We have over 100 micro-credentials that have received between 50% and 80% funding under the HCI Micro-Credential Course Learner Subsidy. Making it even easier for you to take the next step towards further study. 

Spring 2025

MicroCred Page Link Delivery Mode Duration
Advanced Practices of Classification  Online 12 weeks
An Chóitseáil Teanga san Ionad Oibre – Language Coaching in the Workplace Online 12 weeks
Applications of Security Controls  Online 12 weeks

Application of Psychology to Social Issues

Online 12 weeks
Applied Economics and Public Policy Issues Online 12 weeks
Applied International Tax Law  Online 8 weeks
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning  Online 7 weeks
Behaviour Based Safety  Online 6 weeks
Biocompatibility and Device Design Blended 12 weeks
Business Negotiations Online 6 weeks
Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy Online 12 weeks
Data Analytics Online 7 weeks
Enhancing Critical and Innovative Thinking and Problem Solving Online 6 weeks
Environmental Geospatial Data Analysis Online 6 weeks
Export in the Context of Global Supply Chain  Online 6 weeks
Frameworks for Supply Chain Management  Online 5 weeks
Health & Safety: Legislative Context Online 6 weeks
Health Promotion in Healthcare Practice Blended 12 weeks
Ideation And Representation Blended 6 weeks
Importing in the Context of Global Supply Chain  Online 6 weeks
Integrated Risk Management  Online 11 weeks

Intercultural Awareness in Diverse Health and Social Care Settings

Blended 6 weeks
Intercultural Care Blended 12 weeks
Introduction To Data Analytics/Visualisation & Machine Learning Blended- 1 day site visit, everything else online  13 weeks
Leading and Managing Infection Prevention and Control Blended 12 weeks
Lean Thinking / Lean Tools 1 Online 15 weeks
Learning Design Online 6 weeks
Management and Co-Ordination of Gerotology Care Blended 12 weeks
Mathematical/Analytical Modelling in Supply Chains  Online 5 weeks
Medical Device Design Blended 12 weeks
Operations Management  Online 5 weeks
Perinatal Bereavement and Loss Blended 12 weeks
Practical and Research in Psychology 2 Online 12 weeks
Principles 2: Custom Control  Online 6 weeks
Problem Solving Tools & Techniques Online 15 weeks
Productive And Healthy Remote Working Online 5 weeks
Professional Doctorate in Engineering Qualifier Blended - 1 day on campus, everything else online  12 weeks
Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare Blended 12 weeks
Psychosocial Intervention in Mental Health Care Blended 12 weeks
Quality Science Introduction Online 15 weeks
Quality Science Statistics 1  Online 5 weeks
Safety Planning and Risk Management in HealthCare Blended 12 weeks
Sales and Operations Planning Online 5 weeks
Secure OT-ICS Networks Online 12 weeks
Teamwork, Change and Cultural Diversity Online 5 weeks
The Global Economy Online 12 weeks
Therapeutic Engagement Blended 12 weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia Care Blended 12 weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Palliative Care Blended 12 weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Respiratory Nursing  Blended 12 weeks
Tracheostomy Care Blended 12 weeks
Translating Organisation Aspirations Into Organisation Goals Online 5 weeks
Urban Ecosystem Services Online 6 weeks