Graduate Audrey Galvin with family in front of UL Library. She wears PhD graduation gown which is red

Award-winning journalist and UL lecturer urges next generation to put down the phone amid ‘global’ challenge of misinformation

An award-winning journalist and University of Limerick lecturer has urged the next generation of reporters to put down their phones and dip out of the social media wave, in the face of the growing ‘global’ problem of misinformation.
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AHSS PhD Development Series 2023/24

The AHSS Graduate Research Centre held workshops and seminars for postgraduate researchers in 2023/24. The series began in September 2023 with a workshop on Irish Research Council (IRC) Postgraduate Scholarship Application Training for prospective applicants.
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Two women and a man standing side by side in front of a wall with a sign that reads Orbitus

“The beauty of a law course is its versatility”

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Catherine McLoone on her graduation day

LLM Law (general): Graduate Profile - Catherine Mc Loone

I firmly believe the LLM has given me a huge boost of confidence and led me to do things I would never have known I could. I have worked internally with the Law Society for over ten years as tutor and internal examiner, and now I am currently a dissertation supervisor for a number of LLM students studying the LLM Advanced Legal Practice in the Law Society of Ireland. The academic experience of completing the LLM in UL certainly paved the way for me to qualify for these roles.
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A photo of UL AHSS PhD student Kevin Saude

‘Embarking on a PhD was an investment in myself’

Kevin Saudé is currently studying a PhD in the Department of Politics and Public Administration in UL’s Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Here, Kevin gives an insight into his PhD experience and his plans for the next stage of his career.
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University of Limerick graduate Kaiden Reding holding her diploma in a cap and gown

MA in Public History and Cultural Heritage: Graduate Profile - Kaiden Reding

I appreciate all the work and care that goes into a remote program like my own, and I'm grateful to UL for making my MA experience so painless and well-organised.

It's great to know that all the effort I put in was recognised and paid off, and that UL was the perfect choice as I hoped it would be.
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Rhiannon smiling for the photo

MA in Irish Music Studies: Graduate Profile - Rhiannon

I am from Connecticut, USA. I have been playing the harp for about 11 years now. My undergraduate degree was a BA in performance, and I wanted to expand my knowledge. I chose this course because I think the topics that it covers are interesting and it is a perfect combination of my favourite subjects, English, History and Music.
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Damien Donnellan smiling in photo

MA in Public History and Cultural Heritage: Graduate Profile - Damien Donnellan

I had an interest in doing an MA for a number of years but with working full time, I had to figure out what would work. This programme piqued my interest, particularly because it was offered online and part time, which suited me perfectly and was spread over two years, which was fantastic as well.
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linh smiling for the photograph on a windy day

MA in TESOL: Graduate Profile - Linh Doan

I was looking at courses in New Zealand and Australia because they are closer to Vietnam than Ireland, I did not think of going to Europe initially. As soon as I heard that there was a TESOL program in UL, I had a look at it and compared it to other courses; I thought it looked interesting.
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Catherine Caball smiling in photo

MA in Sociology (Youth, Community and Social Regeneration): Graduate Profile - Catherine Caball

As a mature student, initially it was very daunting. I was very overwhelmed and I felt that I would lack the IT skills and that I would have very little to bring to the table. A few factors helped me get over those initial feelings including engaging with the supports offered by the University.
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Kate Longmate smiling in the picture

MA in Public Administration: Graduate Profile - Kate Longmate

At the point of applying for the course, I had over 25 years professional experience working in charities, non-profits and arts organizations. I didn't have a degree and I had always thought that perhaps one day I would go and do one.
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ciadhra - postgraduate student in UL

MA in TESOL: Graduate Profile - Ciadhra O'Mahoney

When I finished my undergraduate degree, I decided I wanted to pursue a Masters. I looked into many different colleges and UL was the one that stood out to me. The course description provided really unique and engaging information about the topic
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