3042
Quality and Regulatory Affairs - BSc
Quality Management, Lean Systems - Professional Diploma
Quality Management, Six Sigma - Professional Diploma
Quality Science Introduction - Module MS6041
Quality Science Statistics 1 - Module MS5431
Regulatory Affairs in (Bio)Pharmaceuticals - Professional Diploma
Research in Health Professions Education - BM6004
Revenue Law and Negotiations - Module LA6221
Risk, Ethics, Governance and Artificial Intelligence - Module IN5103
Safety Planning and Risk Management in Mental Health Care - Module NS6172
Sales and Operations Planning - Module PT6024
School Leadership - Postgraduate Diploma
Secure OT-ICS Networks - Module CE5032
Serious Crime Investigation - Graduate Certificate
Simulation Modelling in Supply Chains - Module IE5002
Sociology (Youth, Community & Social Regeneration) - MA
Sociology and Data Analytics - MSc
Software Development - Higher Diploma
Sports Performance - MSc
Strategic Leadership - Professional Diploma
Strategic Quality Management, Lean Sigma Systems - MSc
Supply Chain Associate - Diploma (Apprenticeship)
Supply Chain Management & Customer Relationship Management - Module MG4917
Supply Chain Management (Production and Inventory Control) - Certificate
Supply Chain Management - BSc
Supply Chain Management - Professional Diploma (Online)
Supply Chain Manager - MSc (Apprenticeship)
Supply Chain Operations - MSc (Online)
Supply Chain Specialist - BSc (Apprenticeship)
Supporting Perinatal Mental Health - Module NS6051
Sustainability - Module GY5032
Sustainable Organisations and Decision Making - Module PM5011
Sustainable Wheelchair Provision - Module PY5101
Sustainable Work - Professional Diploma
Teamwork, Change and Cultural Diversity - Module PT3031
Technical Communication and E-Learning - MA
Technical Writing - Graduate Certificate
The Global Economy - Module EC5004
The National Economy - Module EC5005
Theoretical Underpinnings of Practice Based Inquiry - Module NM8001
Theories of Psychosocial Assessment and Care - Module NS6101
Therapeutic Engagement - Module NS6042
Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia Care - Module NS6062
Therapeutic Interventions in Palliative Care - Module NS6072
Therapeutic Interventions in Respiratory Nursing - Module NS6102
Tracheostomy Care - Module NS6202
Transferable Skills - Professional Diploma
Translating Organisation Aspirations Into Organisation Goals - Module CE4122
Translational Research - Module Code NM8002
Urban Ecosystems Services - Module GY5031
Workplace Transversal Skills - Certificate