The objective of the outreach program is to promote the understanding, awareness and appreciation of mathematics.
Information for parents. An information leaflet for parents, prepared by MACSI and NCE-MSTL (now Epi-STEM), illustrating the importance of Mathematics and Sciences for the future of children is available here.
The Mathematical Modelling Series is collection of posters aimed at anyone interested in finding out a little more about some of the applications of mathematics. Please feel free to use and share these posters in your home/classroom.
Contact us
If you would be interested in having MACSI participate in your science fair, visit your school or provide work experience for secondary school students then please contact us by email.

Our researchers also visit schools to engage students with study / career insights and answer practical questions, helping them make more informed decisions about their own paths. Please email to request a visit. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers BSc programmes in Mathematical Sciences, Financial Mathematics, Economics and Mathematical Sciences (with the Department of Economics) and Mathematics and Physics (with the Department of Physics & Energy). More information available here.
Mathematical Modelling
Leaving certificate physics students have linked up with Chair of Industrial Mathematics Professor James Gleeson at the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry to develop mathematical model for various problems.
Professor Gleeson, Chair of Industrial and Applied Maths visits the school to launch the first phase of the project and meets with the students to outline problems and begin the data collection phase of the work. The students in groups of 4/5 were asked to select one of three problems to work on. Previous problems include:
- Model airline overbooking systems to develop an optimum solution.
- Develop a model to establish predictability of popularity.
- Develop a model to optimise aircraft boarding and de-boarding.
These are real world problems that don’t appear to automatically lend themselves to mathematical analysis, and yet this is what the boys must engage with. The first phase of the project is where students decide what variables to analyse and then gather the appropriate data.
The second phase of the project involves the development of the mathematical models describing these systems. The third and final phase tests these models with possible re-evaluation and re-testing and then the students will complete a report and make a final presentation in the University of Limerick on the model which they develop.
This project a fantastic opportunity for students to get involved in real world applications and see how problems in science and industry can be dealt with using physics and mathematics.