Carmel Hannan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Limerick, Ireland and an expert in Irish family dynamics and child development.Her research has focused on stratification issues within the family particularly as they relate to class dynamics. Her latest publication is on the impact of the pandemic on children's play. She has led a number of funded research projects focusing on the effects of family structure on child development and family well-being. She is currently working with Prof Ross MacMillan on a Health Research Board funded study of the effects of the pandemic on children and young adults psychological wellbeing.
Carmel received her DPhil from the University of Oxford, as a Nuffield funded scholar and held a Graduate Warden position at Brasenose College, Oxford as well as a research fellow position at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work. Prior to Oxford, she worked as a senior researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, at the University of Essex and as an assistant research officer at the Economic and Social Research Institute, in Dublin.
Research Interests
Research interests: Family dynamics, family formation and inequality, life course, stratification, child development.Professional Activities
- 2020 - University of Queensland: Incoming Visitor Fellowship
- 2019 - Study Group Funding
- 2014 - New foundations award
- 2014 - New foundations award
- 2012 - Irish Research Council Research Development Iniative Scheme
- 2010 - Irish Research Council Research Development Iniative
- 2003 - Prendergast Bequest
- 2002 - ESRC Award "fees only"
- 2002 - ESRI PhD grant
- 2001 - Nuffield Doctoral Scholarship
- 1998 - Young Scientist Conference Grants
- 2015 Growing up in Ireland ,
- 2015 Limerick Children & Young People's Services Committee,
- Irish Social Science Platform (ISSP),
- - Family Support Agency Project- joint with the ESRI and UCD
- RC06(childhood) RC53(family), International Sociological Association
- Member, European Consortium of Sociological Researchers
- Member, Sociological Association of Ireland