Pepijn van de Ven is Professor in the department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, at the University of Limerick (UL). Pepijn received an MSc in Electronic Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) in 2000. He subsequently worked for Philips Research Laboratories before completing a PhD at UL on the ‘Identification and Control of Marine Vehicles Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques’.

Pepijn’s research interests are the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to glean insights from patient data, with a particular emphasis on the area of eMental Health. Pepijn is Past-President of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), member of the Elsevier Internet Interventions journal, and has collaborated in large-scale research projects across Europe, Australia and South America. Pepijn has secured numerous national and international research awards totalling more than €2.3 million in funding to UL and is currently UL lead on the Innovation Fund Denmark funded Personae project. As sole international partner in this Danish consortium, Pepijn is responsible for the data-driven personalisation of existing online mental health services in Denmark.

In his spare time Pepijn leaves high-tech behind and enjoys working on the low-tech “tin snail”. He restored a 1989 2CV6 Dolly to the full satisfaction of the Irish National Car Test.



Scazufca, M., Nakamura, C., Seward, N., Moreno-Agostino, D., Van de Ven, P., Hollingworth, W., Peters, T., Araya R., (2022) 'A task-shared, collaborative care psychosocial intervention for improving depressive symptomatology among older adults in a socioeconomically deprived area of Brazil (PROACTIVE)' The Lancet Health Longevity 3 (10), e690-e702

Marques, J., de Moura, I., Van de Ven, P., Viana, D., Silva, F., Coutinho, L., Teixeira, S., Rodrigues, J., Teles, A. (2022). 'Sensing Applications and Public Datasets for Digital Phenotyping of Mental Health: Systematic Review' (2022). Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10.2196/28735.

Thornton, L., Osman, B., Champion, K., Green, O., Wescott, A., Gardner, L., Stewart, C., Visontay, R., Whife, J., Parmenter, B., Birrell, L., Bryant, Z., Chapman, C., Lubans, D., Slade, T., Torous, J., Teesson, M., Van de Ven, P. (2022). 'Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol use and Tobacco use'. (2022). JMIR mHealth and uHealth.

Scazufca, M., de Paula Couto, M.C.P., Henrique, M.G., Mendes, A.V., Matijasevich, A., Pereda, P.C., Franzin, R.M., Seabra, A.C., Van de Ven, P., Hollingworth, W. and Araya, R. (2019) 'Pilot study of a two-arm non-randomized controlled cluster trial of a psychosocial intervention to improve late life depression in socioeconomically deprived areas of São Paulo, Brazil (PROACTIVE): feasibility study of a psychosocial intervention for late life depression in São Paulo', BMC public health, 19(1), 1-14.

Van de Ven, P., Araya, R., de Paula Couto, M.C.P., Henrique, M.G., Meere, D., Mendes, A.V., Peters, T.J., Seabra, A., Franzin, R.M. and Pereda, P.C. (2019) 'Investigating software requirements for systems supporting task-shifted interventions: usability study', Journal of medical Internet research, 21(11), e11346




Guiry, J.J., P. van de Ven, J. Nelson, L. Warmerdam, and H. Riper, Activity recognition with smartphone support. Medical Engineering and Physics, 2014. 36(6): p. 670-675.