PhD Researcher
Course: Structured Ph.D.
Role: PhD Student
Email: Leticia.Scheidt@ul.ie
MS in Psychology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (A, equivalent to First Class Honours)
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Uniamerica College, Brazil (9.1 average grade, equivalent to First Class Honours)
Project Title:
Access and Inclusion of International and Non-traditional Students in Third Level Education: A Cross-cultural Comparison between the Brazilian and Irish Context
Project Supervisors:
Dr. Anca Minescu (Department of Psychology)
Dr. Mairead Moriarty (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)
Funding Source:
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship (GOI-IES), through the Higher Education Authority, for the academic year 2020-2021
Project Description:
The Federal University of Latin American Integration is a Brazilian university whose project is focused on integration among the people of Latin America. The University of Limerick is an Irish university oriented to internationalization. Both believe third level education is for all and provide access to education for people from different backgrounds. It is however acknowledged that there are a range of structural, social, psychological, political and legal arrangements that have to be made to allow for the successful integration of these groups of students with a disadvantaged background and a different ethno-cultural identity than the mainstream majority students. This research investigates how the universities manage these multiple challenges in order to promote an intercultural environment. A cross-cultural mix method design will be developed in order to investigate the social and academic integration of non-traditional students, through 3 studies: 1) A structured literature review on the institutional policies and strategies of social inclusion of the HE non-traditional students, globally and, specifically, in Europe/Ireland and Latin America/Brazil. 2) A systematic comparison of the two institutional structures and policies and a consultation with relevant staff or senior management. 3) Online surveys with the students from the two universities, a quantitative design where we will look for the predictors of social and academic integration of traditional compared to non-traditional students. A qualitative analysis of open-ended questions from the survey, identifying the themes students consider when they think of their academic cultures and cultural diversity in their university environments.
Awards and Honours:
- Awarded a Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship (GOI-IES), 2020-2021
- Awarded a scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, for the master’s degree, 2013
Ferreira, A. V. S., & Scheidt, L. (2020). Atenção psicológica a estudantes universitários na UNILA: Uma escuta para além das fronteiras. In M. C. Lima, S. R. B. Assumpção, I. Prolo, R. C. Vieira (Eds.), Narrando experiências formativas que valorizam pessoas, culturas e projetos no ambiente universitário: O caso da Unila (pp 105-123). EdUnila. ISBN: 978-65-86342-07-9
Passos, J. A. F., Pires, A. V., Scheidt, L., Almeida, L. A., Ferreira, C. F., Gubert, C., Bizarro, L., & Almeida, R. M. M. (2015). Alcohol use in adolescence, impulsivity, and risk-taking behavior in Wistar rats. Psychology & Neuroscience, 8(1), 130-142. doi:10.1037/h0101023
Scheidt, L., Fries, G. R., Stertz, L., Cabral, J. C. C., Kapczinski, F., & Almeida, R. M. M. (2015). Ethanol during adolescence decreased the BDNF levels in the hippocampus in adult male Wistar rats, but did not alter aggressive and anxiety-like behaviors. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 37, 143-151. https://doi.org/10.1590/2237-6089-2015-0017
Conference/Academic Presentations:
Scheidt, L., Ferreira, A. V. S., FONSECA, A. P. A. Apoios institucionais aos estudantes internacionais da UNILA. Oral Presentation at the I Congresso de Internacionalização da Educação Superior, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, September 2019.
Organization of Conferences:
Ferreira, A. V. S., Fonseca, A. P. A., Stoeckl, B. P., Pereira, D. A., Baumgratz, D., Balestra, J., Fortes, L., Amato, L. J. D., Scheidt, L. Mesquita, L. R., Fernandez, P. D., Oliveira, T. S., Grizorti, W. I Congresso de Internacionalização da Educação Superior. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, September 2019.
Teaching Assistant and Tutor on Undergraduate Psychology Modules:
PS4032 Psychology and Social Issues
PS4087 Political Psychology
Professional Memberships:
Migration Lab Research Group (University of Limerick, led by Dr Anca Minescu)
Psychology with Sanctuary Research Group (University of Limerick, led by Dr Anca Minescu
Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI Graduate Membership)