The Lecture and Masterclass in Intercultural Communication which will be given by Prof Gillian Martin, Trinity College Dublin, on “Intercultural Communication in Healthcare” on Friday 11 February at 12pm.
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The presentation will survey current conceptual and methodological approaches to intercultural communication in healthcare, together with the key sites, participants and themes in research. It will also present some data from a research study on intercultural communication in an Irish hospital.
Gillian Martin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Germanic Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests span intercultural communication in business and healthcare settings, cross-cultural perceptions of leadership effectiveness, ethical leadership and integrity. She has published many journal articles and book chapters on each of these themes, authored a book on German-Irish sales negotiation, and co-edited a book on German-Irish business relations. She is currently co-editing (with Jonathan Crichton) the Handbook of Intercultural Communication in Healthcare.
All welcome to join!
Save the date: The next Intercultural Communication Lecture and Masterclass with be given by Dr Fergal Lenehan (Jena) on 24 March. Fergal will focus on digital intercultural communication, specifically postdigital cosmopolitanism. The lecture series is supported by the ISPhD seed funding.