Course Details
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Brief Description
Course commencement is subject to minimum numbers.
English version below
Dearadh an modúl MicriDhintiúr chun tacú leis an gCóitseáil Teanga don Ghaeilge agus don Bhéarla san ionad oibre. Tacóidh idirghabhálacha cóitseála Gaeilge le forbairt seirbhísí ardchaighdeáin trí Ghaeilge sa phobal agus le cur i bhfeidhm Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (Leasú) 2021 san earnáil phoiblí. Freastalóidh seirbhísí cóitseála Béarla ar líon méadaitheach na n-imirceach san ionad oibre in Éirinn a bhfuil Béarla mar dhara teanga nó mar theanga bhreise acu. Oirfidh an cúrsa d’ iarratasóirí atá ag tacú le teangacha oifigiúla i gcomhthéacsanna eile lasmuigh d’Éirinn chomh maith.
The MicroCred is designed to support Language Coaching for Irish and English in the workplace. Irish language coaching interventions will support the development of quality services through Irish in the community, and the implementation of the Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021 in the public sector. English language coaching will cater for the growing number of migrant workers in Ireland for whom English is a second or additional language. The course will suit applicants supporting other official languages in contexts outside of Ireland also.
Please ensure you enter the Module Code when applying for this module. Applications without this cannot be processed.
English version below
Tá an cúrsa dírithe ar rannpháirtithe a bhfuil spéis acu foghlaim faoi conas tacú le foghlaim agus forbairt teanga san ionad oibre. Ó thaobh an Bhéarla de, beidh an cúrsa ina ábhar spéise do rannpháirtithe a bhfuil baint acu le tacaíochtaí teanga d'imircigh le haghaidh raon de shuíomhanna gairmiúla, agus, i gcás na Gaeilge, rannpháirtithe a thacaíonn le húsáid na Gaeilge sa phobal agus i gcomhthéacsanna Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla san earnáil phoiblí. Cuirfear fáilte roimh iarratasóirí atá ag plé le teangacha oifigiúla i gcomhthéacsanna eile lasmuigh d’Éirinn chomh maith.
Is beag scéim fhoirmiúil tacaíochta teanga atá i bhfeidhm san ionad oibre príobháideach nó poiblí don Ghaeilge, nó don Bhéarla mar Dhara Teanga nó mar Theanga Eile (ESOL) in Éirinn. Beidh suim ag rannpháirtithe an mhodúil seo stiúradh a dhéanamh ar chomhdhearadh tionsnamh tacaíochta teanga ina suíomhanna oibre féin ar mhaithe leis an bhfoghlaim teanga a dhéanamh níos praiticiúla, níos éifeachtaí agus níos inbhuanaithe do chomhghleacaithe.
I measc na n-ábhar siollabais tá: an tacaíocht teanga san ionad oibre, róil chleachtóirí, múnlaí, cuir chuige agus comhthéacsanna (comhthéacs mhionteangacha san áireamh); An Chóitseáil Teanga / An Chomhairleoireacht i bhFoghlaim Teanga; neamhspleáchas an fhoghlaimeora, an t-idirphlé machnamhach intinneach agus an scafláil foghlama; uirlisí comhairleoireachta; scileanna an Chóitseálaithe Teanga; an cleachtas machnamhach; mothúcháin agus an chomhairleoireacht teanga; an imní theangeolaíocht; an fhoghlaim bhunathraitheach; timpeallachtaí foghlama dearfacha agus institiúidí dearfacha, an cheannaireacht agus abhcóideacht teanga, an fheasacht chultúrtha agus ilchultúrtha; cuir chuige inbhuanaithe san fhorbairt ghairmiúil leanúnach, agus an taighde agus cleachtas gairmiúil rannpháirtíochta
The course targets participants who would like to learn about how to support language learning and development in workplace settings. In terms of English language, the course will be of interest to participants involved in supporting the learning of English by migrants for a range of professional settings. In the case of Irish, it will suit participants who support the use of Irish in the community or in public sector Official Languages settings. Applicants wishing to focus on the support of official languages in contexts outside of Ireland may do so also.
Few formal language support mechanisms are in place for Irish, or English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL), in either the private or public workplace setting in Ireland. Participants in this module will be interested in leading the co-design of language support initiatives in their workplace setting in order to make language learning more practical, efficient and sustainable.
Syllabus topics include: language support in the workplace; practitioner roles, models, approaches and contexts (including minoritised language context); Language Coaching / Advising in Language Learning (ALL); learner autonomy; intentional reflective dialogue and scaffolding learning; advising tools; the skills of the Language Coach; reflective practice; emotions and advising; linguistic (in)security; transformational learning; positive learning environments and positive institutions; leadership and language advocacy; cultural and multicultural awareness; sustainable approaches to continuous professional development; and participatory professional research and practice.
Torthaí Foghlama / Learning Outcomes
English version below
Nuair a bheidh an modúl seo críochnaithe go rathúil, beidh sé ar a c(h)umas ag an mac léinn:
- a c(h)uid tuiscintí ar theoiricí agus ar chleachtas cóitseála teanga, agus ar an gcaoi a imríonn siad tionchar ar a c(h)ur chuige pearsanta maidir le seirbhís tacaíochta teanga nua a bhunú ina c(h)omhthéacs gairmiúil féin a phlé;
- dul i mbun áisitheoireachta ar idirphlé machnamhach sciliúil intinneach le comhghleacaithe maidir le foghlaim teanga agus úsáid teangacha oifigiúla ina f(h)earann gairmiúil;
- comhstiúrthóireacht a dhéanamh ar phlean forbartha gairmiúla agus plean pearsanta feabhsaithe teanga a phleanáil, a fhorbairt agus a mheas le foghlaimeoir teanga (nó le grúpa d'fhoghlaimeoirí) san ionad oibre;
- meastóireacht chriticiúil a dhéanamh ar chur i bhfeidhm uirlisí chóitseála teanga sa suíomh gairmiúil mar chuid dá c(h)leachtas machnamhach;
- luach a léiriú ar a thábhachtaí atá sé cuir chuige maidir le foghlaim teanga san ionad oibre atá inbhuanaithe, dearfach agus réiteach-dhírithe a chruthú; agus
- tacú leis an ngá atá le forbairt ghairmiúil leanúnach agus le deiseanna líonraithe le cleachtóirí teanga eile sa chomhthéacs gairmiúil.
On successful completion of this module, the students will be able to:
- discuss their understanding of language coaching theories and practice and how these inform a personal approach to the establishment of a new language support service in their professional context;
- engage in facilitating intentional skilful reflective dialogue with colleagues about language learning and the use of official languages in their professional domain;
- co-steer the planning, development and evaluation of a professional development and individualised language improvement plan with a language learner (or group of learners) in the workplace setting;
- critically evaluate the application of language coaching tools in the professional setting using reflective practice;
- value the importance of creating sustainable, positive, and solution-focussed approaches to language learning in the workplace; and
- support the need for continuous professional development and networking with other language practitioners in the professional context.
Measúnú / Assessment
English version below
Déanfar measúnú ar bhonn leanúnach. Iarrfar ar na mic léinn r-phunann machnamhach a choinneáil agus beidh orthu uirlisí éagsúla measúnaithe a roghnú: cur i láthair grúpa, blaganna, cás-staidéar, mar shampla. Beidh gach mac léinn ag plé le teagascóir/cóitseálaí mar chuid den obair chúrsa agus roinnfidh siad léargais agus smaointe mar gheall ar an bhfoghlaim phearsanta agus a gcuid machnaimh sna fóraim phlé ar líne.
Assessment will be on a continuous basis and students will be asked to keep track of their learning in a reflective e-portfolio in addition to choosing from a variety of assessment instruments e.g., group presentation, blogs, case-study. Course work will involve students engaging with a tutor/coach. They will share their insights and learning reflections in the module discussion forum.
English version below
Ní mór dóibh siúd a chuirfidh iarratas isteach ar an modúl bunchéim i ndisciplín cuí ag leibhéal 8 den Chreat Náisiúnta Cáilíochtaí a bheith acu. Beidh ar iarratasóirí a n-éireoidh leo áit a bhaint amach ar an modúl tras-scríbhinn dá gcuid torthaí sa bhunchéim a chur ar fáil. Beifear ag súil leis go mbeidh Leibhéal B2 nó leibhéal níos airde ná sin ar an bhFráma Tagartha Comónta Eorpach (FTCE) sa Bhéarla ag iarratasóirí. Ní mór d'iarratasóirí a bhfuil spéis acu sa chóitseáil i nGaeilge Leibhéal B2 ar an bhFráma Tagartha Comónta Eorpach (nó a chomhionann) a bheith acu sa Ghaeilge. Beifear ag súil leis go mbeidh Leibhéal B2 (FTCE), nó a chomhionann, ina sprioctheanga ag gach iarratasóir eile.
Prospective applicants should have a primary degree at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualification in a relevant discipline. Applicants who are given a place on this module must submit a transcript of their primary degree results. All candidates are expected to hold a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 or above in English. Candidates interested in Irish Language Coaching are expected to hold a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 (or its equivalent) in Irish. Candidates interested in supporting other languages are expected to hold a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 (or its equivalent) in their target language.
Entry requirements are established to ensure the learner can engage with the course material and assessments, at a level suitable to their needs, and the academic requirements of the module. By applying to this micro-credential, you are confirming that you have reviewed and understand any such requirements, and that you meet the eligibility criteria for admission.
Successful completion of this module does not automatically qualify you for entry into a further award. All programme applicants must meet the entry requirements listed if applying for a further award.
Graduate and Professional Studies
+353 (0)61 234377
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
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