The Athena SWAN Charter is an international award recognising the work undertaken to address gender equality in higher education institutions. Five of the six Departments and Schools in the EHS Faculty have received the Athena Swan Bronze award with the sixth application pending. Athena Swan Charter
Each Department and School in the EHS Faculty has its own Self-Assessment Team (SAT) comprising of representatives from academic and professional staff and the student body as part of the Athena Swan process. Each SAT is tasked with examining practices and processes within its own Department and School across a range of criteria drawing on available data and conducting research, where necessary.
This review informs the development of a three-year action plan which sets out how the Department or School will address any weaknesses, shore up any gaps and take steps to progress gender equality and promote inclusion. The action plan, along with the review, is submitted to Athena Swan Ireland for assessment. It is on the basis of this application that a Department or School is awarded the Athena Swan Charter.
Each Self-Assessment Team works on progressing through the actions in their three-year plan. These actions cover everything from career development, addressing gender imbalances, striving for better work-life balance, supporting students and ensuring an inclusive and supportive atmosphere throughout the work and educating environment. After three years, progress is reviewed and the application process is repeated again as Departments and Schools seek to retain their award or apply for a higher level award.
Department of Nursing and Midwifery https://www.ul.ie/nursing-midwifery/ - AS application pending
Department of Psychology https://www.ul.ie/psychology/ - AS award September 2020
School of Medicine https://www.ul.ie/medicine/ - AS award 2019
School of Education https://www.ul.ie/soedu/ - AS award 2018
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences https://www.ul.ie/pess/ – AS award October 2021
School of Allied Health https://www.ul.ie/schoolalliedhealth/ - AS award 2019
Telephone: +353-61-213081 or 234392
Faculty Office, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.