Dr. Rory Costello
Rory Costello specialises in electoral and legislative politics in Europe, with a particular focus on Ireland and on the European Union. Before coming to UL in 2011, Rory worked at the University of Twente in the Netherlands and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published on topics such as election pledges, political representation, party politics, and coalition government. His research has appeared in a variety of international journals including (among others) European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Party Politics, Electoral Studies, West European Politics, and American Journal of Political Science. He runs the WhichCandidate voting aid application (www.whichcandidate.ie)Research Interests
My research interests include EU politics, political representation, electoral behaviour, voter engagement and coalition government.Peer Reviewed Journals
Auction politics: Party competition and expansionary election promises
Costello, Rory (2024) Auction politics: Party competition and expansionary election promises. European Journal Of Political Research
How does the composition of the European Parliament shape its role in EU decision-making?
Costello, R (2022) How does the composition of the European Parliament shape its role in EU decision-making?. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD Journal Of European Public Policy :117-135
How does the composition of the European Parliament shape its role in EU decision-making?
Costello, R (2021) How does the composition of the European Parliament shape its role in EU decision-making?. Journal Of European Public Policy
Issue congruence between voters and parties: examining the democratic party mandate in Ireland
Costello, R (2021) Issue congruence between voters and parties: examining the democratic party mandate in Ireland. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD Irish Political Studies :581-605
Issue congruence between voters and parties: examining the democratic party mandate in Ireland
Costello, R (2021) Issue congruence between voters and parties: examining the democratic party mandate in Ireland. Irish Political Studies
Congruence between voters and parties: The role of party-level issue salience
Costello R.;Toshkov D.;Bos B.;Krouwel A. (2020) Congruence between voters and parties: The role of party-level issue salience. European Journal Of Political Research
Rally around the EU flag: Irish party positions on the EU in the wake of Brexit
Costello, R (2020) Rally around the EU flag: Irish party positions on the EU in the wake of Brexit. Journal Of Contemporary European Studies
The ideological space in Irish politics: comparing voters and parties
Costello, Rory (2017) The ideological space in Irish politics: comparing voters and parties. Irish Political Studies :404-431
The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing
Thomson, R; R Royed; E Naurin; J Artés; R Costello; L Ennser-Jedenastik; M Ferguson; P Kostandinova; C Moury; F Pétry; K Praprontnik (2017) The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing. American Journal Of Political Science :527-542
The miracle of the markets: Identifying key campaign events in the Scottish independence referendum using betting odds
Wall, M; Costello, R; Lindsay, S (2017) The miracle of the markets: Identifying key campaign events in the Scottish independence referendum using betting odds. Electoral Studies :39-47
Governing together in good and bad economic times: the fulfilment of election pledges in Ireland
Thomson, Robert; Costello, Rory (2016) Governing together in good and bad economic times: the fulfilment of election pledges in Ireland. Irish Political Studies :182-203
Bicameralism, nationality and party cohesion in the European Parliament
Costello, Rory; Thomson, Robert (2016) Bicameralism, nationality and party cohesion in the European Parliament. Party Politics :773-783
The distribution of power among EU institutions: who wins under codecision and why?
Costello, R,Thomson, R (2013) The distribution of power among EU institutions: who wins under codecision and why?. Journal Of European Public Policy :1025-1039
A new dataset on decision-making in the European Union before and after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements (DEUII)
Thomson, R,Arregui, J,Leuffen, D,Costello, R,Cross, J,Hertz, R,Jensen, T (2012) A new dataset on decision-making in the European Union before and after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements (DEUII). Journal Of European Public Policy :604-622
European Parliament Elections and Political Representation: Policy Congruence between Voters and Parties
Costello, R,Thomassen, J,Rosema, M (2012) European Parliament Elections and Political Representation: Policy Congruence between Voters and Parties. West European Politics :1226-1248
The nexus of bicameralism: Rapporteurs' impact on decision outcomes in the European Union
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2011) The nexus of bicameralism: Rapporteurs' impact on decision outcomes in the European Union. European Union Politics :337-357
Does Bicameralism Promote Stability? Inter-institutional Relations and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament
Costello, R (2011) Does Bicameralism Promote Stability? Inter-institutional Relations and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament. West European Politics :122-144
The policy impact of leadership in committees: Rapporteurs' influence on the European Parliament's opinions
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2010) The policy impact of leadership in committees: Rapporteurs' influence on the European Parliament's opinions. European Union Politics :219-240
Picking your party online - An investigation of Ireland's first online voting advice application
Wall, M; Sudulich, M.L.; Costello, R., Leon, E. (2009) Picking your party online - An investigation of Ireland's first online voting advice application. Information Polity :203-218
Election Pledges and their Enactment in Coalition Governments: A Comparative Analysis of Ireland
Costello, R.; Thomson, R. (2008) Election Pledges and their Enactment in Coalition Governments: A Comparative Analysis of Ireland. Journal Of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties :239-256
Book Chapters
Election Pledge Fulfilment Under Minority Government
Costello, R; Sheridan, A; Casey, D (2021) Election Pledge Fulfilment Under Minority Government. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave macmillan How Ireland Voted 2020: The End of an Era :23-40
European elections gradually becoming less 'second-order' in Ireland
Costello, R (2019) European elections gradually becoming less 'second-order' in Ireland. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet Euroflections: Leading academics on the European elections 2019
Thomson R.;Costello R.;Love E. (2019) Ireland. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press Party Mandates and Democracy: Making, Breaking, and Keeping Election Pledges in Twelve Countries :189-204
Party identification in the wake of the crisis: a nascent realignment?
Costello, R (2018) Party identification in the wake of the crisis: a nascent realignment?. Manchester : Manchester University Press The Post-Crisis Irish Voter: Voting Behaviour in the Irish 2016 General Election
Party identification in the wake of the crisis: A nascent realignment?
Costello, R (2018) Party identification in the wake of the crisis: A nascent realignment?. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS POST-CRISIS IRISH VOTER :82-98
Costello, R (2017) Bicameralism. Thousand Oaks CA : Sage Publications The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior :58-59
The Fulfilment of Election Pledges by the Outgoing Government
Costello, Rory; O'Neill, Paul; Thomson, Robert (2016) The Fulfilment of Election Pledges by the Outgoing Government. London : Palgrave Macmillan How Ireland Voted 2016: The Election that Nobody Won :27-45
The fulfilment of election pledges
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2008) The fulfilment of election pledges. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmilan How Ireland Voted 2007 :19-32
Edited Books
Comparative European Politics: Distinctive Democracies, Common Challenges (2nd Edition)
(2024) Comparative European Politics: Distinctive Democracies, Common Challenges (2nd Edition). Oxford : Oxford University Press
Comparative European Politics: Distinctive Democracies, Common Challenges
(2020) Comparative European Politics: Distinctive Democracies, Common Challenges. Oxford : Oxford University Press
Other Journals
Conference Publications
Conference Contributions
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
R Costello (2017) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference
R. Costello, P. Dumont, R. Thomson, M. Kerby and E. O'Malley (2017) European Consortium for Political Research General Conference.
Mid-West Political Science Association Annual Conference
R. Thomson, C. Moury, R. Costello, M. Ferguson and K. Praprotnik (2017) Mid-West Political Science Association Annual Conference.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting
R. Thomson, T. Royed, E. Naurin, J. Artes, R. Costello, D. Duval, M. Ferguson, P. Kostadinova, C. Moury, F Petry and K Prapotnik (2016) American Political Science Association Annual Meeting.
The Responsible Party Model in Times of Dealignment
Rory Costello and Achillefs Papageorgiou (2016) The Responsible Party Model in Times of Dealignment.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, Rory (2016) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, Rory; Papageorgiou, Achillefs (2016) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, Rory (2015) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, Rory; McInerney, Rita (2015) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, Rory (2014) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
European Parliament Information Office: conference on outcome of the European Parliament elections
Costello, R (2014) European Parliament Information Office: conference on outcome of the European Parliament elections.
MacGill Summer School
Costello, R (2014) MacGill Summer School.
Royal Irish Academy: Models of Bicameralism
Costello, R (2014) Royal Irish Academy: Models of Bicameralism.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Wall, Matthew; Costello, Rory; Lindsay, Stephen (2014) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Thomson, Robert and Costello, Rory (2013) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
European Political Science Association Annual Conference
Costello, Rory (2013) European Political Science Association Annual Conference.
European Political Science Association Annual Conference
Costello, Rory and Robert Thomson (2013) European Political Science Association Annual Conference.
MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago
Costello, Rory (2013) MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago.
MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago
Costello, Rory and Robert Thomson (2013) MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago.
Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2012) Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics.
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
Thomassen, J; Costello, R; Rosema, M (2011) Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference.
Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics
Costello, R (2010) Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics.
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
Costello, R (2009) Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference.
Netherlands Institute of Governance Annual Workshop
Costello, R (2009) Netherlands Institute of Governance Annual Workshop.
Netherlands Institute of Governance Annual Workshop
Costello, R (2008) Netherlands Institute of Governance Annual Workshop.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2007) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference
Costello, R; Thomson, R (2006) Political Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference.
Published Reports
Book Reviews
A Conservative Revolution? Electoral Change in Twenty-First-Century Ireland
Costello, R (2019) A Conservative Revolution? Electoral Change in Twenty-First-Century Ireland. LONDON : SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD Party Politics :738-739
The Strain of Representation: How Parties Represent Diverse Voters in Western and Eastern Europe
Costello, R (2013) The Strain of Representation: How Parties Represent Diverse Voters in Western and Eastern Europe. Parliaments and Estates
Other Publications
A Conservative Revolution? Electoral Change in Twenty-First-Century Ireland
Costello, R (2019) A Conservative Revolution? Electoral Change in Twenty-First-Century Ireland. LONDON : SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD Party Politics :738-739
How well do Irish political parties represent the views of voters?
Costello, R (2017) How well do Irish political parties represent the views of voters?. Irish Politics Forum
Which government best reflects the will of the people'?
Costello, R (2016) Which government best reflects the will of the people'?. Irish Politics Forum
Economic issues provide election's common ground
Costello, Rory (2016) Economic issues provide election's common ground. Limerick Leader
Fine Gael and Labour differ on almost half of election issues - survey
Costello, Rory (2016) Fine Gael and Labour differ on almost half of election issues - survey. Irish Times
Abortion issue divides opinion in parties, suvery shows
Costello, Rory (2016) Abortion issue divides opinion in parties, suvery shows. Irish Times
Housing crisis emerges as single biggest election issue
Costello, Rory (2015) Housing crisis emerges as single biggest election issue. Irish Times
The European Parliament's transnational party groups are surprisingly cohesive, but don't underestimate the potential for national divisions
Costello, Rory; Thomson, Robert (2015) The European Parliament's transnational party groups are surprisingly cohesive, but don't underestimate the potential for national divisions. The Democratic Audit UK
Outcome will be regarded as barometer of party strength
Costello, Rory (2015) Outcome will be regarded as barometer of party strength. Irish Times
The Irish European Parliament elections will be fought on the basis of personalities rather than parties
Costello, R (2014) The Irish European Parliament elections will be fought on the basis of personalities rather than parties. LSE European Politics and Policy blog
The rise of independents what does it mean for policy-making?
Costello, R (2014) The rise of independents what does it mean for policy-making?. TheJournal.ie
Sinn Féin surge cannot be explained by anti-EU sentiment
Costello, R; Wall, M (2014) Sinn Féin surge cannot be explained by anti-EU sentiment. The Irish Times
Are parties in tune with their supporters on matters of policy?
Costello, R (2014) Are parties in tune with their supporters on matters of policy?. The Irish Times
Online tool can help find party closest to your political views
Costello, R (2014) Online tool can help find party closest to your political views. The Irish Times
A surge in support for independents and fringe parties is leading to an increasingly fragmented Irish party system
Costello, Rory (2014) A surge in support for independents and fringe parties is leading to an increasingly fragmented Irish party system.
Online tool helps byelection voters to assess candidates
Costello, Rory (2014) Online tool helps byelection voters to assess candidates.
The Strain of Representation: How Parties Represent Diverse Voters in Western and Eastern Europe
Costello, R (2013) The Strain of Representation: How Parties Represent Diverse Voters in Western and Eastern Europe. Parliaments and Estates
Sharing power is bad for the health of junior coalition partners
Costello, R (2012) Sharing power is bad for the health of junior coalition partners. TheJournal.ie
Why hasn't a far-right party like Golden Dawn emerged in Ireland?
Costello, R (2012) Why hasn't a far-right party like Golden Dawn emerged in Ireland?. TheJournal.ie