Individuals who are not members of the University of Limerick may apply for admission to the Glucksman Library under the following categories:
- UL Alumni
- Students and staff from other universities and colleges
- Students and staff from designated HEA institutions (includes Technological Universities), Post-Primary school services
- Members of the public
Please select the option most appropriate below to find out further details for each category
Please note:
- Applications for access must be made in advance using the library access application form.
- Applicants will receive an email response within three working days.
- Individuals wishing to visit Special Collections/Archives including the National Dance Archive of Ireland should make an appointment by emailing specoll@ul.ie
- Those who require longer term access including borrowing rights can apply for fee-based membership, which provides personal, alumni and corporate membership.
- Individuals who have not applied in advance will not be admitted during unserviced opening hours.
The library reserves the right to decline applications on a number of grounds, for example, around exam times, space restrictions, seat shortages, etc. Access may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Library Director. Applicants must comply with the necessary terms and requirements, as stated by the library, to gain access and/or borrowing privileges.
Tours of the Glucksman Library
If you have a group visiting UL that you’d like to arrange a library tour for, you can request that by emailing libinfo@ul.ie To facilitate a guided tour, we require 7 days notice for groups of 10, and 3 weeks notice for groups larger than 10. Tell us who the group are, what they are interested in and what date and time you would like to visit. We generally DON’T allow library tours from Week 9 to the end of exams in the autumn and spring semesters; this is because the library is at peak occupancy and our students need this uninterrupted time to work on assignments and prepare for exams.
University staff, current and retired, are welcome to come in to the library to attend events, to browse the collections, to read, to borrow and consult with library staff. Staff must use their UL staff ID card to swipe in to the library. Staff, including retired staff, who have an expired card or who have lost their card can email compandbens@ul.ie to request a new ID card.
Retired members of staff who need to carry out research for UL may apply to the University for an account that will allow you to access online library resources. This login will also allow you to avail of the University’s Inter Library Loans service.
Apply for a UL account on the UL Keeping In Touch webpage.
Visiting academic staff, researchers and staff of associated organisations based in UL for a short period may apply to the University of Limerick's HR Department for an ID card, subject to certain criteria and by completing the relevant form.
Students from UL are admitted to the library on production of their valid ID card.
- Forgotten ID card - get a day pass, subject to a maximum of six passes per semester, from the kiosk at the library entrance. Passes that are issued from the kiosk must be retained for entry and exit until the end of the day.
- Lost / damaged card - get replacement from Student Academic Administration (SAA), E0-001.
- Unknown card error - get a day pass from the kiosk for immediate access, subject to a maximum of six per semester, but make sure you resolve the problem with your ID card as soon as possible:
- New students who have just been issued their card should wait 2 hours and try again, then proceed as follows
- New undergraduates to Undergraduate Admissions, Main Building, Block E, Room E0-001, during office hours.
- New postgraduates to Postgraduate Admissions, Foundation Building F2-019, during office hours.
- Continuing & Professional Education (CPE) students incl. Spring Board to ER1-030, during office hours
Students with older cards that have been used in the past should get a replacement card from Student Academic Administration (SAA), Main Building, Block E, Room E0-001.
There are a number of options available to individuals who may have a physical or intellectual impairment which may cause a difficulty for them in using the access gates. Such individuals should approach library security or can email libinfo@ul.ie to arrange a meeting with a library staff member to discuss alternative arrangements for ongoing admission.
Unfortunately, Mary Immaculate students with ID cards issued from Sept 2020 CANNOT access the Glucksman Library due to changes in the student record system in MIC. This situation may be reviewed at a later date.
Mary Immaculate staff should contact the Glucksman Library at libinfo@ul.ie to arrange access.
Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme, (new name for ALCID)
This is a co-operative access scheme between Irish higher education libraries. It gives access, but not borrowing rights, to full-time academic staff and postgraduate students from Library Link institutions reading for taught or research Masters and Doctoral degrees. It is not available to undergraduates or students studying for a postgraduate diploma. Full-time (only) postgraduate diploma students may qualify for access to the SCONUL scheme. Applicants must apply in advance to access the Glucksman Library, and bring an Library Link card from their home library plus their home institution ID card.
This is a co-operative scheme which covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland, and allows access and borrowing for staff and postgraduates. Applicants must apply in advance, via the SCONUL website and may be approved by their home library. They must bring the email approval letter from their home library plus their home institution ID card to the visiting library.
Atlantic University Alliance (AUA)
This is a co-operative scheme that allows access and borrowing for students doing AUA courses at UL, UCC and the University of Galway. Applicants must apply in advance to access the Glucksman Library, and bring proof of participation in an AUA course plus their home institution ID card.
Members of the public may apply for a day pass, to a maximum of three day passes per year, if they can demonstrate a valid research need to consult the Library's collections. Applicants must apply in advance. Those who require longer term access including borrowing rights can apply for fee-based personal membership.
Visitors to the Library Building
- UL staff should notify security by emailing library.security@ul.ie or at extension 3067 in advance to alert them if a non-UL individual needs access to the building, attendees at board room meetings, trainers and attendees in the small and large training rooms, contractors, maintenance contractors, etc. If all day access is required, please request that security issue a day pass for collection by the visitor. Requests for tours for external visitors, such as accreditation boards or VIPs should be made through the Library Director by emailing Kathleen.Crowley@ul.ie.
- Visitors wishing to view the Library's collections should apply in advance to arrange access.
- Visitors cannot be admitted during unserviced opening times (21:00 - Midnight Monday to Friday, Saturday 16:30-22:00 or Sundays 10:00 - 22:00) if security has not been notified by UL staff.
Disability aides, and any other visitor who may require on-going access to the library building, should email libinfo@ul.ie and a library staff member will make contact to discuss the access options.
UL Library provides access to graduates, members of the public, industry and business through its fee-based service. Membership includes a library card which entitles the user to library and borrowing rights. Corporate subscription includes research services, document supply and additional cards at a reduced rate.
Applications for access must be made in advance by filling out the library access application form.
Category subscription | Subscription rate | ||
Alumni | Rate | VAT@23% | Total |
Access & borrowing (12 months) | €75.00 | €17.25 | €92.25 |
Access & borrowing (6 months) | €50.00 | €11.50 | €61.50 |
Corporate membership | |||
Annual only | €400.00 | €92.00 | €492.00 |
Additional corporate card (named individual) | €50.00 | €11.50 | €61.50 |
Personal membership | |||
Access & borrowing (12 months) | €150.00 | €34.50 | €184.50 |
Access & borrowing (6 months) | €80.00 | €18.40 | €98.40 |
Legal Professional | |||
Access & borrowing (12 months) | €75.00 | €17.25 | €92.25 |
Access & borrowing (6 months) | €50.00 | €11.50 | €61.50 |
Two types of Alumni membership cards
- Access only (free) - We will extend access for all Alumni cards that expired during Covid for an additional 3 years. Please bring your old card with you, if possible. A fee will apply after 3 years.
- Access and borrowing (fee-based).
Free Alumni membership includes...
- Access to study space
- In-library use of print collections.
- It does NOT include access to PC's, electronic access to resources or borrowing rights
Fee-based Alumni membership includes...
- Access to study space.
- Borrowing rights for library printed collections.
- Access to research services.
- Access to electronic collections on campus only.
UL alumni may apply for a membership card. Free cards are issued for a three year period, the fee-based membership cards are issued for 6 or 12 months, after which members must reapply. Applicants must bring their old UL ID card or proof of graduation plus photo ID.
Corporate membership includes...
- Membership card to gain access to the library.
- Access to the University library's books and print holdings.
- Year round access to study spaces; evenings and weekends to suit working professionals (day time access is permitted but can be very busy).
- Access (on campus only) to the University's electronic research databases, journals and other publications.
- Access through document supply service to collections of other research libraries.
- Access to research professional services to assist with technical searches and preparation of academic work.
- Additional membership cards at a reduced rate - up to 5 per corporate account.
- Membership application form
Personal membership includes...
- Library access, borrowing rights (four books for four weeks at a time).
- Reference Services.
- Access to study space.
- Research Support.
- Access to print collections.
- Access to electronic collections on campus only.
- Membership application form
Requests for research services should be made by email libinfo@ul.ie, telephone or online via the Ask Us service.
Tel: +353-61-202166
Email: libinfo@ul.ie
Students and staff not covered by the above schemes can apply for a day pass, to a maximum of three day passes per year, to consult the Library's print collections. Applicants must apply in advance and bring a letter of introduction from their home library plus their home institution ID card.
Legal Professional Membership includes...
- Membership card to gain access to the library.
- Access to the University library's books and print holdings.
- Year round access to study spaces; evenings and weekends to suit working professionals (day time access is permitted but can be very busy).
- Access (on campus only) to the University's electronic research databases, journals and other publications.
- Membership application form

Explore the Library Building using a Virtual Tour
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.