Course Details

For Whom:
All Staff
14.00 - 17.00
Alan Lyons
Half Day

Course Overview

What makes an effective person? People who are at the top of their field have a lot in common, and we can learn a lot from their successes and strategies. It is often difficult to know which steps to take to enhance one’s effectiveness. Despite being willing to improve the way we work, we generally don’t know where to start and how to proceed in order to improve our general effectiveness.

In order to tackle this training need we are offering this practical, focused seminar day based on the lessons drawn from Dr Stephen Covey’s bestseller book on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Who should attend?

Anyone seeking to increase their own effectiveness (or that of their team) by practising seven habits based on timeless principles of effectiveness. You will learn through interactive presentations by an expert instructor with experience of the Irish public sector context.


To book a place, please email Please send your request accompanied by your line Manager’s/Head of Department’s approval to clearly stating your department’s cost centre details

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