Dr Hope Davidson is a Lecturer in Health Law and Ethics at the University of Limerick on a joint appointment between the School of Law and the School of Medicine. Her particular research interests are in the area of mental health and mental capacity law and in PPI in the context of cognition and ageing. Her current research interests centre on the implementation of the Assisted-Decision (Making) Capacity Act 2015. She is Vice-Chair of the AHSS Ethics Committee in UL and the Director of Clinical Legal Education in the School of Law.  


Davidson H. ‘Exploring Relational (and Remaining Autonomy) for People with Dementia’ (2020) Elder Law Review (ELR) Vol 12 Part II Special Issue https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/1714224/PEER_REVIEWED_Davidson_article.pdf  

Davidson, H ‘The vexed question of the voluntary patient’ European Journal of Health Law (2019) Volume 26: Issue 3, 205–220 https://doi.org/10.1163/15718093-12261426  

Davidson, H ‘When is a voluntary patient not a voluntary patient? An examination of the degree to which the Irish courts have sought to engage with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, in relation to the treatment and detention of ‘voluntary’ or ‘informal’ patients’. International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law, No 22 (2016) 38-50 http://dx.doi.org/10.19164/ijmhcl.v2016i22.550  

Davidson, H ‘The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015: how will it change healthcare decision-making for people with dementia’ (2017) Medico-legal Journal of Ireland 23(2)  

Davidson, H and Schweppe, J ‘Time for legislative clarity on consent to medical treatment? Children, young people and the ‘mature minor’, (2015) Medico-legal Journal of Ireland 21(2) 65-77