Why did you choose to master your ambitions in MSc Economics and Policy Analysis?

I chose the MSc in Economics and Policy Analysis in UL due to the wide-ranging subject base which was covered in the modules throughout the programme. There are modules ranging from microeconomics and macroeconomics to data analysis and econometrics.

These different modules provided me with new economic skills and the theoretical backgrounds to the core concepts and principles of economics. I also liked how the programme was not too specific, as I felt that by gaining a wider understanding of economics and aspects such as policy analysis, I would be better equipped to begin my career in economics. The policy analysis element was particularly interesting as we learned to understand the true nature and effectiveness of economic policies in practice.

What did you choose the University of Limerick?

I chose to go to UL for a few reasons. I found that the choice of programmes at postgraduate level is excellent, and I also wanted to experience living on campus as this is something I did not get to experience at undergraduate level.

What has been the highlight of the programme so far?
The highlight of the programme for me has been the dual-degree in Liege, Belgium. The experiences I have gained there have been amazing. I have been able to meet lots of new people both through my classes and also through extra-curricular activities.

Learning economics in a different environment provided a new and refreshing aspect to my studies. In UL, we also attended a seminar where economists from different institutions gave talks to the class describing their work, with the chance to meet and chat with the economists after, this was a great experience for the students to see the real work that goes on in the world of economics.

What benefit do you feel the MSc in Economics & Policy Analysis will have on your career?

I am already feeling the benefits of this programme on my career as I have recently begun working as an Economist in the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service. This programme was pivotal in providing me with the key skills and competencies to be able to apply for this position and to complete my work effectively.

Advice for future students on the programme?

Seems simple but my advice is to ask questions! I regularly had to talk with staff about issues in the course whether it was assignment work or just not understanding something correctly. The faculty in the Kemmy Business School are very friendly and approachable, so be sure to ask questions about any queries you have.

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