EHS Research Ethics Committee Approved Procedures Breadcrumbs UL Home Faculty of Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics PESSEHSREC Approved Procedures EHS Approved Procedures: Provision of false feedback on mental arithmetic task performance Collection and Storage of Human Saliva Deuterium Incorporation Risk Assessment Micro Needle muscle biopsy procedure Risk Assessment The Use of a Continuous Glucose Monitor (Abbott Libre Sense Glucose Sport Biosensor) in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Assessment of eye hand coordination Doubly labelled water tech. for measurement of free-living energy expenditure Multistage Aerobic Fitness Test (Shuttle Test) A Test of Lower Body Power (Standing Vertical Jump or SVJ) Focus group/interview procedures RA of body composition (BIA) RA of body composition (DXA) Blood pressure measurement (Sphygmomanometry) EMG / ECG recording Isometric strength testing Electrical stimulation of muscle Submaximal Exercise on a cycle ergometer Submaximal exercise on a treadmill ergometer Submaximal exercise on a rowing ergometer Muscle testing on an isokinetic dynamometer Expired gas analysis 3D Motion Analysis (Normal Activity) 3D Motion Analysis (Vigorous Activity) Balance assessment using force plates Force Plate Analysis (Normal gait) Force Plate Analysis (Vigorous Activity) Qualitative analysis of fundamental motor skills Analysis of Motion using Accelerometry Analysis of Weightlifting Exercises Anthropometry measurement Measurement of Physical Fitness Assessment of strength by one repetition maximum test Submaximal exercise on linked rowing ergometers Cognitive and Motor Skill Tests Measurement of maximum oxygen uptake Measurement of power output using a friction braked cycle ergometer Semi-Structured Interviews Wingate Test & Repeated Wingate Test Procedure Measurement of Physical Fitness Blood sampling by venepuncture Anthropometry measurements Assessment of strength by one repetition maximum test Submaximal exercise on linked rowing ergometers Running Time Trial Cognitive and Motor Skill Tests (RA) Submaximal Running (running track or outdoors).pdf Force measurement from sledge apparatus Plyometrics exercises Laser assessment of velocity and acceleration SubMaximal Cycling on a Motorised Treadmill Submaximal Running on a Motorised Treadmill Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Blood sampling by cannulation of a superficial arm vein. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Test Battery for use in Older Irish Adults Muscle Function of the Lower Limb PESSREC Approved Procedures