Fáilte go Scoil na Gaeilge, an Bhéarla, agus na Cumarsáide
Tá ceithre ábhar léinn sa Scoil: Léann na Gaeilge, an Béarla, an Iriseoireacht agus an Scríbhneoireacht Theicniúil agus Dearadh Teagascach. Tá Aonad na Gaeilge lonnaithe sa Scoil chomh maith; cuireann an tAonad tacaíocht, seirbhísí agus cúrsaí ar fáil chun an Ghaeilge a fhorbairt ar fud na hOllscoile agus sa phobal.
Cuireann an Scoil réimse leathan cúrsaí céime agus iarchéime ar fáil – ina gcuid ábhar léinn féin, agus tuilleadh acu i bpáirt le ranna eile san Ollscoil.
Tá cultúr láidir taighde i ngach ceann de na hábhair léinn sa Scoil agus go leor tionscnamh taighde ar siúl ag an bhfoireann, ar bhonn náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta. Déantar maoirseacht ar scoláirí dochtúireachta agus iardhochtúireachta freisin.
Welcome to the School of English, Irish, and Communication
The School of English, Irish, and Communication at UL houses the following subjects: Irish Language and Literature, English, Journalism, and Technical Communication and Instructional Design.
Aonad na Gaeilge is also housed in the School and provides support, services and programmes to develop Irish language usage throughout the University and wider community.
The School offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and our faculty contribute to many other programmes across the university. We have a strong research culture with faculty active nationally and internationally in a variety of research projects and networks. We also provide supervision to doctoral and post-doctoral scholars.
Contact us about any aspect of our teaching and research or about the study programmes we offer!
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Email: eic@ul.ie ,
Phone: +353 61 202218,
Postal Address: School of English, Irish, and Communication, ER3019, University of Limerick, Ireland