Reflections on Leadership Journeys:  Panel Discussion

The next APEX networking event takes place on Wednesday 11th May in AD2010, Analog Devices Building.  Open to all UL staff, there will be an opportunity to reconnect over tea/coffee and refreshments at 11:30, followed by a 50 minute panel discussion on leadership at 12:00.  Online attendance will also be available.

The session, facilitated by Professor Christine Cross, will include panelists in leadership positions who have close connections to UL, sharing their leadership journeys and reflections from their academic, professional services and industry perspectives. 

  • Professor Mary O'Sullivan, former Dean of EHS and Emeritus Professor at UL
  • Dee Ryan, Chief Executive Officer, Limerick Chamber of Commerce
  • Dr Fintan Bracken, Director of the Office for Institutional Planning and Research, Institute of Technology Carlow (soon to be South East Technological University

The purpose of this event is to bring UL staff together to network, hear leadership insights and inspire staff to reflect on their own career journeys.