Athena Swan Ireland 2021 Charter Framework 

The objective of the 2021 Athena Swan Ireland framework is to support institutions, departments and professional units in impactful and sustainable gender equality work and to build capacity for evidence based equality work across the equality grounds enshrined in Irish legislation. The new charter framework materials have been released on the Athena Swan Ireland website

A brief history of Athena Swan in Ireland

The Athena Swan charter launched in the Republic of Ireland in early 2015. The extension of the charter to Ireland was made possible through funding from the Higher Education Authority (HEA), which covers applications to the charter from 26 higher education institutions. Engagement with the charter is a key pillar of Ireland’s national strategy for gender equality with progress linked to institutional eligibility for funding from Ireland’s major research agencies. All of Ireland’s universities and institutes of technology and several colleges participate in Athena Swan Ireland.

Application Process

Athena Swan Ireland have a range of resources to support institutions and departments to carry out their self assessment process, identify areas for improvement by analysing data and creating an action plan to track progress.