Introduction to the Disability Act 2005

The Disability Act 2005 places a number of statutory obligations on public bodies to support access to services and facilities for people with disabilities. The day-to-day responsibility for ensuring compliance with these obligations rests with all units within the University. 

This includes the requirement to make:

  • public buildings accessible to people with disabilities and
  • make public services & information accessible to people with disabilities. 


University Supports & Useful Websites:


Procedures for making a Complaint relating to Access, under the Disability Act 2005

Any individual can make a complaint in writing to the University in relation to sections 25 to 29 of the Act.   These deal with * access to information, * access to public buildings and heritage sites, as well as * internal and external service provision.   

Please click on the following links for information on how to make a complaint under this Act:


Postal Address: Corporate Secretary’s Office, Main Office, Room A1-073, Main Building.
Phone: +353 (0)61 233 767