Course Details

Course Code(s):
Course Start Date:
Spring 2026
One Semester (12 Weeks)
University Certificate of Study
NFQ Level 9 Minor Award
Faculty: Education and Health Sciences
Course Type: Professional/Flexible
Fees: For Information on Fees, see section below.


Name: School of Nursing and Midwifery

Express Interest

Register your interest here for more information or to be notified when applications are open.

Brief Description

Course commencement is subject to minimum numbers.

Please ensure you enter the Module Code below when applying for this MicroCred. Applications without this cannot be processed.

You may apply for more than one MicroCred under the same application.

his micro-credential represents a single module within a larger further award (eg. Certificate, Diploma, Masters). By taking this micro-credential you may be eligible to apply for a credit exemption should you progress to study for a further award. The programmes associated with this MicroCred are: 

Nurses/midwives are increasingly being recognised as key stakeholders within health service organisations. At specialist and advanced practice levels, nurses/midwives are expected to contribute to safe effective healthcare provision and promote quality care.

This module explores the concept of quality and safety in healthcare in promoting quality patient outcomes.

This module explores the Principles of promoting quality, safety and clinical governance in shaping global healthcare practice; safety culture; quality systems and regulations; patient focus within healthcare; sources and levels of evidence underpinning practice; current national and international projects in evidence based practice; critical thinking; factors influencing clinical decision-making; hierarchies of evidence; strategies to promote quality and safety in promoting quality patient outcomes. Factors influencing the implementation of evidence into practice, enabling and transforming practice.

Learning outcomes:

  • Debate the principles of quality and safety in healthcare.
  • Critically review strategies that promote quality and safety in healthcare.
  • Appraise evidence-based findings in translating knowledge into practice.
  • Critically discuss the influences and challenges in promoting quality and safety.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the commitment to quality and safety in healthcare.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of quality and safety as an evolving movement towards patient/client/woman focused healthcare.
  1. Current registration with relevant professional statutory regulatory body e.g., NMBI, CORU, PHECC
  2. Applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of either prior successful completion of a degree qualification taught through the medium of English or meet criteria identified in the English Language qualifications set by the University of Limerick.

Entry requirements are established to ensure the learner can engage with the course material and assessments, at a level suitable to their needs, and the academic requirements of the module. By applying to this micro-credential, you are confirming that you have reviewed and understand any such requirements, and that you meet the eligibility criteria for admission.

Successful completion of this module does not automatically qualify you for entry into a further award. All programme applicants must meet the entry requirements listed if applying for a further award.

€1,500 EU

Please click here for information on funding and scholarships.