Dr. Brendan Halpin
Brendan Halpin is a specialist in quantitative sociology, with particular interest in longitudinal data such as panel studies and life course data. After a DPhil in Sociology at Nuffield College Oxford, he worked at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, home of the British Household Panel Surve before coming to UL in 2000.See http://teaching.sociology.ul.ie/bhalpin/publications.html for a list of publications with links to documents.
Research Interests
Brendan Halpin has published in the following areas, inter alia:- Social class from a lifecourse perspective
- Family formation and dissolution
- Labour market dynamics
- Assortative mating (especially with respect to education)
- Methods for analysis of longitudinal data (including sequence analysis, and multiple imputation)
- Computer simulation of social processes
He is currently working on a number of projects:
- Sequence analysis, especially with reference to dealing with missing data
- Agent-based computer simulation models of spouse choice
- Processes of educational achievement in second and third level
Peer Reviewed Journals
Multiple imputation for categorical time series
Halpin, B (2016) Multiple imputation for categorical time series. Stata Journal :590-612
Is Education Now Class Destiny? Class Histories across Three British Birth Cohorts
Bukodi, E,Goldthorpe, JH,Halpin, B,Waller, L (2016) Is Education Now Class Destiny? Class Histories across Three British Birth Cohorts. European Sociological Review :835-849
Class, Status and the Stratification of Residential Preferences amongst Accountants
O'Regan, P, Halpin, B (2014) Class, Status and the Stratification of Residential Preferences amongst Accountants. Historical Social Research-Historische Sozialforschung :336-359
The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for Ireland
Hannan, C., Halpin, B., (2014) The Influence of Family Structure on Child Outcomes: Evidence for Ireland. Economic And Social Review :1-24
Sequence Analysis in Sociology
Brendan Halpin (2013) Sequence Analysis in Sociology. New York Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology
Optimal Matching Analysis and Life-Course Data: The Importance of Duration
Halpin, B (2010) Optimal Matching Analysis and Life-Course Data: The Importance of Duration. Sociological Methods & Research :365-388
Union Dissolution in the United Kingdom
Chan, TW; Halpin, B (2003) Union Dissolution in the United Kingdom. International Journal Of Sociology
Educational homogamy in Ireland and Britain: trends and patterns
Halpin, B; Chan, TW (2003) Educational homogamy in Ireland and Britain: trends and patterns. British Journal Of Sociology :473-495
Is Class Changing? A Work-Life Perspective on the Salariat
Halpin, B (1999) Is Class Changing? A Work-Life Perspective on the Salariat. Sociological Research Online
Simulation in Sociology
Halpin, B (1999) Simulation in Sociology. American Behavioural Scientist
Class Careers as Sequences: an Optimal Matching Analysis of Work-Life Histories
Halpin, B; Chan, TW (1998) Class Careers as Sequences: an Optimal Matching Analysis of Work-Life Histories. European Sociological Review
Children, Standard of Living, and Distributions in the Family
Ringen, S; Halpin, B (1997) Children, Standard of Living, and Distributions in the Family. Journal Of Social Policy
Book Chapters
The Dynamics of Service Sector Employment in Germany and the UK -- A Comparison Using Household Panel Data
Fagan, C; Halpin, B; O'Reilly, J (2004) The Dynamics of Service Sector Employment in Germany and the UK -- A Comparison Using Household Panel Data. Nürnberg : IAB Arbeitsmarktpolitic und Strukturwandel: Empirische Analysen
Becoming a Homeowner in Britain in the 1990s
Ermisch, J; Halpin, B (2004) Becoming a Homeowner in Britain in the 1990s. Social Class and Housing Tenure in Comparative Perspective
Who marries whom in Great Britain?
Chan, TW; Halpin, B (2003) Who marries whom in Great Britain?. Who Marries Whom? Educational Systems as Marriage Markets in Modern Societies
Who are the Irish in Britain, Evidence From Large-scale Surveys
Halpin, B (2000) Who are the Irish in Britain, Evidence From Large-scale Surveys. The Irish Diaspora, Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman
Time-use, Quality of Life and Process Benefits
Gershuny, J; Halpin, B (1996) Time-use, Quality of Life and Process Benefits. The Quality of Life
Imputations of Household Income from Unpaid Work Time: Combining Time and Money Budgets
Gershuny, J; Halpin, B (1993) Imputations of Household Income from Unpaid Work Time: Combining Time and Money Budgets. Time Use Methodology: Toward Consensus}
Change in Intragenerational Mobility in the Republic of Ireland
Halpin, B (1992) Change in Intragenerational Mobility in the Republic of Ireland. The Development of Industrial Society in Ireland
Edited Books
Other Journals
MICT: Multiple Imputation for Categorical Time-Series
Halpin, B (2015) MICT: Multiple Imputation for Categorical Time-Series. Department of Sociology Working Papers
SADI: Sequence Analysis Tools for Stata
Halpin, B (2014) SADI: Sequence Analysis Tools for Stata. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Imputing Sequence Data: extensions to initial and terminal gaps
Halpin, B (2013) Imputing Sequence Data: extensions to initial and terminal gaps. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Sequence Analysis of Life-Course Data: A Comparison of Distance Measures
Halpin, B (2012) Sequence Analysis of Life-Course Data: A Comparison of Distance Measures. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Multiple Imputation for Longitudinal Data
Halpin, B (2012) Multiple Imputation for Longitudinal Data. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Some Notes on Categorical Data Analysis, using Simulation in Stata and R
Halpin, B (2011) Some Notes on Categorical Data Analysis, using Simulation in Stata and R. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Active Labour Market Programmes and Poverty Dynamics in Ireland
Halpin, B; Hill, J (2007) Active Labour Market Programmes and Poverty Dynamics in Ireland. Dept of Sociology Working Papers
Comparing the Labour Market Effects of Childbirth in Ireland, Sweden, the UK and Germany
Russell, H; Halpin, B; Strandh, M; Ziefle, A (2006) Comparing the Labour Market Effects of Childbirth in Ireland, Sweden, the UK and Germany. ESRI Working Paper
Cohabitation in Ireland: evidence from survey data
Halpin, B; O'Donoghue, C (2004) Cohabitation in Ireland: evidence from survey data. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Comparing Labour Market Dynamics and Service Sector Employment Growth in Germany and the UK Using Household Panel Data
O'Reilly, J; Fagan, C; Halpin, B (2004) Comparing Labour Market Dynamics and Service Sector Employment Growth in Germany and the UK Using Household Panel Data. Cross National Research Papers
Tracks through Time and Continuous Processes: Transitions, Sequences, and Social Structure
Halpin, B (2003) Tracks through Time and Continuous Processes: Transitions, Sequences, and Social Structure. Department of Sociology Working Papers
Current Issues in Stratification in the UK
Halpin, B (1998) Current Issues in Stratification in the UK. Tocqueville Review
Conference Publications
Conference Contributions
Published Reports
Growing Up in a One-Parent Family
Carmel Hannan and Brendan Halpin and Carol Coleman (2013) Growing Up in a One-Parent Family. Dublin : Family Support Agency
Active Labour Market Programmes and Poverty Dynamics in Ireland
Halpin, B; Hill, J (2008) Active Labour Market Programmes and Poverty Dynamics in Ireland. : Combat Poverty Agency
New Jobs for Whom? Service sector employment in Germany and the UK
Fagan, C; O'Reilly, J; Halpin, B (2005) New Jobs for Whom? Service sector employment in Germany and the UK. London : Anglo-German Foundation
Book Reviews
Other Publications
DUDAHART: Stata module to calculate and graph Duda-Hart cluster stopping indices from distance matrix
Brendan Halpin (2016) DUDAHART: Stata module to calculate and graph Duda-Hart cluster stopping indices from distance matrix. Boston Statistical Software Archive
SILHOUETTE: module to calculate and graph silhouette width for cluster analysis
Halpin, B (2016) SILHOUETTE: module to calculate and graph silhouette width for cluster analysis. Boston Statistical Software Components
CALINSKI: module to compute Calinski-Harabasz cluster stopping index from distance matrix
Halpin, B (2015) CALINSKI: module to compute Calinski-Harabasz cluster stopping index from distance matrix. Statistical Software Components
MICT: Multiple Imputation for Categorical Time-Series
Halpin, B (2015) MICT: Multiple Imputation for Categorical Time-Series. Statistical Software Components
SADI: module to compute Sequence Analysis Distance Measures
Halpin, B (2014) SADI: module to compute Sequence Analysis Distance Measures. Boston Statistical Software Components
DISCREPANCY: module to implement a pseudo-ANOVA method for partitions of pairwise distance matrices
Halpin, B (2014) DISCREPANCY: module to implement a pseudo-ANOVA method for partitions of pairwise distance matrices. Statistical Software Components