The UL Student Charter at UL (under Integrity, page 6) states that: The University expects students not to plagiarise (i.e., present another’s ideas or writings as their own), fabricate or falsify data, commission others to complete assessments or engage in academic cheating in any form whatsoever. 

Additionally,  Academic Regulations provide rules around examination procedures and the authenticity of a student’s own work (section 5.1.4), and Section 6 outlines the principles that apply to all persons studying in the university.

Handling plagiarism

When an instance of plagiarism is identified, the module leader can manage it locally or send it to the Advocate for investigation.

Lecturers may choose to have a careful conversation with the student (i.e. no allegations) and decide then on what the best avenue might be.

For example, they may decide to offer potential for resubmission or may decide to send to the Office of University Advocates.

Processes for managing breaches of academic integrity.

AI Detection

Please note: Effective from 4 April 2023, all new similarity reports in Turnitin contain an AI Indicator, separate from the normal similarity score.

However, emerging advice points to the need to place emphasis on robust assessment design rather than surveillance.
