Course Details
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Brief Description
This programme is designed to meet the needs of those who are interested in psychology and in particular would like to pursue a career in psychology. This is for candidates who have an existing honours degree (e.g. teaching, physiotherapy, nursing, sports science,and social care among others) but lack the required credits to apply for a psychology conversion course.
Completion of this programme awards students with a 60-credit diploma in psychology which makes them eligible to apply for the MA in Psychology.
Contact the course director Prof Stephen Gallagher stephen.gallagher@ul.ie if you are interested.
(M) Microcreds available:
Modules listed within the Programme Content with an (M) beside them are MicroCreds and can be taken independently.
This programme is primarily designed to meet the needs of those who are interested in psychology and in particular would like to pursue a career in psychology. To have a career in psychology, you must have an accredited undergraduate degree in psychology. It is possible for those who don’t have an accredited degree, but do have an honours degree already to do a psychology conversion course. Entry to those conversion courses, such as our MA in Psychology here in UL, require applicants to have studied 60-credits in psychology in their own degrees. If you don’t have the 60-credits, then this programme is suitable for you. On completion you get a 60-Credit diploma in Psychology (exit award is 30 credits) which makes you eligible to apply for most conversion course.
There are 10 modules in the Diploma
PS3001 Applying Theory and Method in Psychology 1
PS3011 Applications of Psychology for Real Life (M)
PS3021 Practical and Research Psychology 1 (M)
PS3031 Applied Psychology and Practice
PS3041 Perspectives of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
PS3002 Psychology of Healthcare Practice
PS3022 Perspectives on Social Identity
PS3051 Application of Psychology to Social Issues (M)
PS3061 Applying Theory and Method in Psychology 2
PS3071 Practical and Research Psychology 2 (M)
In these modules you will cover aspect of personality, stress, biological aspects of behaviour and learn about, and conduct research in psychology.
(M) A MicroCred is a single module within a larger further award (eg. Certificate, Diploma, Masters). By taking a micro-credential you may be eligible to apply for a credit exemption should you progress to study for a further award.
On Completion of this , You’ll be able to
- Discuss their knowledge of psychology and the science of human behaviour to the real world.
- Critically engage with psychological theory and debates.
- Choose the most appropriate research methods for specific psychological research questions;
- Describe where and how psychology is applied in the real world.
Any honours degree, minimum 2:2 Award and an interest in pursuing a career in psychology.
Guidelines on Completing your Application
- To ensure a speedy assessment of your application, please upload the above documents with your application form – your application cannot be assessed until relevant documentation is uploaded
- Please title appropriately any documents you are uploading with the application form, for example "Supporting Statement", "Undergraduate Transcript", "Postgraduate Transcript", "English Language Certificate" etc.
International students can find more information on eligibility requirements here.
EU - €5,500
Non- EU - €11,000
Once registered, students can apply to pay their fees in instalments. A request for a payment plan should be emailed to student.fees.office@ul.ie.
Further information on fees and payment of fees is available from the Student Fees Office website. All fee related queries should be directed to the Student Fees Office (Phone: +353 61 213 007 or email student.fees.office@ul.ie.)
Who is this course for?
This programme is for those who are interested in psychology and in particular would like to pursue a career in psychology. It is possible for those who don’t have an accredited degree, but do have an honour degree already to do this psychology conversion course.
Entry to those conversion courses, such as our MA in Psychology here in UL, require applicants to have studied 60-credits in psychology in their own degrees. If you don’t have the 60-credits, then this programme is suitable for you. . On completion of this programme you get a 60-Credit diploma in Psychology which makes you eligible to apply for the MA in Psychology
Will I be able to do this course while I work?
What types of roles will they be working in before?
Some people will have prior careers as teachers, physiotherapists, sport scientists or social care professionals including nurses and midwifes among others. Other will come direct from other degree programmes.
What software/ programmes will I be using?
SPSS will be used for the statistics and research modules. The online teaching platform will be Brightspace.
Graduate and Professional Studies
+353 (0)61 234377
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
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