The Languages Building has a floor area of 1400sqm, is 3 storeys high and provides teaching and languages laboratory facilities and offices for the Schools of Culture and Communication and Modern Languages & Applied Linguistics, the University of Limerick Language Centre and Aonad na Gaeilge.

The Language Learning Hub is housed in level 1 of the Languages Building, near the Millstream Building. The Hub offers support to the learning, teaching and research that takes place within the School of Modern Languages and Applied Languages, and the School of Culture and Communication. The service is also offered to the University of Limerick Language Centre and the wider campus community. The dedicated languages facilities attached to the Hub include Computer Labs, Digital Language Lab, Self-Access Centre with TV stations, DVD players and DVD library, print and audio language material.
Some of the services available through the Hub include: Access to language learning material in many languages; Assistance in the development of self-directed learning on a personal level or with groups of students; Support for learners, teachers and researchers in the use of multiple media for language learning, language teaching and research; Organisation of Language Exchange meetings, which take place every semester.
The Moot Court in UL is the first School of Law replica courtroom in Ireland. It is a state of the art replica courtroom consisting of a judges’ bench, plaintiff and defence benches, as well as a jury box and witness stand. In addition, the courtroom has an advanced IT/AV system which permits simultaneous viewing of judge, jury, counsel and witness participants. There is also a recording facility which allows students to review their own advocacy and presentation skills. The Courtroom is used to great effect by students for mooting, under the guidance of faculty and is an ideal amenity for the development of the clinical skills aspects of University of Limerick's law programmes.
The University of Limerick has a dedicated newsroom where students work one-on-one with lecturers, guest editors and our adjunct professors including Geraldine Kennedy and Justine McCarthy producing newspapers and magazines for print and online. The newsroom is an exact replica of an industry news operation, including specialised editing computer work stations, reporting desks and a news conference area. Students learn how to sub edit and design news pages using digital editing software such as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Students are also trained in online journalism techniques using Adobe Flash for multimedia storytelling. Students taking broadcast journalism classes are trained using Adobe Audition (for radio editing) and Final Cut Pro (for television editing) on high powered Apple Mac computers.
The University of Limerick's digital broadcast centre includes a state-of-the-art digital radio studio. The studio, including a control room and soundproof booth, has a ‘Studr1500’ console - the first in Ireland - and is modelled on studios at RTE's radio centre. Students are trained using the latest technology and audio editing software to report and edit for live radio news bulletins; work as presenters and producers; and produce radio packages and documentaries for broadcast. Facilities including a digital desk, telephone and ISDN codec hardware, a main presenter station and radio engineering console. It also has a producer talk back facility, and allows for live connection to any radio studio in the world, and transmission of live radio via FM or a DAB (digital audio broadcast) transmitter.

The Television News Studio studio, opened by Bryan Dobson in 2016, boasts a €25,000 kit-out. It includes a number of high end cameras, lighting and backdrop facilities for TV news production as well as equipment to enable and enhance content creation by students. The studio helps to prepare Journalism students to work in a fast-changing industry. The equipment helps to train students in high end electronic news gathering and bulletin creation, to a TV broadcast quality.
Is seomra caidrimh é seo do phobal na Gaeilge agus tá sé lonnaithe in Áras na dTeangacha ar an gcampas (seomra LC0-016). Cuirtear imeachtaí ar siúl ann go rialta, aoichainteanna, ranganna am lóin do bhaill foirne agus ceardlanna do mhic léinn idirnáisiúnta ina measc. Tugtar cuireadh do mhic léinn agus do bhaill foirne freastal úsáid a bhaint as na háiseanna ag am caife/lóin. Is féidir an seomra a chur in áirithint mar ionad do chruinnithe Gaeilge agus dátheangacha agus mar ionad do sheisiúin cheoil srl. chomh maith. Tuilleadh eolais: ciara.considine@ul.ie
This is a purpose built common room for the Irish speaking community and it is located in the Languages Building on campus (room LC0-016). There is a regular schedule of events, including guest speakers, lunchtime courses for staff and workshops for international students. All students and staff are welcome to use the facilities at coffee break and lunch time. The room can also be booked for Irish and bilingual meetings, music sessions etc. Further information: ciara.considine@ul.ie
Affordable Living at UL
Limerick is one of the most affordable cities in Ireland for student living. Students can choose from various types of accommodation to suit your budget, either on campus or in neighbourhoods within a few minutes’ walk of the University. There are also facilities and excellent public transport connections for those who commute daily.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.