The Department of Politics and Public Administration represents a broad range of interests and areas within the discipline of political science. With internationally recognised experts in European, African, Latin American, Russian and post-Soviet politics, as well as Irish politics and public policy, the department has an international and cosmopolitan orientation. In addition to the diversity of area specialisms on offer, the study of politics in Limerick is also enriched by a variety of disciplinary approaches including: quantitative methods, political theory, international relations, international political economy, comparative politics, public policy analysis, and critical theory.
Deputy Secretary General Sonja Hyland Visit to UL
We were delighted to welcome the Deputy Secretary General Sonja Hyland last week. Who gave a select group of students and staff a talk on Irelands' position on World Affairs. Prof. Owen Worth, DSG Sonja Hyland and the Provost Shane Kilcommins.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.