MACSI Podcast

March 2020 changed the lives of everyone around the around. We were all worried about the spread of COVID-19, fascinated with R number and hoping lockdowns would not last long. Working in the background was the UL team from MASCI (Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry) who as part of the Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group (IEMAG), provided expert advice, real-time information and forecast models to the Chief Medical Officer and NPHET. In this podcast you will hear from the award-winning UL team, led by MACSI Director Professor James Gleeson who developed the SEIR model, leading to the monitoring of restrictions, vaccinations and tracking the path of the virus throughout Ireland, disseminating findings to tackle real world problems. Former chair of IEMAG, Prof Philip Nolan discusses the importance of MACSI’s work the decision-making process to inform a national response to a global pandemic.