Garda in high visual jacket
Monday, 13 December 2021


During the months of April and June 2021 experts from the School of Law and for the School of Medicine at the University of Limerick, together with colleagues from the School of Medicine at University College Cork, delivered a landmark Disability Awareness Training seminar to senior officials within An Garda Síochána.


The special interactive, online seminar represented a key element in a wider, ongoing Disability Awareness Training Pilot Study which is being conducted by Dr. Alan Cusack (School of Law) and Dr. Gautam Gulati (School of Medicine).


A recent article in the Irish Examiner has drawn national attention to this initiative. The article includes positive feedback from Derval Mcdonagh, chief executive of Inclusion Ireland:


“This research around awareness training for law enforcement officers is a great step in terms of widening the understanding of intellectual disability and how to ensure rights are upheld in all situations. Such research based on the participation and views of people with intellectual disabilities is very welcome. Seeing it being put into action will make a big difference to people in very stressful situations when dealing with the justice system.”


A full copy of the article can be found at the link below:


It is hoped that further disability training will be delivered on a wider scale within An Garda Síochána, and other legal stakeholders, in the months ahead thereby meeting Ireland’s international obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.