Cooperative Education placements are eight months in duration and are a compulsory accredited part of your UL degree. Most students find that their placement is one of the most memorable and enjoyable aspects of their time at UL. You'll make new friends and develop new skills and have the opportunity to take time out from your studies.

It is also an ideal opportunity to learn about a job, the workplace and the work environment. During your Coop, you will be treated like a regular employee, subject to the same conditions as regular staff members. Your employer and an academic member of staff will monitor your performance during your placement.

Your Coop should also help you to make decisions about your future career. It will allow an employer to see you at work and assess you as a potential employee.

As Cooperative Education programme is a formal and academically accredited element of your degree, your Coop grade is decided by an Academic member of staff on a pass-fail basis. This grade is based on your employer's evaluation of your performance and your Coop Report.