Throughout our lives we meet challenges, that had we had the support of a Mentor, we perhaps would have done things differently. Have you ever asked yourself the following questions: Where can I get advice on new responsibilities? What opportunities for promotion exist in the University? How can I apply for a different post? How can I successfully apply for funding? Is job-sharing for me? Where can I find out how the accounts system works? How can I get a grip on UL culture? I am finding my management role challenging, can anyone offer me advice? A Mentor can possibly help you. There are often answers ( or at least pointers) if we only knew where to get them!
The aim of this mentoring initiative is to provide a platform through which experiences can be shared on a one-to-one informal basis, thus providing support to people at various stages in their careers.
Mentor & Mentee Application Forms:
To access the following listed Documents, click on the titles:
HR Talent Development provides mentor and mentee training which will help you be clear on what to expect from mentoring and give practical guidance on how to make your mentoring relationship as successful as possible.
For more details on this training see the Talent Development (HR) space on UL Connect.
Read Nature’s take on "What Makes a Good Mentor”
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