The next SHPRC online seminar, 'An individualised approach to supporting female athletes’ takes place on the 9th May, 13.00-14.00 (GMT), and will be presented by Dr Kerry McGawley (Mid Sweden University). All welcome to attend. Register here: https://eventmaster.ie/event/2EO9s2qc0z
Speaker Bio: Kerry is a professor in sports science at Mid Sweden University, an applied researcher at the Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre and the senior manager of the female athlete team at Orreco. Kerry is passionate about supporting and developing women in sport. Much of Kerry’s research is conducted in collaboration with national and international sports federations. In line with her research focus, Kerry leads on a M.Sc. program in Sports Performance and Athlete Health. She also tutors on high-performance coach programs. Kerry has published more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is an associate editor with IJSPP and IJSNEM. Outside of work, Kerry is keen amateur triathlete and has won several world championship age-group titles.