Dr. Daniel Toal
Daniel Toal is Chair of Electrical Engineering and Robotics in the ECE Department at UL and Director of the Centre for Robotics & Intelligent Systems. Born in Dublin, Dan is a chartered engineer in Electrical and Systems Engineering: (Hons Dip Elec Eng, Dublin Institute of Technology; BSc (eng) University of Dublin (TCD) 1984; MSc - Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Cranfield University, UK, 1986; PhD Marine Robotics, University of Limerick (UL) 2004). He has worked in the Electrical Power and High Voltage sector with GEC in Britain. He has worked in Automation Research and Systems Engineering including major systems engineering reorganization projects in the UK and Ireland and has worked in AMT consultancy in the electronics industry sector. Dan has taught: Automation, Robotics, Instrumentation, Avionics, Sensors, Electrical Machines. His research interests include renewable energy integration and field robotics for challenging environments (land-based, marine, airborne / ROVs, AUVs, UAVs). Successes in research are the result of hard work driven by the vision that the Marine Technology, Ocean Environment; Renewable Energy Sectors will grow in crucial importance. Daniel is the founder and director of CRIS the Center for Robotics & Intelligent Systems at the University of Limerick and is Co PI of the SFI Centre MaREI - Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland www.marei.ie. With the CRIS research team, Dan has led the design/build and operation of robotic platforms in the field including smart vehicles, ROV Latis, ROV Étaín and ROV Éad, unmanned airborne systems and many other platforms. On-going research addresses unique challenges of operating in 'high energy' wind, wave and tidal regimes of marine renewable and airborne wind energy. Research also addresses robotic platform development for response in offshore marine incidents, search and rescue (SAR) and marine salvage. Dan is collaborating with research and industrial partners in Ireland, across Europe and North America. He has been chief scientist for numerous offshore research surveys on Celtic Explorer, Celtic Voyager, INS LÉ Eithne, and other vessels. Dan has been awarded the Denny Medal - best journal paper award 2007/2008 - Journal of Marine Engineering Technology. He has given numerous Plenary talks internationally. Dan has published numerous journal articles, books/book chapters, conference papers and conference proceedings, invention disclosures, and has granted patents in sonar technology and renewable energy. For more information on his publications, check his ORCID profile: orcid.org/0000-0003-3601-9216.Research Interests
Marine technology: Renewable ocean energy: Marine, airborne systems & land based robotics: Controller design; Controller & payload sensor systems development and integration; Obstacle avoidance & imaging sonar; Camera and vision systems, Seabed / Deep ocean mapping.Robot motion control - articulation of limbs and novel control approaches to their implementation. Intervention robotics (for inspection, repair and maintenance (IRM) in challenging marine and remote environments. The emphasis of the research application domain focus is in the marine environment and other remote and challenging environments where robot deployment will enable access where not possible before.Professional Activities
- 2018 University of Limerick - Professor, Chair of Electrical Engineering & Robotics
- 2015 University of Limerick - Associate Professor
- 2007 ECE, UL - Senior Lecturer.
- 1998 Wismar Hochschule, Germany. - Visiting Lecturer, Erasmus Mundus
- 1996 University of Limerick - Lecturer
- 1994 ECE, UL. - Assistant Lecturer
- 1988 AMT Research Unit, UL. - Part-time Lecturer
- 1988 AMT Research Unit, UL - Project Manager & AMT Consultant
- 1985 GEC Switchgear, Manchester. - High Voltage Test Engineer & Manufacturing Systems Engineer
- 2017 EP2647098. - Improvements in relation to wind farms
- 2012 EP 2,165,214 - A method and apparatus for determining the topography of a seafloor and a vessel comprising the apparatus
- 2012 US 8,305,841 B1 - Method and apparatus for determining the topography of a seafloor and a vessel comprising the apparatus
- 2008 - Denny Medal, Award for best paper 2007/'08 - Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
- 2006 Member, IEEE, Institution of Electronic & Electrical Engineers
- 1988 MIEI, CEng, Internatiuonal Register of Professional Engineers , Engineers Ireland
- 2004 University of Limerick - Ph.D.
- 1986 Cranfield Institute of Technology - M.Sc.
- 1984 TCD - B.Sc.(eng)
- 1984 DIT - Hon Dip Elec Eng
- 1899 IFAC TC on Marine Systems (International Federation of Automatic Control Technical Committee on Marine Systems),
Peer Reviewed Journals
Vision-Based Localization System Suited to Resident Underwater Vehicles
Trslić P.;Weir A.;Riordan J.;Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Dooly G. (2020) Vision-Based Localization System Suited to Resident Underwater Vehicles. Journal Of Sensors
Neuro-fuzzy dynamic position prediction for autonomous work-class ROV docking
Trslić P.;Omerdic E.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2020) Neuro-fuzzy dynamic position prediction for autonomous work-class ROV docking. Sensors (Switzerland)
Underwater image enhancement and mosaicking system based on A-KAZE feature matching
Kazerouni I.A.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2020) Underwater image enhancement and mosaicking system based on A-KAZE feature matching. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Experimental rig investigation of a direct interconnection technique for airborne wind energy systems
Salari M.E.;Coleman J.;O'Donnell C.;Toal D. (2020) Experimental rig investigation of a direct interconnection technique for airborne wind energy systems. International Journal Of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Geometric insight into the control allocation problem for open-frame ROVs and visualisation of solution
Omerdic E.;Trslic P.;Kaknjo A.;Weir A.;Rao M.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2020) Geometric insight into the control allocation problem for open-frame ROVs and visualisation of solution. Robotics
Vision based autonomous docking for work class ROVs
Trslic P.;Rossi M.;Robinson L.;O'Donnel C.;Weir A.;Coleman J.;Riordan J.;Omerdic E.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2020) Vision based autonomous docking for work class ROVs. Ocean Engineering
Real-Time Secure/Unsecure Video Latency Measurement/Analysis with FPGA-Based Bump-in-the-Wire Security
Kaknjo A.;Rao M.;Omerdic E.;Newe T.;Toal D. (2019) Real-Time Secure/Unsecure Video Latency Measurement/Analysis with FPGA-Based Bump-in-the-Wire Security. Journal Of Sensors
Interdisciplinary methodology to extend technology readiness levels in SONAR simulation from laboratory validation to hydrography demonstrator
Riordan J.;Flannery F.;Toal D.;Rossi M.;Dooly G. (2019) Interdisciplinary methodology to extend technology readiness levels in SONAR simulation from laboratory validation to hydrography demonstrator. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
A Low-Cost Motion Capture System for Small-Scale Wave Energy Device Tank Testing
Paparella, F;Sivcev, S;Toal, D;Ringwood, JV (2019) A Low-Cost Motion Capture System for Small-Scale Wave Energy Device Tank Testing. NEW YORK : ASME Journal Of Dynamic Systems Measurement And Control-Transactions Of The Asme
Analysis of direct interconnection technique for offshore airborne wind energy systems under normal and fault conditions
Salari, ME;Coleman, J;Toal, D (2019) Analysis of direct interconnection technique for offshore airborne wind energy systems under normal and fault conditions. OXFORD : PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD Renewable Energy :284-296
Real-Time Underwater StereoFusion
Rossi, M;Trslic, P;Sivcev, S;Riordan, J;Toal, D;Dooly, G (2018) Real-Time Underwater StereoFusion. BASEL : MDPI Journal Of Sensors
Collision Detection for Underwater ROV Manipulator Systems
Sivcev, S;Rossi, M;Coleman, J;Omerdic, E;Dooly, G;Toal, D (2018) Collision Detection for Underwater ROV Manipulator Systems. BASEL : MDPI Journal Of Sensors
Fault-Tolerant Control for ROVs Using Control Reallocation and Power Isolation
Capocci, R;Omerdic, E;Dooly, G;Toal, D (2018) Fault-Tolerant Control for ROVs Using Control Reallocation and Power Isolation. BASEL : MDPI Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application
Rao, M.;Newe, T.;Omerdic, E.;Kaknjo, A.;Elgenaidi, W.;Mathur, A.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Toal, D.; (2018) Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application. Journal Of Information Security And Applications
Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application
Rao, M.;Newe, T.;Omerdic, E.;Kaknjo, A.;Elgenaidi, W.;Mathur, A.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Toal, D.; (2018) Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application. Journal Of Information Security And Applications
Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application
Rao, M,Newe, T,Omerdic, E,Kaknjo, A,Elgenaidi, W,Mathur, A,Dooly, G,Lewis, E,Toal, D (2018) Bump in the wire (BITW) security solution for a marine ROV remote control application. Journal Of Information Security And Applications :111-121
Power Control of Direct Interconnection Technique for Airborne Wind Energy Systems
Salari, ME;Coleman, J;Toal, D (2018) Power Control of Direct Interconnection Technique for Airborne Wind Energy Systems. BASEL : MDPI Energies
An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core
Rao, M.;Newe, T.;Omerdic, E.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Toal, D.; (2018) An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core. International Journal Of Internet Protocol Technology
Real-Time Video Latency Measurement between a Robot and Its Remote Control Station: Causes and Mitigation
Kaknjo, A;Rao, M;Omerdic, E;Robinson, L;Toal, D;Newe, T (2018) Real-Time Video Latency Measurement between a Robot and Its Remote Control Station: Causes and Mitigation. LONDON : WILEY-HINDAWI Wireless Communications &Amp; Mobile Computing
An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core
Rao, M.;Newe, T.;Omerdic, E.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Toal, D.; (2018) An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core. International Journal Of Internet Protocol Technology
An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core
Rao, M;Newe, T;Omerdic, E;Dooly, G;Lewis, E;Toal, D (2018) An efficient implementation of FPGA based high speed IPSec (AH/ESP) core. GENEVA : INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD International Journal Of Internet Protocol Technology :97-109
Fully automatic visual servoing control for work-class marine intervention ROVs
Sivcev, S;Rossi, M;Coleman, J;Dooly, G;Omerdic, E;Toal, D (2018) Fully automatic visual servoing control for work-class marine intervention ROVs. OXFORD : PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD Control Engineering Practice :153-167
Development and Testing of a Control System for the Automatic Flight of Tethered Parafoils
Coleman, J,Ahmad, H,Toal, D (2017) Development and Testing of a Control System for the Automatic Flight of Tethered Parafoils. Journal Of Field Robotics :519-538
Underwater Depth and Temperature Sensing Based on Fiber Optic Technology for Marine and Fresh Water Applications
Duraibabu, DB,Leen, G,Toal, D,Newe, T,Lewis, E,Dooly, G (2017) Underwater Depth and Temperature Sensing Based on Fiber Optic Technology for Marine and Fresh Water Applications. Sensors
An Optical Fibre Depth (Pressure) Sensor for Remote Operated Vehicles in Underwater Applications
Duraibabu, DB,Poeggel, S,Omerdic, E,Capocci, R,Lewis, E,Newe, T,Leen, G,Toal, D,Dooly, G (2017) An Optical Fibre Depth (Pressure) Sensor for Remote Operated Vehicles in Underwater Applications. Sensors
A secure end-to-end IoT solution
Mathur, A,Newe, T,Elgenaidi, W,Rao, M,Dooly, G,Toal, D (2017) A secure end-to-end IoT solution. Sensors And Actuators A-Physical :291-299
Secure and Efficient Key Coordination Algorithm for Line Topology Network Maintenance for Use in Maritime Wireless Sensor Networks
Elgenaidi, W,Newe, T,O'Connell, E,Toal, D,Dooly, G (2016) Secure and Efficient Key Coordination Algorithm for Line Topology Network Maintenance for Use in Maritime Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors
Analysis of active power control algorithms of variable speed wind generators for power system frequency stabilization
Osmic, J,Kusljugic, M,Becirovic, E,Toal, D (2016) Analysis of active power control algorithms of variable speed wind generators for power system frequency stabilization. Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences :234-246
Unmanned vehicles for maritime spill response case study: Exercise Cathach
Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Coleman J.;Miller L.;Kaknjo A.;Hayes J.;Braga J.;Ferreira F.;Conlon H.;Barry H.;Marcos-Olaya J.;Tuohy T.;Sousa J.;Toal D. (2016) Unmanned vehicles for maritime spill response case study: Exercise Cathach. Marine Pollution Bulletin :528-538
Unmanned vehicles for maritime spill response case study: Exercise Cathach
Dooly, G,Omerdic, E,Coleman, J,Miller, L,Kaknjo, A,Hayes, J,Braga, J,Ferreira, F,Conlon, H,Barry, H,Marcos-Olaya, J,Tuohy, T,Sousa, J,Toal, D (2016) Unmanned vehicles for maritime spill response case study: Exercise Cathach. Marine Pollution Bulletin :528-538
Measurement of Network Latency in Remote Presence Applications
Kaknjo A.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2016) Measurement of Network Latency in Remote Presence Applications. IFAC-PapersOnLine :193-198
UUV's in maritime spill response Exercise Cathach
Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Coleman J.;Braga J.;Ferreira F.;Hayes J.;Conlon H.;Sousa J.;Toal D. (2015) UUV's in maritime spill response Exercise Cathach. IFAC-PapersOnLine :88-93
Modelling of a synchronous offshore pumping mode airborne wind energy farm
Coleman, J,Ahmad, H,Pican, E,Toal, D (2014) Modelling of a synchronous offshore pumping mode airborne wind energy farm. Energy :569-578
Non-Reversing Generators in a Novel Design for Pumping Mode Airborne Wind Energy Farm
Coleman, J,Ahmad, H,Pican, E,Toal, D,Ahrens, U,Diehl, M,Schmehl, R (2014) Non-Reversing Generators in a Novel Design for Pumping Mode Airborne Wind Energy Farm. Airborne Wind Energy :587-597
Real-Time Adaptive Control of Multiple Colocated Acoustic Sensors for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Thurman, E,Riordan, J,Toal, D (2013) Real-Time Adaptive Control of Multiple Colocated Acoustic Sensors for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering :419-432
Analysis of active power control algorithms of variable speed wind generators for power system frequency stabilization
Osmic J, Kusljugici M, Becirovic E, Toal D (2013) Analysis of active power control algorithms of variable speed wind generators for power system frequency stabilization. Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Scien
ROV LATIS: next generation smart underwater vehicle
Omerdic, E,Toal, D,Nolan, S,Ahmad, H,Roberts, GN,Sutton, R (2012) ROV LATIS: next generation smart underwater vehicle. Further Advances In Unmanned Marine Vehicles :9-44
Analysis of parallel connected synchronous generators in a novel offshore wind farm model
Pican E, Omerdic E, Toal D, Leahy M (2011) Analysis of parallel connected synchronous generators in a novel offshore wind farm model. Energy :6387-6397
Direct interconnection of offshore electricity generators
Pican E, Omerdic E, Toal D, Leahy M (2011) Direct interconnection of offshore electricity generators. Energy :1543-1553
Multi-mode Operations Marine Robotic Vehicle - a Mechatronics Case Study
Toal, D,Omerdic, E,Riordan, J,Nolan, S,Bradley, D,Russell, DW (2010) Multi-mode Operations Marine Robotic Vehicle - a Mechatronics Case Study. Mechatronics In Action: Case Studies In Mechatronics - Applications And Education :103-120
Extending ROVs meeting the challenges in offshore science and industry
Toal D, Nolan S, Omerdic E, Hammad A and Horgan J (2010) Extending ROVs meeting the challenges in offshore science and industry. St John's Journal Of Ocean Technology :9-19
Terrain-adaptive ping sequencing of UUV integrated multibeam echosounder and sidescan sonar systems
Thurman E, Riordan J, Toal D (2010) Terrain-adaptive ping sequencing of UUV integrated multibeam echosounder and sidescan sonar systems. Journal Of Marine Engineering And Technology :37-46
Assistive tools for system integration, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of ocean energy devices
Omerdic E, Toal D, Leahy M (2010) Assistive tools for system integration, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of ocean energy devices. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal Of Engineering For The Maritime Environment :155-172
Novel multi-sonar controller and other advanced features developed and tested on Latis, a smart, remotely operated vehicle
Toal, D; Riordan, J; Thurman, E; Ahmad, H (2010) Novel multi-sonar controller and other advanced features developed and tested on Latis, a smart, remotely operated vehicle. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal Of Engineering For The Maritime Environment :309-325
New tools for easing system integration, deployment, monitoring and maintenance of ocean energy devices
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Finn P. (2010) New tools for easing system integration, deployment, monitoring and maintenance of ocean energy devices. Renewable Energy And Power Quality Journal :287-292
Design of control law and control allocation for B747-200 using a linear quadratic regulator and the active set method
Ahmad H, Young TM, Toal D, Omerdic E (2010) Design of control law and control allocation for B747-200 using a linear quadratic regulator and the active set method. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal Of Aerospace Engineering :817-830
ROV Latis: A new smart survey ROV
Toal D.;Marr S. (2009) ROV Latis: A new smart survey ROV. Journal Of Ocean Technology :31-35
ROV Latis: A new smart survey ROV
Toal D, Marr S. (2009) ROV Latis: A new smart survey ROV. Journal Of Ocean Technology :31-35
A flexible, multi-mode of operation, high-resolution survey platform for surface and underwater operations
Toal D, Nolan S, Riordan J, Omerdic E. (2009) A flexible, multi-mode of operation, high-resolution survey platform for surface and underwater operations. Underwater Technology :159-174
A low directivity ultrasonic sensor for collision avoidance and station keeping on inspection-class AUVs
Nolan S, Toal D (2008) A low directivity ultrasonic sensor for collision avoidance and station keeping on inspection-class AUVs. Journal Of Marine Engineering And Technology :41-51
Performance Optimised Reverberation Modelling for Real-Time Synthesis of Sidescan Sonar Imagery
Riordan, J; Toal, D (2008) Performance Optimised Reverberation Modelling for Real-Time Synthesis of Sidescan Sonar Imagery. Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering
A low directivity ultrasonic sensor for collision avoidance and station keeping on inspection-class AUVs
Nolan S.;Toal D. (2008) A low directivity ultrasonic sensor for collision avoidance and station keeping on inspection-class AUVs. Proceedings Of The Institute Of Marine Engineering, Science And Technology Part A: Journal Of Marine Engineering And Technology :41-51
Neural network augmented identification of underwater vehicle models
Van-de-Ven PWJ, Johansen TA, Sorensen AJ, Flanagan C, Toal D (2007) Neural network augmented identification of underwater vehicle models. Control Engineering Practice :715-725
Guidance, navigation and control system for the Tethra unmanned underwater vehicle
Molnar L, Omerdic E, Toal D (2007) Guidance, navigation and control system for the Tethra unmanned underwater vehicle. International Journal Of Control :1050-1076
Proximal object and hazard detection for autonomous underwater vehicle with optical fibre sensors
Toal DJF, Flanagan C, Lyons WB, Nolan S, Lewis E (2005) Proximal object and hazard detection for autonomous underwater vehicle with optical fibre sensors. Robotics And Autonomous Systems :214-229
Towards real-time simulation of the sidescan sonar imaging process
Riordan J.;Toal D.;Flanagan C. (2005) Towards real-time simulation of the sidescan sonar imaging process. Wseas Transactions On Computers :247-252
Towards real-time simulation of the sidescan sonar imaging process
Riordan J, Toal D, Flanagan C. (2005) Towards real-time simulation of the sidescan sonar imaging process. Wseas Transactions On Computers :247-252
Neural network control of underwater vehicles
Van-de-Ven PWJ, Flanagan C, Toal D (2005) Neural network control of underwater vehicles. Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence :533-547
On the Development of Tethra Submersible Vehicle for Autonomous and Remotely Operated Modes
Molnar L, Omerdic E, Van de Ven P, Toal D, Flanagan C (2004) On the Development of Tethra Submersible Vehicle for Autonomous and Remotely Operated Modes. Wseas Transactions On Circuits And Systems :2454-2460
Whisker Sensors Enable AUV Deployment Near Hazards
Toal D, Flanagan C (2004) Whisker Sensors Enable AUV Deployment Near Hazards. Wseas Transactions On Computers :759-765
Whisker Sensors Enable Mini AUV Deployment Near Hazards
Toal, D; Flanagan, C (2003) Whisker Sensors Enable Mini AUV Deployment Near Hazards. Wseas Transactions On Computers :759-765
Subsumption and fuzzy-logic, experiments in behavior-based control of mobile robots
Flanagan C, Toal D, Leyden M. (2003) Subsumption and fuzzy-logic, experiments in behavior-based control of mobile robots. International Journal Of Smart Engineering System Design :161-175
'Pull to position', a different approach to the control of robot arms for mobile robots
Toal DJF, Flanagan C (2002) 'Pull to position', a different approach to the control of robot arms for mobile robots. Journal Of Materials Processing Technology :393-398
Marine Monitoring Platforms: Paradigms for Development in Ireland
Omerdic E, Toal D, Wallace J, Ibahimovic I, Funnell C, Grehan A. (2009) Marine Monitoring Platforms: Paradigms for Development in Ireland. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd
Book Chapters
Towards inspection of marine energy devices using ROVs: Floating wind turbine motion replication
1. Sivcev, S., Omerdic, E., Dooly, G., Coleman, J. and Toal, D. (2018) Towards inspection of marine energy devices using ROVs: Floating wind turbine motion replication. Cham : Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing :196-211
Towards inspection of marine energy devices using ROVs: Floating wind turbine motion replication
Sivčev S.;Omerdić E.;Dooly G.;Coleman J.;Toal D. (2018) Towards inspection of marine energy devices using ROVs: Floating wind turbine motion replication. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing :196-211
Efficient and High Speed FPGA Bump in the Wire Implementation for Data Integrity and Confidentiality Services in the IoT
2. Newe T., Rao, M., Toal D., Dooly G., Omerdic E. and Mathur A. (2017) Efficient and High Speed FPGA Bump in the Wire Implementation for Data Integrity and Confidentiality Services in the IoT. Cham : Springer International Publishing Sensors for Everyday Life :259-285
Airborne wind energy - a review
Ebrahimi Salari, M., Coleman, J., Toal, D. (2016) Airborne wind energy - a review. Germany : Springer International Publishing 3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015) :81-92
Non-reversing Generators in a Novel Design for Pumping Mode Airborne Wind Energy Farm, In 'Airborne Wind Energy
Coleman J, Ahmad H, Pican E, Toal D (2013) Non-reversing Generators in a Novel Design for Pumping Mode Airborne Wind Energy Farm, In 'Airborne Wind Energy. Heidelberg : Springer Airborne Wind Energy :587-597
ROV LATIS: Next generation smart underwater vehicle
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Nolan S.;Ahmad H. (2012) ROV LATIS: Next generation smart underwater vehicle. Further Advances In Unmanned Marine Vehicles :9-44
ROV LATIS: Next Generation Smart Underwater Vehicle, Chapter 2
Omerdic E, Toal D, Nolan S, Ahmad H (2012) ROV LATIS: Next Generation Smart Underwater Vehicle, Chapter 2. London : Inst of Engineering & Technology Further Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles :9-43
Application of Evolutionary Computing in Control Allocation
Ahmad H, Young TM, Toal D, Omerdic E, (2012) Application of Evolutionary Computing in Control Allocation. Austria : Intech Open Access Publisher Advances in Flight Control Systems :77-92
Multi-mode operations marine robotic vehicle - A mechatronics case study
Toal D.;Omerdic E.;Riordan J.;Nolan S. (2010) Multi-mode operations marine robotic vehicle - A mechatronics case study. Mechatronics In Action: Case Studies In Mechatronics - Applications And Education :103-120
Multi-Sonar Integration and the Advent of Sensor Intelligence. Chapter 7.
Thurman E, Riordan J, Toal D (2009) Multi-Sonar Integration and the Advent of Sensor Intelligence. Chapter 7.. Viena : I-Tech Education and Publishing Advances in Sonar Technology :151-164
Computer Vision Applications in the Navigation of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, Chapter 11
Horgan J, Toal D (2009) Computer Vision Applications in the Navigation of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, Chapter 11. Rijeka : In-Tech Underwater Vehicles :195-214
Multi-Mode Operations Marine Robotic Vehicle - A Mechatronics Case Study, Chapter 6
Toal D, Omerdic E, Riordan J, Nolan S (2009) Multi-Mode Operations Marine Robotic Vehicle - A Mechatronics Case Study, Chapter 6. London : Springer-Verlag Mechatronics in Action Case Studies in Mechatronics - Applications and Education :103-119
Identification and Control of Marine Vehicles using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, A Novel Approach
Van de Ven, PWJ; Flanagan, C; Toal, D (2008) Identification and Control of Marine Vehicles using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, A Novel Approach. New York : Novapublishers Artificial Intelligence: New Research
Composition and coordination of reactive fuzzy behaviors for autonomous navigation of a mini-robot platform
Sousa R V, Inamasu R Y, Port A J V, Toal D, Flanagan C (2006) Composition and coordination of reactive fuzzy behaviors for autonomous navigation of a mini-robot platform. Rio De Janeiro : ABCM ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics
An adaptive video event mining system for an autonomous underwater vehicle
Arrabales, R; Flanagan, C; Toal, D (2002) An adaptive video event mining system for an autonomous underwater vehicle. Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks :585-591
Reactive control in the design of an autonomous underwater vehicle
Toal, D; Flanagan, C; Molnar, L; Nolan, S; Love, T (2002) Reactive control in the design of an autonomous underwater vehicle. Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks :527-535
Autonomous Submersible Development for Underwater Filming Employing Adaptive Artificial Intelligence
Toal, D; Flanagan, C; Molnar, L; Hanrahan, G (2001) Autonomous Submersible Development for Underwater Filming Employing Adaptive Artificial Intelligence. Sensors and Their Applications XI :168-168
Pitfalls of Simulation for Mobile Robot Controller Development
Leyden, M; Flanagan, C; Toal, D (2001) Pitfalls of Simulation for Mobile Robot Controller Development. Manufacturing, Modelling Management and Control :377-382
Autonomous Submersible Robots
Hanrahan, G; Toal, D; Flanagan, C (2001) Autonomous Submersible Robots. Manufacturing, Modelling Management and Control :383-386
Pull to Position Instead of Inverse Kinematics for Robot Arms
Toal, DJF; Flanagan, C (1999) Pull to Position Instead of Inverse Kinematics for Robot Arms. 15th ICPR
A New Degree Programme in Electronic Systems
Toal, DJF (1998) A New Degree Programme in Electronic Systems. EAEEIE
A Course in Industrial Control and Automation within an Electronic Engineering Program
Toal, DJF (1997) A Course in Industrial Control and Automation within an Electronic Engineering Program. EAEEIE
Subsumption Architecture for the Control of Robots
Toal, D; Flanagan, C; Jones, C; Strunz, B (1996) Subsumption Architecture for the Control of Robots. IMC-13 :703-711
Subsumption Control of a Mobile Robot
Flanagan, C; Toal, D; Strunz, B (1995) Subsumption Control of a Mobile Robot. Polymodel 16
A Production Management Expert System Developed in TIRS294
Toal, D; Coffey, T; Smith, P; Skehill, A (1995) A Production Management Expert System Developed in TIRS294. ICPR 13118
A Software/hardware digital based functional IC tester
Toal, DJF; Strunz, B; McGowan, C (1994) A Software/hardware digital based functional IC tester. IMC-11
Expert systems and simulation in scheduling
Toal, DJF; Coffey, T; Smith, P (1994) Expert systems and simulation in scheduling. IMC-11
A PC based opens and shorts tester
Strunz, B, Toal, DJF; McGowan, C (1992) A PC based opens and shorts tester. IMC -9
Control of an automated assembly cell incorporating simulation in the control software
Toal, DJF; Ahmad, MM (1990) Control of an automated assembly cell incorporating simulation in the control software. IMC -7
Edited Books
2nd IFAC Workshop Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles
(2008) 2nd IFAC Workshop Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles. Holland : Elsevier, IFAC-PapersOnLine.net
Mechatronics 2008, Proceedings of the 11th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference
(2008) Mechatronics 2008, Proceedings of the 11th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference. Limerick : University of Limerick
Other Journals
Conference Publications
OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019
Sivcev S.;Trslic P.;Adley D.;Robinson L.;Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2019) OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019.
Procedia Manufacturing
Lynch L.;McGuinness F.;Clifford J.;Rao M.;Walsh J.;Toal D.;Newe T. (2019) Procedia Manufacturing. Procedia Manufacturing :1683-1690
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, OCEAN 2018
Rossi M.;Sivcev S.;Trslic P.;Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2019) OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, OCEAN 2018.
Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering, iCCECE 2019
Rao M.;Omerdic E.;Kaknjo A.;Toal D.;Newe T. (2019) Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering, iCCECE 2019. :153-157
2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2019 - Proceedings
Omerdic E.;Osmic J.;Toal D.;O'donnell C. (2019) 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2019 - Proceedings.
IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2019 - Conference Proceedings
Hegarty A.;Westbrook G.;Glynn D.;Murray D.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2019) IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2019 - Conference Proceedings. :386-391
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Dooly G. (2019) IFAC-PapersOnLine. IFAC-PapersOnLine :277-282
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
O'Riordan A.;Dooly G.;Toal D.;Newe T. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST.
Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2018
Rao M.;Kaknjo A.;Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Newe T. (2019) Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2018. :93-100
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
Coady J.;O'Riordan A.;Dooly G.;Newe T.;Toal D. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST.
Procedia Manufacturing
O'Riordan A.D.;Toal D.;Newe T.;Dooly G. (2019) Procedia Manufacturing. Procedia Manufacturing :408-414
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
Lynch L.;Newe T.;Clifford J.;Coleman J.;Walsh J.;Toal D. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST. :347-352
OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019
Robinson L.;Newe T.;Burke J.;Toal D. (2019) OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, OCEANS 2019.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
Orriordan A.;Newe T.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST. :178-184
Procedia Manufacturing
Coady J.;Toal D.;Newe T.;Dooly G. (2019) Procedia Manufacturing. Procedia Manufacturing :840-847
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, OCEAN 2018
Trslic P.;Rossi M.;Sivcev S.;Dooly G.;Coleman J.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2019) OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, OCEAN 2018.
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology
Rao M.;Newe T.;Omerdic E.;Dooly G.;Lewis E.;Toal D. (2018) International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology. International Journal Of Internet Protocol Technology :97-109
2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, AT-RASC 2018
Robinson L.;Newe T.;Burke J.;Dooly G.;Coleman J.;Toal D. (2018) 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, AT-RASC 2018.
2017 12th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2017
Capocci R.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2017) 2017 12th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2017.
Offshore Renewable Energy Systems: Solutions for Reduction in Operational Costs
Capocci, R,Dooly, G,Toal, D, (2017) Offshore Renewable Energy Systems: Solutions for Reduction in Operational Costs. 2017 Twelfth International Conference On Ecological Vehicles And Renewable Energies (Ever)
2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2017
Mathur A.;Newe T.;Rao M.;Elgenaidi W.;Toal D. (2017) 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2017. :149-154
OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen
Hegarty A.;Omerdic E.;Westbrook G.;Toal D. (2017) OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. :1-8
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2016
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Vukic Z. (2017) 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2016.
2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2017
Elgenaidi W.;Newe T.;O'Connell E.;Mathur A.;Toal D.;Dooly G. (2017) 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2017. :348-352
Lagrangian Waverider and Wave Filtering System for use in ROV Control
Hegarty, A,Omerdic, E,Westbrook, G,Toal, D, (2017) Lagrangian Waverider and Wave Filtering System for use in ROV Control. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
Elgenaidi W.;Newe T.;O'connell E.;Toal D.;Dooly G.;Coleman J. (2016) Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST.
OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington
Capocci R.;Omerdic E.;Dooly G.;Coleman J.;Toal D. (2016) OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington.
OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington
Salari M.;Coleman J.;Dooly G.;Toal D. (2016) OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington.
User Interface for Interaction with Heterogeneous Vehicles for Cyber-Physical Systems
Omerdic, E,Toal, D,Vukic, Z, (2016) User Interface for Interaction with Heterogeneous Vehicles for Cyber-Physical Systems. 2016 14th International Conference On Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision (Icarcv)
Memory Storage Administration of Security Encryption Keys for Line Topology in Maritime Wireless Sensor Networks
Elgenaidi, W,Newe, T,O'Connell, E,Toal, D,Dooly, G,Coleman, J, (2016) Memory Storage Administration of Security Encryption Keys for Line Topology in Maritime Wireless Sensor Networks. 2015 9th International Conference On Sensing Technology (Icst)
OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington
Sivcev S.;Coleman J.;Adley D.;Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2016) OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington.
OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington
Rossi M.;Scaradozzi D.;Drap P.;Recanatini P.;Dooly G.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2016) OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington.
Measurement of Network Latency in Remote Presence Applications
Kaknjo, A,Omerdic, E,Toal, D (2016) Measurement of Network Latency in Remote Presence Applications. IFAC-PapersOnLine :193-198
Real-Time Reconstruction of Underwater Environments: from 2D to 3D
Rossi, M,Scaradozzi, D,Drap, P,Recanatini, P,Dooly, G,Omerdic, E,Toal, D, (2015) Real-Time Reconstruction of Underwater Environments: from 2D to 3D. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Dooly G. (2015) MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2015 - Genova: Discovering Sustainable Ocean Energy for a New World.
Remote Presence: Powerful Tool for Promotion, Education and Research in Marine Robotics
Omerdic, E,Toal, D,Dooly, G, (2015) Remote Presence: Powerful Tool for Promotion, Education and Research in Marine Robotics. Oceans 2015 - Genova
Closing the Gap between Industrial Robots and Underwater Manipulators
Sivcev, S,Coleman, J,Adley, D,Dooly, G,Omerdic, E,Toal, D, (2015) Closing the Gap between Industrial Robots and Underwater Manipulators. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015
Duraibabu D.;Poeggel S.;Omerdic E.;Capocci R.;Dooly G.;Lewis E.;Leen G.;Newe T.;Toal D. (2015) Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015. :-289
Smart Inspection ROV for Use in Challenging Conditions
Capocci, R,Omerdic, E,Dooly, G,Coleman, J,Toal, D, (2015) Smart Inspection ROV for Use in Challenging Conditions. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015
Duraibabu, D.;Poeggel, S.;Omerdic, E.;Capocci, R.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Leen, G.;Newe, T.;Toal, D.; (2015) Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015.
Direct Interconnection of Offshore Airborne Wind Energy Systems
Salari, ME,Coleman, J,Dooly, G,Toal, D, (2015) Direct Interconnection of Offshore Airborne Wind Energy Systems. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Remote Presence: Long Endurance Robotic Systems for Routine Inspection of Offshore Subsea Oil & Gas Installations and Marine Renewable Energy Devices
Omerdic, E,Toal, D,Dooly, G,Kaknjo, A, (2014) Remote Presence: Long Endurance Robotic Systems for Routine Inspection of Offshore Subsea Oil & Gas Installations and Marine Renewable Energy Devices. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Smart Event Triggered Ocean Monitoring Platform: Initial Design and Results
Kaknjo, A,Omerdic, E,Toal, D, (2014) Smart Event Triggered Ocean Monitoring Platform: Initial Design and Results. 2014 22nd Mediterranean Conference On Control And Automation (Med) :658-663
Novel miniature pressure and temperature optical fibre sensor based on an extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer (EFPI) and Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) for the Ocean environment
Duraibabu, DB,Poeggel, S,Omerdic, E,Kalli, K,Capocci, R,Lacraz, A,Dooly, G,Lewis, E,Newe, T,Leen, G,Toal, D, (2014) Novel miniature pressure and temperature optical fibre sensor based on an extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer (EFPI) and Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) for the Ocean environment. 2012 Ieee Sensors Proceedings
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
Duraibabu, D.B.;Poeggel, S.;Omerdic, E.;Kalli, K.;Capocci, R.;Lacraz, A.;Dooly, G.;Lewis, E.;Newe, T.;Leen, G.;Toal, D.; (2014) Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. Proceedings Of Ieee Sensors
IEEE Sensors 2014
2. Duraibabu D B, Poeggel S, Omerdic E, Kalli K, Capocci R, Lacraz A, Dooly G, Lewis E, Newe T, Leen G, Toal D (2014) IEEE Sensors 2014.
22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Kaknjo A,Omerdic E, Toal D (2014) 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. :658-663
Oceans 2014 MTS/IEEE
Omerdic E, Toal D, Dooly G (2014) Oceans 2014 MTS/IEEE. :1-9
Airborne Wind Energy Conference (AWEC2013),
an J, Pican E, Ahmad H, Toal D (2013) Airborne Wind Energy Conference (AWEC2013), .
Coleman, J,Pican, E,Ahmad, H,Toal, D, (2013) 2013 48TH INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES' POWER ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (UPEC). 2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (Upec)
(UPEC), 2013 48th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (IEEE)
Coleman J, Pican E, Ahmad H, Toal D (2013) (UPEC), 2013 48th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (IEEE). :1-6
OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE
Fornai F, Toal D, Omerdic E, Dooly G, Ferri G (2013) OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE. :1-4
OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE
Djapic V, Nad D, Ferri G, Omerdic E, Dooly G, Toal D, Vukic Z (2013) OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE.
Novel method for underwater navigation aiding using a companion underwater robot as a guiding platforms
Djapic, V,Nad, D,Ferri, G,Omerdic, E,Dooly, G,Toal, D,Vukic, Z, (2013) Novel method for underwater navigation aiding using a companion underwater robot as a guiding platforms. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Navigation Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles
Miller L, Toal D, Omerdic E, Dooly G, Coleman J, Duffy G (2012) Navigation Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles. :63-68
13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
Coleman C, Toal D (2012) 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference.
20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Omerdic E, and Toal D (2012) 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. :1391-1396
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Miller L.;Toal D.;Omerdic E.;Dooly G.;Coleman J.;Duffy G. (2012) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :63-68
Navigation Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles, IFAC Symposium
Omerdic E, Toal D, Dooly G, Miller L, Coleman J (2012) Navigation Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles, IFAC Symposium. :281-286
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Omerdic E.;Toal D.;Dooly G.;Miller L.;Coleman J. (2012) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :281-286
Omerdic, E,Toal, D,Nolan, S,Ahmad, H,Duffy, G, (2011) 2011 IEEE - OCEANS SPAIN. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain
Toal, D,Omerdic, E,Dooly, G, (2011) 2011 IEEE SENSORS. 2011 Ieee Sensors :1897-1900
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'11),
Omerdic E, Toal D, Nolan S and Ahmad H (2011) International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'11), .
IEEE Sensors
Toal D, Omerdic E and Dooly G (2011) IEEE Sensors. :1897-1900
Omerdic E, Toal D, Nolan S, Ahmad H, Duffy G (2011) IEEE OCEANS.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Ahmad H.;Omerdic E.;Nolan S.;Toal D. (2010) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :289-294
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'10)
Omerdic E, Toal D and Finn P (2010) International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'10).
8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, (CAMS)
Ahmad H, Omerdic E, Nolan S, Toal D (2010) 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, (CAMS).
UKACC International Conference on Control
Omerdic E, Toal D, Nolan S & Ahmad H (2010) UKACC International Conference on Control.
UKACC International Conference on Control
Ahmad, H., Horgan J., Toal, D., Omerdic E., Nolan, S (2010) UKACC International Conference on Control.
Mechatronics 2010
Ahmad H, Coleman J , Toal D, O'Gairbhith C (2010) Mechatronics 2010.
International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE)
Ahmad, H., Nolan, S. and Toal, D (2009) International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE).
IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC'2009).
Omerdic E, Toal D, (2009) IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC'2009). .
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Horgan J.;Flannery F.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2009) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :282-285
Horgan, J; Flannery, F; Toal, D (2009) OCEANS 2009 - EUROPE, VOLS 1 AND 2. :1349-1354
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2009) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :346-357
EOS Topical Meeting on "Blue" Photonics - Optics in the Sea
Surre F., Lyons W., Sun T., Grattan K.T.V., Elosua C., Hernaez M., Barian C., O¿Keeffe S., Fabian M., Newe T., Toal D., Lewis E. (2009) EOS Topical Meeting on "Blue" Photonics - Optics in the Sea.
U.S. HYDRO 2009
Flannery F, Riordan J, Toal D, (2009) U.S. HYDRO 2009.
Thurman, E; Riordan, J; Toal, D (2009) OCEANS 2009 - EUROPE, VOLS 1 AND 2. :232-237
IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC'2009).
Horgan J., Flannery F, Toal D. (2009) IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC'2009). . :282-286
IFAC navigation, guidance and Control of underwater vehicles, NGCUV '08 Conference Proceedings
Thurman E., Riordan J, and Toal D (2008) IFAC navigation, guidance and Control of underwater vehicles, NGCUV '08 Conference Proceedings.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit
Ahmad H., Young T.M., Toal D., Omerdic E. (2008) AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit.
IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08')
Horgan J, Riordan J, Toal D (2008) IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08').
IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08'
Omerdic E, Riordan J, Toal D (2008) IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08'.
IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08')
Toal D, Omerdic E, Nolan S, Riordan J, Molnar L (2008) IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV 08'). :212-217
11th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference (Mechatronics 2008),
Horgan J, Riordan J, Toal D (2008) 11th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference (Mechatronics 2008),.
The 10th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase
Toal D, Nolan S, Riordan J, Omerdic E, Marr S (2008) The 10th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit
Ahmad H.;Young T.;Toal D.;Omerdic E. (2008) AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit.
Mechatronics 2008
Ahmad H, Young T, Toal D and Omerdic E (2008) Mechatronics 2008.
IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'07)
Horgan J, Toal D, Ridao P, Garcia R (2007) IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'07).
Omerdic, E; Toal, D (2007) OCEANS 2007 - EUROPE, VOLS 1-3. :715-720
IFAC Control Applications of Marine Systems, CAMS '07 Conference Proceedings
Thurman, E, Riordan J and Toal D (2007) IFAC Control Applications of Marine Systems, CAMS '07 Conference Proceedings.
Ahmad, H; Young, TM; Toal, D; Omerdic, E (2007) 2007 MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON CONTROL & AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-4. :146-151
Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
Ahmad H.;Young T.;Toal D.;Omerdic E. (2007) Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference. :1415-1428
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED
Ahmad H.;Young T.;Toal D.;Omerdic E. (2007) 2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED.
Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
Ahmad H., Young T.M., Toal D., Omerdic E. (2007) Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference. :1415-1428
OCEANS 2007 - Europe
Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2007) OCEANS 2007 - Europe.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Horgan J.;Toal D.;Ridao P.;Garcia R. (2007) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :373-378
2007 OCEANS, VOLS 1-5
Molnar, L; Toal, D (2007) 2007 OCEANS, VOLS 1-5. :1165-1175
Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
Ahmad H.;Young T.;Toal D.;Omerdic E. (2007) Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference.
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)
Molnar L.;Toal D. (2007) Oceans Conference Record (IEEE).
Thurman, E; Riordan, J; Toal, D (2007) OCEANS 2007 - EUROPE. :721-726
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Thurman E.;Riordan J.;Toal D. (2007) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :367-372
Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2006
Shaw A., Al-Shamma'a A.I., Wylie S.R., Toal D. (2007) Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2006. :572-575
OCEANS 2007 - Europe
Thurman E.;Riordan J.;Toal D. (2007) OCEANS 2007 - Europe.
9th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase
Omerdic E, Riordan J, Toal D (2007) 9th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase.
Experimental investigations of electromagnetic wave propagation in Seawater
Shaw, A,Al-Shamma'a, AI,Wylie, S,Toal, D, (2006) Experimental investigations of electromagnetic wave propagation in Seawater. 2006 European Microwave Conference, Vols 1-4 :1769-
9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006, ICARCV '06
Horgan J.;Toal D. (2006) 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006, ICARCV '06.
7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft
Nolan S., Toal D (2006) 7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft. :*-*
7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft
Riordan J., Omerdic E., Molnar L., Toal D. (2006) 7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft. :*-*
2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Vols 1- 5
Horgan, J; Toal, D (2006) 2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Vols 1- 5. :1675-1680
7th IFAC conference on Manoruvring and Control of Marine Craft
Horgan J., Toal D. (2006) 7th IFAC conference on Manoruvring and Control of Marine Craft. :*-*
7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC)
Omerdic E., Riordan J., Molnar L., Toal D. (2006) 7th IFAC conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC). :*-*
Mechatronics 2006, The 10th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference
Horgan J., MacGiollE¿in C., Toal D. (2006) Mechatronics 2006, The 10th Mechatronics Forum Biennial International Conference. :*-*
SSC '06, IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies
Shaw A, Al-Shamma¿a A, Wylie S R, Toal D (2006) SSC '06, IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies. :*-*
SSC '06, IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies
Toal D, Omerdic E, Nolan S, Al-Shamma'a A. (2006) SSC '06, IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies. :*-*
Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2
Molnar, L; Omerdic, E; Toal, D (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2. :975-980
IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference
Riordan J. Omerdic E. and Toal D. (2005) IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference. :*-*
IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference
Nolan S. Toal D. and Ewald H. (2005) IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference. :*-*
IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference
Molnar L. Omerdic E. and Toal D. (2005) IEEE Oceans '05 Europe Conference. :*-*
Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2
Nolan, SP; Toal, D; Ewald, H (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2. :1101-1106
Oceans 2005 - Europe
Nolan S.;Toal D.;Ewald H. (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe. :1101-1106
Oceans 2005 - Europe
Molnar L.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe. :975-980
Third International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals
Grehan A, Wilson M, Guinan J, Riordan J, Molnar L, Omerdic E, Ullgren J, Le Guilloux E, Toal D & Brown C. (2005) Third International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. :*-*
1st NeCST Workshop, Networked Control Systems & Fault Tolerant Control
Omerdic E, Toal D (2005) 1st NeCST Workshop, Networked Control Systems & Fault Tolerant Control. :163-171
1st NeCST Workshop, Networked Control Systems & Fault Tolerant Control
Omerdic E. and Toal D. (2005) 1st NeCST Workshop, Networked Control Systems & Fault Tolerant Control. :163-171
Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2
Riordan, J; Omerdic, E; Toal, D (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe, Vols 1 and 2. :981-986
Oceans 2005 - Europe
Riordan J.;Omerdic E.;Toal D. (2005) Oceans 2005 - Europe. :981-986
Complexity Workshop
Van de Ven PWJ Hayes MJ Flanagan C and Toal D (2005) Complexity Workshop. :*-*
Smart Engineering System Design, Proc. of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 2004)
Van de Ven P. Flanagan C. Toal D. Omerdic E. and Lyons W. (2004) Smart Engineering System Design, Proc. of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 2004). :559-564
Ocean '04 - MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04: Bridges across the Oceans - Conference Proceedings
Van De Ven P.;Flanagan C.;Toal D. (2004) Ocean '04 - MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04: Bridges across the Oceans - Conference Proceedings. :1198-1204
IEEE Oceans (2004)
Van de Ven P. Flanagan C. Toal D. (2004) IEEE Oceans (2004). :1198-1204
IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) (2004)
Van de Ven P. Flanagan C. Toal D. and Omerdic E. (2004) IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) (2004). :428-433
van de Ven, P; Flanagan, C; Toal, D; Omerdic, E (2004) 2004 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS, AUTOMATION AND MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2. :428-433
2004 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics
Van De Ven P.;Flanagan C.;Toal D.;Omerdic E. (2004) 2004 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics. :428-433
11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik,
Nolan S., Toal D., Flanagan C (2004) 11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik,. :*-*
11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik
Riordan J., Toal D., Flanagan C (2004) 11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik. :*-*
Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Control and Applications in Marine Systems
Van de Ven P. Johansen T.A. S¿rensen A. Flanagan C. and Toal D (2004) Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Control and Applications in Marine Systems. :*-*
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Toal D.;Flanagan C.;Hayes J. (2004) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :151-156
3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems
Toal D., Flanagan C. and Hayes J (2004) 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems. :*-*
11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik
Nolan S., Toal D., Flanagan C (2004) 11th Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik. :*-*
van de Ven, P; Flanagan, C; Toal, D (2004) OCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4. :1198-1204
4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Robotics, Distance Learning and Intelligent Communication Systems - ICRODIC 2004,
Molnar L. Omerdic E. Van de Ven P., Toal D. Flanagan C. (2004) 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Robotics, Distance Learning and Intelligent Communication Systems - ICRODIC 2004,. :489-497
Proc. of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conf
Van de Ven, P, Flanagan C., and Toal D (2003) Proc. of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conf. :559-564
16th International Conference on Systems Engineering
Riordan J., Toal D., Young T (2003) 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering. :586-590
Love, T; Toal, D; Flanagan, C (2003) GUIDANCE AND CONTROL OF UNDERWATER VEHICLES 2003. :199-204
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Van De Ven P.;Flanagan C.;Toal D. (2003) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :559-564
van de Ven, P; Flanagan, C; Toal, D (2003) GUIDANCE AND CONTROL OF UNDERWATER VEHICLES 2003. :145-150
IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles
Van de Ven, P., Flanagan C., Toal D (2003) IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles. :*-*
Nolan, S; Molnar, L; Toal, D; Flanagan, C (2003) GUIDANCE AND CONTROL OF UNDERWATER VEHICLES 2003. :61-66
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Nolan S.;Molnar L.;Toal D.;Flanagan C. (2003) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :61-66
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Van De Ven P.W.J., Flanagan C., Toal D. (2003) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :559-564
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Van De Ven P.;Flanagan C.;Toal D. (2003) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :145-150
IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles
Nolan S., Molnar L., Toal D., Flanagan C., Flanagan C., (2003) IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles. :*-*
IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles
Love T., Toal D., Flanagan C (2003) IFAC Symposium on Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles. :*-*
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Love T.;Toal D.;Flanagan C. (2003) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). :199-204
4th International Conference on Industrial Automation
Hayes J., Toal D., Flanagan C (2003) 4th International Conference on Industrial Automation. :*-*
Proc. 3 Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium
Toal D.J.F., Lewis E., Flanagan C., Nolan S., Gawley A.N.., Lyons W.B (2002) Proc. 3 Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium. :2-3
ANNIE 2002, Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Toal, D., L. Molnar, S. Nolan, T. Love & C. Flanagan, (2002) ANNIE 2002, Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :527-535
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Moreno R.;Flanagan C.;Toal D. (2002) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :585-591
Proc. 3 Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium
Toal D.J.F., Lewis E., Flanagan C., Nolan S., Gawley A.N.., Lyons W (2002) Proc. 3 Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium. :2-3
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Toal D.;Flanagan C.;Molnar L.;Nolan S.;Love T. (2002) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :527-535
8th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
Nolan S., Toal D. & Flanagan C (2002) 8th Mechatronics Forum International Conference. :*-*
Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium
Toal D.J.F., Lewis E.,Flanagan C., Nolan S.,Gawley A.N, Lyons W (2002) Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium. :22-23
8th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
Molnar L., Toal D. & Flanagan C (2002) 8th Mechatronics Forum International Conference. :*-*
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Toal D., Flanagan C., Molnar L., Nolan S., Love T. (2002) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :527-535
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks
Moreno R.A., Flanagan C., Toal D.J.F. (2002) Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks. :585-591
International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics
Molnar L., Love T., Toal D., Flanagan C (2002) International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics. :41-46
16th Internatoinal Conference on Production Research
Flanagan C., Toal D., Leyden M. and Coffey T (2001) 16th Internatoinal Conference on Production Research. :*-*
5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001)
Toal, D., C. Flanagan, & T. Coffey, (2001) 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001). :*-*
16th Int'l Conference on Production Research, ICPR-16
Toal, D., C. Flanagan, M. Leyden, & T. Coffey, (2001) 16th Int'l Conference on Production Research, ICPR-16. :*-*
Int¿l Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR 2001)
Toal, D., C. Flanagan, L. Molnar, & G. Hanrahan, (2001) Int¿l Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR 2001). :163-168
The 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Toal D.J.F., Flanagan C. and Coffey T (2001) The 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. :459-463
Leyden, M., Toal, D., Flanagan, C. (2000) Mechatronics. :*-*
MIM 2000 IFAC symposium
Hanrahan, G., Toal, D., Flanagan, C (2000) MIM 2000 IFAC symposium. :*-*
MIM 2000 IFAC symposium
Leyden, M., Flanagan, C., Toal, D (2000) MIM 2000 IFAC symposium. :*-*
IEEE Oceans ¿04
Van de Ven P. Flanagan C. and Toal D. (1999) IEEE Oceans ¿04. :1198-1204
Riordan J., Toal D., Flanagan C (1999) GeoHAB. :*-*
Leyden, M., Toal, D., Flanagan, C (1999) Automatisierungssymposium,. :*-*
3rd Wismar Int¿l Symposium on Automation and Control
Toal, D., E. Lewis, C. Flanagan, S. Nolan, A. N. Gawley & W. B. Lyons, (1999) 3rd Wismar Int¿l Symposium on Automation and Control. :*-*
ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics
Sousa R.V. de, Inamasu R.Y., Port, A.J.V., Toal D., Flanagan C., (1999) ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics. :*-*
15th Int'l Conference on Production Research, ICPR-15
Toal, D. & C. Flanagan, (1999) 15th Int'l Conference on Production Research, ICPR-15. :1671-1674
16th International Conference on Systems Engineering
Hayes J., Toal D., Flanagan C (1999) 16th International Conference on Systems Engineering. :137-2472
Proceedings of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering
Toal D.J.F (1998) Proceedings of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering. :*-*
Proceedings of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering
Toal D (1997) Proceedings of European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering. :*-*
2nd World Congress on Expert Systems
Toal, D.J.F., Smith, P (1994) 2nd World Congress on Expert Systems. :*-*
Conference Contributions
INFOMAR Annual Seminar, 2013
Toal, D (2013) INFOMAR Annual Seminar, 2013.
Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, 2012
Toal D (2012) Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, 2012.
Marine Robotics Engineering Research and Applications Team, Industry Collaboration Centre, (Chosun University, Korea)
Toal, D. (2011) Marine Robotics Engineering Research and Applications Team, Industry Collaboration Centre, (Chosun University, Korea) .
Korean Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Conference, Chonnam National University
Toal, D (2011) Korean Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Conference, Chonnam National University.
3rd International Interdisciplinary Field Training of Marine Robotics and Applications, Breaking the Surface 2011, Murter, Croatia
Toal, D (2011) 3rd International Interdisciplinary Field Training of Marine Robotics and Applications, Breaking the Surface 2011, Murter, Croatia.
Developing Europe's Ocean Energy Hub
Toal, D (2011) Developing Europe's Ocean Energy Hub.
Limerick - Clare Energy Agency, Marine Energy Seminar
Toal, D (2011) Limerick - Clare Energy Agency, Marine Energy Seminar.
8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, (CAMS)
Toal, D. (2010) 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, (CAMS).
Mechatronics 2010
Toal, D. (2010) Mechatronics 2010.
IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC 2009).
Tpal, D (2009) IFAC 8th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC 2009)..
The 10th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
Toal, D. (2008) The 10th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.
Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles 2008
Toal, D (2008) Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles 2008.
11th Mechatronics Forum Bienial International Conference
Toal D (2008) 11th Mechatronics Forum Bienial International Conference.
IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'07).
Toal, D. (2007) IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS'07). .
9th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase.
Omerdic, E., Riordan, J., Toal, D. (2007) 9th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase..
MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitats) Subtidal Workshop
Toal, D (2007) MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitats) Subtidal Workshop.
Landscapes to Liners: Recent events in Irish Maritime History and Archaeology
Toal, D (2005) Landscapes to Liners: Recent events in Irish Maritime History and Archaeology.
Published Reports
Book Reviews
Other Publications
ROV Investigations of Cold-Water Coral Habitats in the Porcupine/Rockall off the West Coast of Ireland
Grehan, A; Toal, D; Brown, C (2006) ROV Investigations of Cold-Water Coral Habitats in the Porcupine/Rockall off the West Coast of Ireland.
On the Identification and Control of Underwater Vehicle Dynamic, a neural network approach
Van de Ven. PJ; Hayes, MJ; Flanagan, C; Toal, DJ (2005) On the Identification and Control of Underwater Vehicle Dynamic, a neural network approach. American Journal Of Physiology-Heart And Circulatory Ph
On the Identification and Control of Underwater Vehicle Dynamics, a Neural Network approach
Van de Ven PJ; Hayes, MJ; Flanagan, C; Toal, DJ (2005) On the Identification and Control of Underwater Vehicle Dynamics, a Neural Network approach. American Journal Of Physiology-Heart And Circulatory Ph
Mobile and Marine Robotics research and development at UL
Toal, DJF (2002) Mobile and Marine Robotics research and development at UL.
Mobile Robots and Steam Power ? Surely not
Toal, DJF (2001) Mobile Robots and Steam Power ? Surely not.
Autonomous Mobile Robotics
Toal, DJF (2000) Autonomous Mobile Robotics.
Mobile Robotics in Limerick
Toal, DJF (1997) Mobile Robotics in Limerick.