My research and teaching practice is concerned with understanding the complexities of the digital world with a focus on the shaping and reshaping of markets. I actively engage in transdisciplinary research and practice, which is core to the future direction and success of Higher Education. Success in external funding (500,000+ as PI/Lead) demonstrates my successful leadership of project managing consortium funded proposals such as the SFI Sustainability Challenge; Erasmus+ funded EULab and my 2016 IRC funded Health Research Futures Lab project. The significance of my research and my personal high standing as a researcher is marked through securing publication of 32 peer reviewed journal articles (IS 3*/4*) across a transdisciplinary range of journals such as Human Relations, Marketing Theory, Journal of Marketing Management.My combined academic and teaching standing internationally is shown through invitations to act as external examiner (Dublin Business School, Edinburgh University Business School, Lancaster University), as a visiting researcher/educator at, e.g. Audencia Business School; receipt of international awards: e.g. Academy of Marketing best paper award; invitation to sit on the editorial review board of Industrial Marketing Management journal and to co-edit a Special issue in the Journal of Business Ethics. My influence on my research in my field is further apparent in international conference planning - Chair of the 7th Biennial CSSI Symposium (June 2020).
Research Interests
My research and teaching practice is concerned with understanding the complexities of the digital world with a focus on the shaping and reshaping of markets. I actively engage in transdisciplinary research and practice, which is core to the future direction and success of Higher Education. Success in external funding (500,000+ as PI/Lead) demonstrates my successful leadership of project managing consortium funded proposals such as the SFI Sustainability Challenge; Erasmus+ funded EULab and my 2016 IRC funded Health Research Futures Lab project. The significance of my research and my personal high standing as a researcher is marked through securing publication of 32 peer reviewed journal articles (IS 3*/4*) (including 4 in press) across a transdisciplinary range of journals such as Human Relations, Marketing Theory, Journal of Marketing Management.Research Leadership
- FutureFarm: Project lead/PI on a Science Foundation Ireland Sustainability Challenge fund project in collaboration with Science and Engineering (UL) and Makerere University, Uganda
- Co-editor of 'Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action' to be published by Cambridge University Press. Editors: Susi Geiger, Katy Mason, Neil Pollock, Philip Roscoe, Annmarie Ryan, Stefan Schwarzkopf, Pascale Trompette
- Co-editor of a special issue in the Journal of Business Ethics. Focus on partnerships and place.
- Coordinator on a successful UL Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership, 'Equipping active citizenship toward regenerative futures, using a heutagogical virtual exchange model', with Oulu University Business School (Finland), Audencia Business School (France) and Universidad de Leon (Spain).
- Currently supervise 3 Phd Students
- Ms Andrea Deverell (PT)
- Ms Amy Mathers (FT)
- Ms Lucy Costelloe (FT): IRC Employment Based programme funded
- Chair of the 7th biennial symposium Cross Sector Social Interaction, University of Limerick June 23rd-26th 2020 (hosted virtually). This was the first fully online academic conference to be hosted in UL.
- Secured funding and acted as academic lead on Irish Aid funded ECR bursary scheme (10,000 euro) as part of CSSI 2020
- Led on the design, development and delivery of the innovative Professional Diploma in Digital Futures and Innovation
- Founder and lead of the KBS Digital Futures Lab
- Co-led a series of interdisciplinary futures labs, Health Futures Lab (2014), Health Research Futures Lab (2015), IU Culture Lab (2016), Digital Futures Lab (2020).
- 2023 150,000: Co-applicant on InterReg ReNu2Cycle (UL WP lead Achim Schmalenberger, (Biological and Chemical Sciences). Title: REcycling of NUtrients to close the fertiliser CYCLE'
- 2023 50,991, PI/Project Co-Lead: SFI Sustainability Challenge Concept Phase: 'The future of data driven agriculture in Uganda: A design-led approach to building climate resilient futures with marginalised smallholder farmers'
- 2021 250,000, PI/Project Coordinator: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (UL coordinator). Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 226 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, 2021-2023 Title: Equipping active citizenship toward regenerative futures using a heutagogical blended exchange model'
- 2016 IRC Creative Connections Interdisciplinary Research Call: PI, 15,000 to run Health Research Futures Lab
- 2015 IRC New Foundations: PI, 10,000, Strand 3 'Building Capacity in Business-Arts collaborations'
- 2014 IRC New Foundations: PI, 9,208, Strand 1 'Network effects: The role of Cities of Culture in building an art sponsorship/corporate engagement sector at a regional level', in partnership with Business to Arts.
Professional Activities
- 2007 Edinburgh University Management School - Lecturer in Marketing
- 2007 Lancaster University Management School - Lecturer in Marketing
- 2003 College of Business, University of Limerick - Teaching Assistant
- 2002 College of Business, University of Limerick - Lecturer
- 2002 College of Business, University of Limerick - Tutorial Assistant
- 2001 College of Business, University of Limerick - Guest Lecturer
- 2006 University of Limerick - Ph.D.
- 1999 University of Limerick - B.Business Studies
- 2001 Cultural Policy sub committee Limerick City Development Board,
- Assurance of Learning Group as part of AACSB process,
- 1999 Member, Arts and Heritage Marketing discussion group
- 1999 Member, Arts Marketing Association