The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 (The Act) states that only persons conducting Relevant Work or Activities (a regular and necessary part of) relating to Children and/or Vulnerable Persons as defined in Schedule 1 of the Act will be subject to vetting.
The following assessment sheet SF027.3 Garda Vetting FPC Assessment Sheet can be utilised by divisions/departments to identify roles that require vetting and foreign police clearance within their area.
The University of Limerick liaises with the Garda National Vetting Bureau (GNVB) for criminal record disclosures. PLEASE NOTE: the Garda Vetting application form, which you complete online, only covers addresses in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. For overseas clearance, see Foreign Police Clearance Guidelines below.
The current Re-Vetting period is 3yrs.
The steps applicants must follow are explained below. Please follow each step carefully in order to ensure the application is processed smoothly.
Step 1: Complete a Vetting Invitation Form (Follow guidelines on page 1 of the Vetting Invitation Form). Please see below examples of text to be inserted into " Role being vetted for" . References taken from Schedule 1 of the Act.
- School Placement Tutor- attends onsite secondary schools supervising university students placement Schedule 1, Part 1, 1(b) & 5
- Dietitian Practice Tutor-oversee students’ performance in practice providing treatment to children and vulnerable persons Schedule 1, Part 1, 1(c) & 3 Part 2 1b & 2.
Step 2: Complete a Proof of Identity UL Staff or Proof of Identity Affiliate Organisations and gather the required proof of identity documents. (Utilising the 100 point check personal identification system provided on the form).
Step 3: Send all completed documents from Steps 1 and 2 above to ulstaffgardavetting@ul.ie
IMPORTANT - Before submission please check 1-3 below, requirements under national vetting bureau procedures.
- Vetting Invitation Form -The Vetting Invitation Form from Step 1 is manually signed and the consent box is ticked.
- Proof of Identity Form - from Step 2 requires a signature AND printed name of designated person.
- ID documents
- Manager checks original ID documents.
- Manager confirms applicants identity and proof of address (dated within last 6 months) by signing and printing name on Proof of Identity Form.
- Signed copies of ID documents are submitted.
Step 4: After review and acceptance of your manually signed Vetting Invitation Form and Proof of Identity, you will;
- Receive an e-mail from the National Vetting Bureau with a direct link to online vetting application
- Have 30 days to complete and submit the online vetting application.
The E-Vetting User Guide will provide you with assistance in completing your online vetting application.
Step 5: The National Vetting Bureau processes the application and forwards a Vetting Disclosure to the relevant organisation**.
Step 6: The relevant organisation** views the Vetting Disclosure and notifies the line manager.
Step 7: If under the age of 18, a Parent/Guardian Consent Form is also required.
**The Relevant Organisation is the University of Limerick. The University's affiliate organisations shall carry out the Proof of Identity checks on their vetting subjects and retain copies of all proof of identity documents.
Foreign Police Clearance (FPC) Guidelines
For applicants who have resided outside of Ireland (inclusive of Northern Ireland) for a cumulative period of 36 months or more over the age of 18 years, they must also furnish a Foreign Police Certificate (FPC) from the country or countries of residence. The University, however, reserves the right to request FPC for a lesser period if it so requires. This certificate should state that the applicant has no convictions recorded against them while residing there or the certificate should disclose any convictions recorded against the applicant during the term of residence.
Applicants who require FPCs will need to:
- provide a separate FPC for each country resided in for 12 months or more (i.e. where they have resided outside of Ireland for a cumulative period of 36 months or more since the age of 18);
- ensure the FPCs are dated to take account of their most recent residency in the country/countries;
- provide a certified translation in English, where necessary;
- contact the appropriate embassy to obtain the necessary FPCs;
Providing FPCs is the responsibility of the applicant.
The below link provides a list of countries and organisation contacts that may assist you in acquiring your Foreign Police Clearance Certificate(s). Obtaining Police Clearance(s)