
Title: Working Together Online: Establishing a Learning Community, Organising and Working in Study Groups

Description: Learning happens formally and informally through social interactions; i.e. with the lecturer and between students. These interactions form the basis of what’s called a learning community. In this workshop, we will discuss how to develop a learning community. You will also learn about how to organise online study groups and why they can enrich your learning experience.

Duration: 30 minutes

This workshop will run on

  1. Wednesday Oct. 6th @ 2:00pm (Register here)
  2. Wednesday Oct. 20th @ 12:00pm (Register here)
  3. Wednesday Oct. 27th @ 12:00pm (Register here)


Presenter: Mike Wride, Centre for Transformative Learning

Download workshop materials: | Slides

Target Audience: All UL students


Phone: 061 234652

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