Enterprise and Engineering Innovation
Through Enterprise and Engineering Innovation, the University is committed to the development of interdisciplinary research Institutes and Centers, and ongoing collaboration with international academic and industrial partners.
The School of Engineering has a strong record of collaboration with other academic institutions and industrial firms, with work completed by individual academics and within the following Research Centres:
The School of Engineering is also involved in active business research initiatives such as:
- iBUS Project - An integrated business model for customer-driven custom product supply chains.
Graduate & Professional Studies (GPS)
The aim of the School of Engineering is to provide support to the Irish and EU economy by educating engineers and technology graduates in disciplines that they will find both challenging and interesting.
In addition to the provision of Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, the School of Engineering is committed to the ongoing professional education within industry and the workplace. This is delivered through UL’s Graduate & Professional Studies (GPS) under the Springboard and Flexible Learning Centre initiatives.
Alongside its industrial collaborations, the School of Engineering is also committed to ongoing Research within the University’s flagship Institutes and Centres.
Our research activities are best represented by our research institutes and centres listed here
Research Institutes:
Research Centres:
Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC)
Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre (PMTC)
Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC)
Enterprise Research Centre (ERC)
Digital Media & Arts Research Centre (DMARC)
Previously known as ULearning, the Flexible Learning Centre is an innovative connector of industry and academia addressing individual and corporate skills gaps through professional flexible learning and offers a range of taught postgraduate and distance learning programmes that will suit various entry levels.
Working in collaboration with organizations within the public and private sector, the Graduate & Professional Studies (GPS) develops and provides courses to suit the continually changing needs of business, industry and the community.
The University of Limerick is a participating partner in the H2020 iBUS Project whose objective is the development of an integrated business model for customer-driven custom product supply chains.
IComp is the link between industry and the extensive resources dedicated to composite materials available in Irish third level institutions. Directed by our industry members, IComp’s work is focused on solving technical challenges encountered on a daily basis and supporting research and development activity.
Led by the University of Limerick, the SFI-funded Confirm Centre is one of the largest new research and development centres in Ireland, representing a manufacturing sector that accounts for 24% of the country’s total economic output.
Supported by forty-two industry partners, including technology providers and end users from both major corporations and SMEs across Ireland, Confirm aims to optimise the industry with added intelligence and enhanced information technology to shorten supply chains and speed up development of new innovations across the board.
The University of Limerick has long had a track-record of excellent industry collaboration, partnering with over 85 multinational and SME companies in leading sectors of our economy.