The Faculty of AHSS places a strong focus on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), with a commitment to social justice running across a range of our programmes, individual modules and research activities. These initiatives and new developments are lead by Assistant Dean in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for AHSS (ADEDI), Dr Maria Rieder.
In 2019, AHSS became the first Faculty in UL to appoint an ADEDI, Dr Lydia Bracken. The appointment was made to provide academic leadership and overall management of EDI in the context of UL and AHSS strategy.
Approved in December 2019, the Faculty’s EDI statement informs staff and students that AHSS is committed to EDI and that socially and culturally relevant issues are addressed in the teaching and research conducted within the Faculty.

AHSS Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. We believe that our teaching and research is enriched and enhanced by considering diverse aspects of the topics that we teach and research, including issues pertaining to the 13 protected characteristics identified in the University of Limerick Equality and Human Rights Strategy. Our aim is to ensure that the perspectives of students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives are reflected in our curriculum. We, as academics and scholars, value the freedom we have to engage with potentially sensitive issues in the classroom where these are connected to the learning objectives of our modules and serve to enrich the learning experience of all.
The EDI work within the Faculty reflects and supports UL’s institutional strategies on Human Rights, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.
Did you know?
AHSS secured a Bronze Athena SWAN award in 2020. The Athena SWAN Bronze award recognises that the faculty is working to promote gender equality and to address challenges particular to the faculty and discipline. The award commits the faculty to implementing a four-year action plan to address the challenges identified during the self-assessment process.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.