- Raise the alarm by breaking the nearest available break glass point.
- Phone extension 3333 and the appropriate emergency service will then be contacted immediately. Alternatively, dial 999 on an external line to call the fire brigade.
- If the fire is small and contained faculty/staff should consider using the nearest appropriate appliance provided, ensuring that the extinguisher is compatible with the fire e.g. do not use water on electrical or flammable liquid fires.
IMPORTANT : Under no circumstances should students tackle the fire.
Evacuate the building in the following manner :
- WALK (do not run) to the nearest exit point briskly.
- Do NOT delay to pick up personal belongings. This could hinder evacuation of the building and put not only your own life in danger but also the lives of others.
- Disconnect all electrical appliances.
- Close all doors behind you (where practical).
- Do not use lifts. In the event of an emergency, electrical connections to lifts are disconnected.
- Assemble at the assembly point designated for the building. It is important to assemble at this assembly point, following the routes clearly marked, to avoid congestion and to allow unhindered access to the emergency services.
- During the evacuation and on arrival at the designated assembly points it is essential to follow the steward's instructions as they endeavour to keep adjacent areas clear.
- Do NOT re-enter the buildings until authorised by the assembly point steward.
- To relieve congestion on re-entering the building, it is important to use the same route by which you entered.
Please click here to review all Assembly Points across campus
In an emergency situation, everyone must be able to evacuate the premises quickly and safely. For people with certain physical disabilities and mobility issues, this may be more difficult. In order to ensure that adequate provision has been made to evacuate people with disability and mobility issues, evacuation chairs have been installed in the main teaching buildings. To familiarise yourself with the evacuation chair locations please see read the below:
No. | Location | Serial Number
| Installation Date |
1 | Confirm Centre V94 C928 Level 1 on the front and back stairwells (2 mobility evacuation chairs) | 20201804 20201805
| n/a |
2 | Schuman Building V94 PH93 Level 2 Protected stairwell located near S2-08. | 2050031360 | 29/12/05 |
3 | Kemmy Business School V94 PH93 Level 3 Protected Stairwell adjacent to the road located near KB3-37/38. | 208002404 | 13/03/08 |
4 | Tierney Building V94 NYD3 Level 4- Protected Stairwell opposite the lift. | 212002444 | 16/05/12 |
5 | Computer Science and Information Systems Building V94 NX93 Level 3 Protected Stairwell near Computer Laboratory CS3 005b. | 2050031362 | 29/12/05 |
6 | Foundation Building V94 PX58 Protected Stairwell in the Tower on the right hand side upon exiting main entrance at the fountain. Near office F2-002. Concert Hall Protected Stairwell at the emergency exit on the left hand side of the auditorium. | 20161166
2140021206 | 26/10/16
13/11/14 |
7 | Languages Building Level 2 Protected Stairwell right hand side upon exiting the lift. | 205002227 | 24/02/09 |
8 | Engineering Research Building Protected stairwell, level 3, outside E3001. | 2120021210 | 06/12/12 |
9 | Library & Information Services Building V94 DPY6
2050031364 208002653 20190162 20190161 |
28/12/05 21/05/08 09/02/19 09/02/19 |
10 | Main Building V94 T9PX
2050031365 |
29/12/05 |
11 | Lonsdale Building Protected stairwell located near L2-018. 1st left after the lift. | 210002164 | 01/02/10 |
12 | MSSI Building Level 2 Stairwell of Lonsdale Entrance | 214002303 | 25/03/14 |
13 | Analog Devices Building Level 3 West End Stairwell opposition the Lecture Theatre. Right hand side upon exiting the lift beside AD3-001. | 2016678 | 29/06/16 |
14 | Schrodinger Building V94 PH61 Level 3 Protected Stairwell right hand side upon exiting lift. Access corridor near Drawing Room SR3-005a. | 2050031366 | 29/12/05 |
15 | Physical Education and Sports Sciences Building V94 YDE9 Level 1, Protected Stairwell near P1 036 and P1 046. Level 1, Protected Back Stairwell near P1-031 |
212002474 212002955 |
25/05/12 12/10/12 |
16 | Arena V94 XT66 Level 2 Protected Stairwell located near UA2-001. | 212002308 | 27/03/12 |
17 | Irish World Academy of Music and Dance V94 DK18 Level 2 Protected Stairwell adjacent to Dance Studio IW2-025 | 2090021083 | 19/10/09 |
18 | Graduate Entry Medical School Level 3 Protected Stairway accessed by Stairs GEMS3-031 | 2120021163 | 23/11/12 |
19 | Health Sciences Building V94 X5K6 Level 2 Protected Stairwell near GEMS near Anatomy Lab HS2-012 | 2050031363 | 29/12/05 |
20 | IBC 2 Level 2 stairwell adjacent to toilets | (21) FW2414/3/44 | 19/11/24 |
University of Limerick's Critical Incident Management Plan is drawn up in compliance with the requirements of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 (Part 2 Section 11) which states that it is the duty of employers to prepare and revise adequate plans to be followed in emergencies. The main aims of the crisis/incident management are:
- the preservation of life
- the protection of property
- continuity of University operations
The aim of the Critical Incident Management Plan is to set out the duties and responsibilities of University staff in the event of a campus-wide incident or a crisis which may affect the operation and/or reputation of the University.
Please click the link Building Emergency Plans for detailed information.