Staff Training


To get you started on Brightspace, we have a number of recordings available to you in this section.

The first are 3 recorded sessions  which give an introduction to the various elements available within Brightspace, and will give you enough information and instruction to starting adding content to your module. The videos include a table of contents outlining the content of each session, and important links (such as links to TopDesk and the Brightspace Knowledge Base). Once you've viewed the videos, use your Sandbox to practice your new skills. 

We also have recorded sessions available on using the Quiz tool in Brightspace. These videos look at the Quiz tool in a little more detail than Sessions 1-3. 

You might also like to take a look at how your colleagues use Brightspace at UL.

Brightspace Instructor Training

Sessions and Topics

Brightspace Training for Instructors
Session 1: Getting Started Session 2: Getting your Module Ready for Delivery Session 3: Assessment 

This is an introductory session, designed to help you navigate the new VLE.


  • Course Navigation
  • Module Structure
  • Creating and Managing Content
  • Using External Tools (Panopto, BBB, Teams, Leganto)

View Session 1 webinar Playlist (1:02:00)


This session covers communication tools and making your module live.


  • Communicating with Students
  • Calendar, Announcements 
  • Assignments, Discussions
  • Intelligent Agents and Replace Strings

View Session 2 webinar Playlist (51:26)


Brightspace offers advanced grading options. This session will provide an overview of the basics of this functionality and best practice tips.


  • Introduction to Grading
  • Assignments & Feedback
  • Turnitin integration
  • Grading discussions
  • Introduction to Gradebook
  • Rubrics.
  • using Quick Eval
  • Using Class Progress

View Session 3 webinar (47.54)





Note: we recommend that you review the self-directed Brightspace 101 training course (available to you within Brightspace) before attending training and the resources in this course will remain available to you as a reference.