Quality Policy Statement
The Buildings and Estates Department at the University of Limerick develops, provides and maintains the environment and infrastructure that enables the University of Limerick to carry out its mission of achieving excellence in teaching and research.
The vision of the University of Limerick, as articulated in the Strategic Plan, requires the provision of outstanding physical facilities for the pursuit of academic, cultural, and recreational activities. The Buildings and Estates Department provides the framework for the infrastructure that realises this vision through the Campus/Physical Development Plan. Furthermore, through implementing its own Strategic Plan the Buildings and Estates Department assists in the delivery of the University’s Strategic Plan.
Our ethos is: "To sustain and seek to continuously improve the quality of all services which we provide to the campus community." Please see our Quality Manual.
QMS and Key service procedures

We are committed to the implementation of a quality system that meets a wide variety of customer requirements. We and our customer's value:
- Flexibility in our processes and services
- Adaptability to changing circumstances and continuous growth
- A presence / network / community
- Commitment to continuous improvement.
- Environment
- Health and Safety
Please see our Customer Charter
Quality Contacts
Quality Team Leaders: Chris Fogarty, Ian O'Donoghue, Eric Crowe
Quality Assessors:
Customer Surveys
Click below to access the executive summaries of surveys conducted with Buildings and Estates customers since 2008
Quality Meetings
The key Quality meeting where the department reviews all departmental quality activity and objectives are called the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) meeting. As indicated by its title, it is held on a quarterly basis. The review of key customer feedback and quality trends is a standing item at QBR meetings.
The Buildings and Estates Department conducts internal or interdepartmental audits. The department's next audit is scheduled for November 2019. The schedule can be seen in the Audit Schedule November 2019.