Abstract Format
Typed abstracts should be no longer than one A4 page. Abstracts should follow the format of the sample abstract. The sample abstract can be used as a template by simply editing the text. Abstracts are required to be no longer than 500 words including:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Institution / Affiliation / Research Centre
- Introduction
- Method
- Results
- Conclusions
- Practical Applications
- References
The author submitting the abstract should appear as the first named author and will be expected to present the work if accepted. Tables (see sample abstract) may be included in abstracts as long as the abstract fits on a single A4 page. The conference theme is ‘evidence-based approaches to sport and human performance’. Authors are encouraged (where relevant) to emphasise the impact of their research on coaches, practitioners and/or researchers in the sport and human performance domain.
We also invite submission of case study and/or applied practitioner abstracts describing coaching practices, applied interventions and/or research projects. These abstracts also need to be no longer than one A4 page (500 words) and include (edit as appropriate):
- Title
- Author(s)
- Institution / Affiliation / Research Centre
- Background
- Description of Intervention / Coaching Practice / Research
- Main Findings
- Coach/Practitioner Implications
- References
When using the sample abstract as a template, please do not change font sizes (Calibri 10), margins (2.3 cm), line spacing etc.
Abstract Reviewing
All abstracts will be reviewed by a Conference Committee who will make recommendations as to the type of presentation. In the body of the submission email, authors should state their preference for:
Type of presentation | Oral presentation / Poster presentation |
Research Theme | Athletics Science |
Rugby Science | |
Esports | |
Weight Category Sport Science |
Endurance Sport Science | |
Other |
The final decision on each resides with the Conference Committee.
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be submitted by email as a MS Word document to shprc@ul.ie by Friday 25th August 2023.
The receipt of your abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail. You will receive notification of the abstract decision no later than Wednesday 6th September 2023. The conference registration deadline is Friday 15th September 2023.
Further queries relating to the abstract template/submission process, can be sent to: shprc@ul.ie
Register for the National Sport and Human Performance Conference 2023