professor Xose boan
Thursday, 30 November 2023

Xosé P. Boan published this week a book chapter, “Monstruos a contrario. Lugares de enunciación, alteridad e intertextualidad en El espíritu de la colmena y El laberinto del fauno,” in the book Memories in Motion: History and Trauma in Ibero-American Cinemas (Villarmea; Mariani and Vilhena eds.

Memórias em Movimento História e Trauma nos Cinemas Ibero-Americanos. Coimbra University Press, 2023).

According to the editors, these book “was born as a Portuguese-Castilian bilingual volume to try to establish a bridge between researchers working in the two Iberian languages across the Atlantic Ocean.”

Professor Boán’s chapter presents an analysis of monstrosity and discursive alterities in two iconic works within Hispanic cinema: The Spirit of the Beehive (Víctor Erice, 1973) and Pan’s Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro, 2006).

Both films are also an integral part of the modules taught by Professor Boán.