Sean Bromfield (Graduated)
Course: PhD Student
Role: PhD Graduate/ Lead Researcher Housing First Project Dublin - Dublin Regional Homeless Executive sponsored - PhD Scholarship in Social and Community Psychology
Email: sean.bromfield@ul.ie
Qualifications: BA History and Politics- University of Southampton, MA Social Policy- University of Birmingham
Thesis Advisor(s)
Dr. Ronni Michelle Greenwood
Professional Biography
I am a PhD Researcher within the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick, having received funding from the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE; 2013-present). I am currently the lead researcher for the Dublin Housing First Project, collecting data on participant outcomes, team processes and the implementation of Housing First in Ireland. I also completed a Bachelor of Arts in Modern History and Politics at the University of Southampton (2003-2006) and a Masters in Social Policy from the University of Birmingham (2008-2009)
Research Interests
My research is anchored in a large, multifaceted three-year longitudinal program evaluation of the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive's pilot Housing First program (DHFD). The pilot project aims to end homelessness and promote well-being and recovery amongst entrenched rough sleepers with complex needs. The aim of my research is to use community psychology principles of program adaptation, program fidelity and impact validity and evaluate the program implementation of the Dublin Housing First Demonstration (DHFD).
Awards and Honours
2012- Dublin Regional Homeless Executive sponsored- PhD Scholarship in Social and Community Psychology