Image reads active consent with a picture of two students on their phones
Friday, 29 October 2021

As part of their module, ‘Preparing for Academic Success’, almost 500 first year BA Arts students participated in face-to-face workshops on Active Consent, delivered by Chelsea Joyce, the Consent Framework Co-ordinator in the UL Office of the Director Human Rights Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Seán Ó Maoilchiaráin, the Student Life Welfare Officer. These workshops were included as part of the module’s unit on ‘Caring for yourself and caring for others’, seen as an important element in building a platform for a healthy and successful engagement with college life.  These highly interactive workshops addressed a range of topics including the meaning of consent, understanding what it is and is not, and considering different perceptions of consent in a number of sample circumstances.  The workshop topics were later taken up in the module tutorials, providing a space for small group discussion of any issues raised in the workshops.

Image reads active consent with an image of two students on their phones