
Title: Excel Essentials: Data Entry, Tables and Charts

Description: Microsoft Excel has a multitude of functions and so its usefulness in today's world should not be overlooked. This workshop will give students the confidence to input, format and present data in a visually appealing way as well as learn some basic formulas to analyse and draw inferences from data.

Duration: 30 minutes

This workshop will run on

  1. Friday Sept. 24th @ 1:30pm (Register here)
  2. Monday Oct. 4th @ 12:30pm (Register here)
  3. Thursday Oct. 21st @ 11:00am (Register here)
  4. Thursday Oct. 28th @ 11:00am (Register here)


Presenter: Jasmine Ryan, UL Student Associate Intern on EDTL project, Centre for Transformative Learning (CTL)

Download workshop materials: | Slides | Activity File |

Target Audience: All UL students


Phone: 061 234652

For Integrated Curriculum Development Framework queries, contact for further information or to request assistance.

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