Getting Started

Wishing you a warm welcome to the University of Limerick, as you start your Postgrad / Professional Studies journey. The Summer Semester of the current 2023/24 Academic Year begins for most programmes on Monday 20th May, unless advised otherwise by your Course Director/Administrators.

The side menu bar and the tiles below will provide you with more information to support your introduction to learning at UL. Of particular importance, please note the:

  1. The 'Before You Arrive' requirements which outline the Admin Setup Tasks you will need to complete in order to access our University systems. You will receive an email from UL advising you when to begin these tasks. 
  2. The Programme Induction webpage for information on the preparation elements that take place prior to the commencement of your studies. On this page you can also browse some Welcome Videos, Additional Useful Information, and the Virtual Campus Tour. 

Induction to your Programme of Study

UL's has a new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the 2024/24 Academic Year known as Brightspace. Note that you will have access to Brightspace by the day after you complete your Admin Setup Tasks and you are encouraged to log on to familiarise yourself with the new platform and wealth of supports associated with using it. Your faculty will use this (and/or your new student email) to contact you and inform you about any Induction activities you need to complete ahead of the start of your programme. You should monitor both closely once you have completed your Admin Setup Tasks referenced above. 

What does Induction consist of:

Programme Induction is generally run during the 10 day window ahead of the start of your studies. It comprises of a suite of activities that will provide you with important programme information and will give you exposure to the virtual learning platform. This will enable you to familiarise yourself with the general layout, navigation, structure and underlying interaction mechanisms, without having to worry about academic performance during this period.

Furthermore, it is an opportunity for you to meet fellow peers and UL faculty and start the socialisation process. Programme induction will highlight the significant support structures and resources available to you as a UL Graduate and Professional Studies student. 

Please navigate to the additional pages in this section using the side menu bar or tiles below. 


our campus