Once you have accepted your place in UL please watch the email you provided to the CAO for the email from UL Access Office regarding registration for this mandatory pre-entry course. This will be a separate email to the one containing your offer for UL.
This year's Transition to University Course will take place on-line, details of this will be sent to your email.The first day of the Transition to University Course 2022 begins on Monday 19th of September. You will then have until Thursday 22nd of September to complete the course content.
UL HEAR orientation is an online programme called Transition to University Programme (TUC) which takes place online. The course will begin on Monday19th of September 2022. Students must complete this course. The course covers all aspects of becoming a competent student and also information around fees and accommodation. It contains a mix of informational videos, quizzes and text.
All incoming UL HEAR students who want to get the supports given by the Access Office which includes financial, academic and personal support. If you received a reduced points offer it is compulsory that you complete our HEAR orientation (TUC). HEAR students going to other higher education institutions also undertake an orientation programme. Details can be sought directly from the institution concerned.
Once you accept your place in UL please check the email address you gave to CAO. You will receive an email from access@ul.ie with a link to register for the Transition to University course (TUC). It is extremely important that you register for the course. If you do not register for this Transition to University Course you may not be able to continue into your course in UL.
Within a few days of registering for the course you will receive a link to your email that will give you access to the Transition to University Course contents. The first day of the Transition to University Course begins on Monday the 19th of September. You will then have until Thursday 22nd of September to complete the course content. Once you have completed the course you are then eligible for all the supports that we offer in the Access Office.
Participation in all aspects of the HEAR orientation (TUC) course is compulsory and therefore, we need to be informed if you think there could be a potential conflict for any reason. If there are any issues please contact the Access Office at access@ul.ie.