Presenters: Anya Peterson Royce, Steve Boyland, Eugene Murphy, Anthony Monahan and Óscar Mascareñas
Chair: Eoin Callery
This seminar is not about research and/or discourse on arts practice, but the practice itself of observation and attention from which poetry springs up. The artists, moved to observe, become a channel through which poetry materialises, and their work the locus from which they recognise themselves in the world. This space is thus not about anything - neither discourse nor theory; nor about inquiry, but the inquiry itself: an experience of poetic truth. It will also be an occasion to launch Óscar Mascareñas’s work Like drinking water, a manifesto of the poetics of everything, the power, clarity and completeness of knowing by oneself, the future of artistic inquiry and education, and the materiality of poetry which lies at the centre of observation. A book which is not a book, an inter-penetration of encounters with the world written for those who are moved to know by themselves and for themselves.
Steve Boyland is a voice artist and improviser from Liverpool, England, with an extensive international profile. Eugene Murphy is a composer, pianist and improviser from Dublin with work and interests in inter-disciplinary practice. He is a recent graduate of the Arts Practice PhD programme at the Irish World Academy. Anthony Monahan is a guitarist, composer, producer and educator. He has toured and produced a number of recorded works.
Admission is free and all are welcome.