IRIS Journal Publications (24)
- Guilfoyle L., O’Sullivan K., Comyns T.M. and Kenny I.C. (2025) What do coaches want? Exploring the preferences of youth Rugby Union coaches for education in the implementation of injury prevention programmes. Physical Therapy in Sport. Xx(xx), xxxx-xxxx [in press]
- Bibby K., Comyns T.M., Cahalan R., Purtill H. and Kenny I.C. (20xx). How are female rugby players affected by contact breast injuries and exercise induced breast pain – an international survey. Research in Sports Medicine. Xx(xx), xxxx-xxxx. IF 1.9, Q1 [in press]
Bibby K., Kenny I.C., Cahalan R., Purtill H. and Comyns T.M. (20xx). The awareness, knowledge, and experience of female rugby players of impact related breast injuries and exercise induced breast pain – an international survey. Science et Sports. Xx(xx), xxxx-xxxx. IF 1.1, Q3, 169/320 [in press]
Bibby K., Kenny I.C., Cahalan R., Purtill H. and Comyns T.M. (20xx). Contact Breast Injuries Among Female Athletes – a Systematic Review. Sports Medicine. 54(7), 1921-1930, IF 9.80, Q1 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-024-02027-y
Tondelli, E., Zabalov, S., Kenny, I.C. and Comyns, T.M. (2024). Differences and correlations between horizontal-vertical single-leg jumps performance, dynamic balance and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in male amateur rugby players according to playing positions. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 38, 281-288 IF 1.40, Q2
Guilfoyle L., Kenny I.C., O’Sullivan K., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.W., Glynn L.G. and Comyns T.M. (20xx) Coaches of youth field-sports as delivery agents of injury prevention programmes: how are we training the trainers? A systematic scoping review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 58(3), 114-153. IF 18.6, Q1 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106934
Tondelli, E., Zabalov, S., Comyns T.M. and Kenny I.C. (2023). Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on injury incidence and burden in amateur Rugby Union. Physical Therapy in Sport. 59, 85-91. IF 2.920, Q2 doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.12.005
Dolan P., Kenny I.C., Glynn L.G., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M. and Comyns T.M. (2022). Risk Factors for Acute Ankle Sprains in Field-Based, Team Contact Sports: a Systematic Review. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. IF 2.241, Q2, 55/116 https://doi.org/10.1080/00913847.2022.2093618
Leahy T.M., Kenny I.C., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., O’Sullivan K., Purtill, H. and Comyns T.M. (2023). Injury Trends for School Rugby Union in Ireland: The Need for Position-specific Injury-prevention Programs. Sports Health. 15(1), 131-141. IF 4.355, Q1, 20/85 https://doi.org/10.1177/19417381221078531
Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M., Purtill H., Tiernan C., O’Shaughnessy E. and Lyons, M. (2021). Training load monitoring in team sports: A practical approach to addressing missing data. Journal of Sports Sciences. 39(19), 2161-2171. IF 2.597, Q2, 27/85 https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2021.1923205
- Leahy T.M., Kenny I.C., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., O’Sullivan K., Purtill, H. and Comyns T.M. (20xx). Positional injury trends for School Rugby in Ireland. Sports Health. xx, xxx-xxx. IF 2.866, Q1, 20/85 [in press]
- Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M., Purtill H., Tiernan C., O’Shaughnessy E. and Lyons, M. (2021). Training load monitoring in team sports: A practical approach to addressing missing data. Journal of Sports Sciences. xx, xxx-xxx. IF 2.597, Q2, 27/85 [in press] https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2021.1923205 Link
Leahy T.M., Comyns T.M., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., Purtill, H. and Kenny I.C. (20xx). The Epidemiology of Shoulder Injuries in Irish Schoolboy Rugby Union. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 9(8), e-collection. IF 5.810, Q2, 26/82 DOI: 10.1177/23259671211023431 Link
- Yeomans C., Kenny I.C., Cahalan R., Warrington G.D., Harrison A.J., Purtill H., Lyons M., Campbell M.J., Glynn L.G. and Comyns T.M. (2021). Injury trends in Irish amateur Rugby Union; an epidemiological comparison of male and female Rugby-related injuries. Sports Health. x, xx-xx. IF 2.866, Q1, 20/85. https://doi.org/10.1177/1941738121997145 [e-press ahead of print] Link
Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M. and Lyons, M. (2020). The development and evaluation of a training monitoring system for amateur Rugby Union. Applied Sciences. 10(21), 7816. IF 2.474, Q2, 32/91 https://doi.org/10.3390/app10217816 Link
- Kearns J., Ross A.M., Walsh D.R., Cahalane R.M., Hinchion R., Ryan M.C., Conway E., Comyns T.M., Kenny I.C., McGourty K.D. and Mulvihill J.J.E. (2020). A blood biomarker cohort study with clinical correlation to diagnose sports related concussion in elite rugby and monitor recovery. BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine. 6(1): e000948, IF 1.51, Q2, doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000948 Link
Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M. and Lyons, M. (2020). Training load monitoring in amateur Rugby Union: A survey of current practices. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. IF 2.973, Q1, 19/85 [in press] doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003637 Link
Leahy T.M., Kenny I.C., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., Purtill, H. and Comyns T.M. (2019). Injury Surveillance and Prevention Practices across Rugby Schools in Ireland. Physical Therapy in Sport. 43, 134-142. IF 1.919, Q2, 38/81 [in press] doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2020.02.006 Link
Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M. and Lyons, M. (2020) The Relationship Between the Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio and Injury and its Application in Team Sports: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine. 50(3), 561-580. IF 7.867, Q1, 3/81. doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01218-2 Link
Yeomans C., Comyns T.M., Cahalan R., Hayes K., Costello V., Warrington G.D., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Campbell M.J., Glynn L.G. and Kenny I.C. (2019). The relationship between physical and wellness measures and injury in amateur Rugby Union players. Physical Therapy in Sport. 40, 59-65. IF 1.919, Q2, 38/81. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.08.012 Link
Leahy T.M., Kenny I.C., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Hayes K., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., and Comyns T.M. (2019). Injury Surveillance in Schools Rugby: An overview of Injury Epidemiology & Surveillance Practices. Physical Therapy in Sport. 38, 170-78. IF 1.919, Q2, 38/81. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.05.005 Link
Yeomans, C., Kenny, I.C., Cahalan, R., Warrington, G.D., Harrison, A.J., Hayes, K., Lyons, M., Campbell, M.J., Glynn, L.G. and Comyns, TM (2019). The design, development, implementation and evaluation of IRISweb; A rugby specific web-based injury surveillance system. Physical Therapy in Sport. 35, 79-88. IF 1.919, Q2, 38/81. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2018.11.007 Link
Yeomans, C., Comyns, T.M., Cahalan, R., Warrington, G.D., Harrison, A.J., Hayes, K., Lyons, M., Campbell, M.J. and Kenny, I.C. (2018) Current injury monitoring and player education practices in Irish amateur Rugby Union. Physical Therapy in Sport. 33, 27-32. IF 1.919, Q2, 38/81. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2018.06.008 Link
Yeomans, C., Kenny, I.C., Cahalan, R., Warrington, G.D., Harrison, A.J., Hayes, K., Lyons, M., Campbell, M.J., Comyns, TM (2018). The incidence of injury in amateur male Rugby union: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 48(4), 837-848. IF 7.074, Q1, 3/81. doi: 10.1007/s40279-017-0838-4 Link
- Kenny I.C., Comyns T.M., Guilfoyle L., Badenhorst M., Purtill H., Yeomans C. and Warrington G.D.: 2024 20th SASMA South African Sports Medicine Association Congress. 17-19 October 2024, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Symposia ‘Methods, Considerations and Feedback for Community and Underage Rugby Union Injury Surveillance’ Invited symposium.
- Guilfoyle L., Kenny I.C., O’Sullivan K. & Comyns C. (2024) What we don’t know can hurt us: the under-reporting of coach education characteristics in sports injury prevention. Proceedings of the 20th SASMA South African Sports Medicine Association 2024 Conference, 17-19 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- Guilfoyle L., Kenny I.C., O’Sullivan K. & Comyns C. (2024) What we don’t know can hurt us: the under-reporting of coach education characteristics in sports injury prevention. 20th SASMA Congress 2024: Breaking boundaries in Sports and Exercise Medicine & Science. (2024). South African Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(1).
- Bibby K., Comyns T.C., Cahalan R., Purtill H. and Kenny I.C. (2024) An International Investigation on Exercise Induced Breast Pain and Contact Breast Injuries among Female Rugby Union Players. Proceedings of the 20th SASMA South African Sports Medicine Association 2024 Conference, 17-19 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- Bibby K., Comyns T.C., Cahalan R., Purtill H. and Kenny I.C. (2024) An International Investigation on Exercise Induced Breast Pain and Contact Breast Injuries among Female Rugby Union Players. 20th SASMA Congress 2024: Breaking boundaries in Sports and Exercise Medicine & Science. (2024). South African Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(1).
- Warrington, G.D., McGrath, E., Comyns, T.M., Cahalan, R., Yeomans, C., and Kenny, I.C. (2024) Comparison of Women’s and Men’s Injury Epidemiology in Amateur Rugby Union. Proceedings of the 20th SASMA South African Sports Medicine Association 2024 Conference, 17-19 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- Warrington, G.D., McGrath, E., Comyns, T.M., Cahalan, R., Yeomans, C., and Kenny, I.C. (2024) Comparison of Women’s and Men’s Injury Epidemiology in Amateur Rugby Union. 20th SASMA Congress 2024: Breaking boundaries in Sports and Exercise Medicine & Science. (2024). South African Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(1).
- Bibby K., Comyns T.M., Cahalan R., Warrington G.D., Purtill H. and Kenny, I.C. (2024) A Silent Injury - Breast Pain and Injury Among Female Rugby Union Players. Proceedings of the Women in Rugby Conference 2024, 8 September 2024, Kildare, Ireland.
- Power, L.C., Comyns, T.M., Mulvihill, J.J.E., Collins, M.W., Kontos, A.P. and Kenny, I.C., (2024) Training and Match Sports-Related Concussion Frequency and Time-Loss in Irish Adult Amateur and Schools Underage Rugby. Proceedings of the Women in Rugby Conference 2024, 8 September 2024, Kildare, Ireland.
- Power, L.C., Comyns, T.M., Mulvihill, J.J.E., Collins, M.W., Kontos, A.P. and Kenny, I.C., (2024) Sports-related concussion frequency and time-loss in Irish adult amateur and schools underage rugby training and matches. Proceedings of the 2024 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, 22 May 2024, ATU Galway, Ireland.
- Gallagher, T, Kenny, I.C. and Warrington, G.D. (2024) Irish Amateur Golf Injury Surveillance Project – Current practices and attitudes, Proceedings of the 2024 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, 22 May 2024, ATU Galway, Ireland.
- Kenny, I.C., Power, L.C., Mulvihill, J.J.E., Collins, M.W., Kontos, A.P. and Comyns, T.M. (2024) Concussion Time-Loss Severity in Amateur Rugby Union. Proceedings of the TREAT sport-related concussion Conference, 20-21 April 2024, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Power, L.C., Kenny, I.C., Mulvihill, J.J.E., Collins, M.W., Kontos, A.P. and Comyns, T.M. (2024) Whole body injury and time-loss following sports related concussion in Irish amateur Rugby players over a competitive season. Proceedings of the TREAT sport-related concussion Conference, 20-21 April 2024, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M., Tiernan, C. and Lyons, M. (2024) Practical considerations for the use of pre-session subjective wellness as a tool for injury risk mitigation in amateur Rugby Union. Submitted to the European College of Sport Science Conference 2024, 2-5 July 2024, Glasgow, UK.
- Bibby K., Comyns T.M., Cahalan R., Warrington G.D., Purtill H. and Kenny, I.C. (2024) A Silent Injury - Breast Pain And Injury Among Female Rugby Union Players. Submitted to the 71st ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2024, 28 May – 31 June 2024, Boston, USA.
- Bibby, K., Kenny, I.C., Cahalan, R, and Comyns T.M. (2023) Impact related breast injuries among female athletes – a systematic review. Proceedings of the National Sport & Human Performance Conference 2023, 29 September 2023, Limerick, Ireland.
- Kenny, I.C., Billingham, T., Dolan, P., Cahalan, R., Warrignton, G.D., Yeomans, C., Glynn, L., Campbell, M.J., Lyons, M., Harrison, A.J., Purtill, H., Mulvihill. J.J.E. and Comyns, T.M. (2023) Four Year Analysis of Playing Surface Relationship to Injuries in Adult Amateur Rugby Union. Proceedings of the National Sport & Human Performance Conference 2023, 29 September 2023, Limerick, Ireland.
- Guilfoyle, L., Comyns, T.M., O’Sullivan, K. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) Mechanism of Injury in Irish Schoolboy Rugby Union: How much does contact contribute? Proceedings of The Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (RCSI FSEM) Conference 2023, 15 September 2023, Dublin, Ireland. [Awarded best presentation]
- Guilfoyle, L., Comyns, T.M., O’Sullivan, K. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) Ligament sprain injuries in Irish Schoolboy Rugby Union. Submitted for presentation at the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists ISCP Conference 2023, 13 October 2023, Galway, Ireland.
- Bibby, K., Kenny, I.C., Cahalan, R, and Comyns T.M. (2023) Are existing injury surveillance systems in Rugby Union capable of reporting and monitoring breast injuries? Submitted for presentation at the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists ISCP Conference 2023, 13 October 2023, Galway, Ireland.
- Billingham, T., Comyns, T.M., Mulvihill, J.J.E., Dolan, P., Yeomans, C., Viviers, P.L. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) Concussion And Subsequent Injuries In Amateur Community Rugby Union. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Comyns, T.M., Purtill, H., Warrington, G.D., Cahalan, R., O’Sullivan, K., Glynn, L.G., Campbell, M.J., Lyons, M., Harrison, A.J., Yeomans, C., Dolan, P. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) Comparison Of Amateur Rugby Match-injury Incidence Rates Between Pre And Post Covid-19 Lockdown Seasons. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Dolan, P., Comyns, T.M., Glynn, L.G., Purtill, H. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) A Customized Warm-up Design And Controlled Feasibility Trial In Adult Amateur Rugby Union. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Guilfoyle, L., Leahy, T., Comyns, T.M., O’Sullivan, K. and Kenny, I.C. (2023) Injury Trends Across Two Seasons Of Senior Cup Schoolboy Rugby Union In Ireland. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Kenny, I.C., Billingham, T., Dolan, P., Cahalan, R., Warrignton, G.D., Yeomans, C., Glynn, L., Campbell, M.J., Lyons, M., Harrison, A.J., Purtill, H., Mulvihill. J.J.E. and Comyns, T.M. (2023) Characteristics of Injury in Rugby Union on Artificial and Natural Playing Surfaces. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Warrington, G.W., Leahy, T., Cahalan, R., Glynn, L.G., Campbell, M.J., Lyons, M., Harrison, A.J., Purtill, H., Kenny, I.C. and Comyns, T.M. (2023) Characteristics of Training Injuries in School-Boy Rugby Union in Ireland. Submitted for presentation at the 70th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2023, 30 May – 2 June 2023, Denver, USA.
- Yeomans, C., Comyns, T.M., Kenny, I.C. and Liston, M. (2022) Concussion knowledge and attitudes in elite Rugby Union in Ireland. Submitted for presentation at the IBIA International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, 29 March – 1 April 2023, Dublin.
- Dolan P., Comyns T.M., Glynn L.G., Yeomans C. and Kenny I.C. (2022) An Evidence-Supported Warm-up Design and Feasibility Trial in Adult Amateur Rugby Union. Proceedings of the 2022 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, 9 September 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
- Li Y. and Kenny I.C. (2022) Comparison of injury for non-contact sports (track) versus contact sports (rugby). Proceedings of the 69th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2022, 31 May - 4 June 2022, San Diego, USA.
- Kenny, I.C. & Comyns T.M.. Invited plenary speakers. (2021) ‘Irish amateur community Rugby women's and men's comparative injury surveillance’. Proceedings of the 2021 University of Bath Female Rugby Union Research Symposium. 2 December 2021, Bath, UK.
- Yeomans, C., Comyns, T.M., Cahalan, R., Warrington, G.D., Harrison, A.J., Purtill, H., Lyons, M., Campbell, M.J., Glynn, L.G. and Kenny, I.C. (2021) A Comparison of Injuries between Male and Female Amateur Rugby Union Players. Proceedings of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport, 25-27 November 2021, Monaco.
- Dolan P., Comyns T.M., Glynn L.G., Yeomans C. and Kenny I.C. (2021) A 3 Year Investigation of Match Injuries in Amateur Rugby Union. Proceedings of the European College of Sport Science Conference 2020, 8-10 September 2021, Cologne, Germany.
- Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M. and Lyons, M. (2021) Training load monitoring in team sports: a practical approach to addressing missing data. Proceeding of the European College of Sport Science Conference 2020, 8-10 September 2021, Cologne, Germany. [Shortlisted for Young Investigator Award]
- Leahy T.M., Kenny I.C., Campbell M.J., Warrington G.D., Cahalan R., Harrison A.J., Lyons M., Glynn L.G., O’Sullivan K. and Comyns T.M. (2021) Upper limb injuries in Irish Schoolboy Rugby Union. Accepted for presentation at the 68th ACSM American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2021, 1 - 5 June 2021, Washington D.C., USA [virtual].
- Murphy G. and Kenny, I.C. (2021) A Qualitative Investigation into the Individual Injury Burden of Amateur Rugby Players. Proceedings of The 2021 All-Ireland Conference of Undergraduate Research (AICUR), 24 March 2021, Limerick, Ireland.
- Dolan P., Comyns T.M., Glynn L.G., Yeomans C. and Kenny I.C. (2021) Distinction Between Women’s and Men’s Amateur Rugby Union Match Injury: A 3 year Examination. Proceedings of the Women In Sport And Exercise (WISE) Conference 2021, 19-22 April 2021, Worcester, UK [virtual].
- Yeomans C., Kenny I., Comyns T.M. and Van Dyk N. (2021) The Burden of Injury, from Amateur to Elite Women’s Rugby Union. Proceedings of the Women In Sport And Exercise (WISE) Conference 2021, 19-22 April 2021, Worcester, UK [virtual].
- Griffin, A., Kenny, I.C., Comyns, T.M. and Lyons, M. (2020). The development and evaluation of a training monitoring system for amateur Rugby Union. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning, 19-29 November 2020, (virtual), Australia.