Darina Slattery
Monday, 27 November 2023

Dr. Darina Slattery, Associate Professor in E-Learning and Instructional Design at the School of English, Irish, and Communication, was awarded funding from the AHSS Faculty Research Committee to attend, and present at, the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL), which took place at Aveiro University, Portugal, from 4th-8th September 2023.

About the ECTEL conference: The annual ECTEL conference caters to researchers, practitioners, educational developers, and others working in the area of technology-enhanced learning.

This year’s theme was ‘Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures’, which built on last year’s theme of ‘Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education’.

Darina’s activities during the ECTEL conference: During the ECTEL conference, Darina participated in a workshop on ‘Teaching TEL: Curriculum development and exchange structures for European TEL teaching’.

As a member of the Special Interest Group on TEL Curricula and Programs (SIG CUPTEL), Darina co-organised the workshop with colleagues from seven countries: the Norwegian university of Science and Technology (Norway), Heidelberg university of Education (Germany), University College London (UK), Saarland University (Germany), University of Valladolid (Spain), Danube-University Krems (Austria), and Tallinn University (Estonia).

During the workshop, attendees discussed challenges associated with teaching TEL and drafted initial plans for mobility options, joint curricula, and collaborative research.

Darina also attended several paper and poster sessions during the conference. Further details about Darina’s research and teaching activities can be found on her website or by following her on Twitter/ X (@pmrdms).